
HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
Ok guys, so far we've sold 38 of the initial 50, and I've got more news for you.

Yes, the knives will be serial numbered! Jim March is getting number 1, and then after that, they will be distributed in the order they were bought.

Also, Bob has told us that if we over shoot 50 in the initial order, no problem, we can get more.

Here's the catch: You have until next Friday to place your order. After that, we can't promise you a serial numbered knife.

Let's recap the selling points: Hand ground blade, first production run, serial numbered, first 50(+) Sifu's ever, $10 cheaper than the production versions.

Sound fair?


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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YEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAA! I just ordered mine in green( black would be okay too! ) - Numbered too! It'll go nicely with all my numbered BM's & Spydies. Thanks again for the reply Spark - I had never ordered here before & was not aware of the call option - this will work nicely!.




Is there any way to tell in advance what the number will be on the blade we ordered?

Nope, sorry.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here

Kewl! #1...

Errr...Spark, I'm sending out a money order tomorrow...what address do I send it to?

Jim March
Send Money Orders to
5151 Sunbeam Road
Suite 4
Jacksonville Florida 32257

Eric, the Sifu can be found at


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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A Sifu is a Kung Fu master. I assume the Sifu in question is Sifu Bram Frank, co-designer of the Escalator?

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited 13 August 1999).]
All Right I order mine at 5:24 am should get a low number, At least below 50

-Greg Johnson

Steroid Inhanced Folding Utility and yes we know it's enhanced with a E. REKAT's department of names and acromyms told us to F#$#% off declaring artistic license.
We also know it means Teacher. And no no referance to Bram Frank who designed the Esclator with Bob Brothers and myself it was a team effort. The SIFU designer was Bob Brothers all by his lonesome. Bob will also be doing the hand grinding on the blades.
The numbers will be Blade Forums decision on who gets what.

Bob Taylor

Some days it's not worth chewing through the restraints and escaping.
I was waiting for the kids at the library... decided to check bladeforums.... ordered my SIFU knife... the librarian was a little concerned when I took out my credit card and came by to check on me..."Oh, that's all right. I just wanted to make sure you weren't getting some of those porno sites."

Just glad I didn't tell her how sexy I think this knife is.

Dances with lemmings


I knew I should of ordered last night when I first saw the post.
Oh well. I still got in the first 50! Didn't I?

About how many were pre-reserved? Just trying to estimate what number I have.
I just sent you an e-mail about this: I've already mailed money order for SIFU but I sent it to the same address posted for ordering the BF blue Native several months ago.
I see now you're showing a different address -- please advise.

Life is a journey, not a guided tour -- GO ARMED!

Spark, can you tell us anything about the pocket clip on the Sifu? Is it a deep clip like the EDI or Striker or does it protrude a bit more like the Socoms? This is a consideration in buying a folder of such "extra-ordinary magnitude". How does the knife ride in the pocket? Bo
I see that more than 50 are being produced. Will there be anything about the 1st 50 that will be unique?

Stray, I would assume that the first 50 would be unique in the fact that their numbers would be in the range of 1-50, inclusive.
We're almost out of the inital 50, and Bob has told me that this isn't a problem:

As many as we need, we can get, and they will all be serial #'ed and hand ground, so feel free to order.

Remember, later ones will not be hand ground or serial numbered.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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