Sightings " Sticky " Thread

DoItBest hardware also has some Schrades listed at their website.

Thanks for the links. Has anyone ordered online from ACE or OutdoorArena? I received a Sharpfinger for the holidays, but I'm still looking for a Senior Stockman or two.

Northwest Knives had a 125OT advertised this month. When I ordered it, the phone salesperson thought it was sold, but they might have multiples. Sure enough, I received my 125OT yesterday in the mail.

Best Wishes,
Guys, I am trying out the Exchange --trade-- forum here at BFC. Let's see if it works to help all of us fill some holes in our collections.

Also, I want to post this up here in the 'sticky': I have recently seen two 'faked' Schrade/Loveless hunters. One was very poorly done, but it would have fooled some people. I don't think I have ever seen or heard of faked Schrades until now. Must be because of the increased value of these things.

We have some real experts here, although they are loath to admit they fit that description, and we have some newbies to Schrades with a great interest and desire for some of these knives. So newbies, do ask if you have any doubts.

And hey! We got us a sticky! Thanks to OTguy for coming up with the idea.

Bob W said:
AG Russell still has the $200 Lake and Walker in stock. It's obviously not the same knife as the mass-produced Lake and Walker- different blade and handle materials. I wonder how crappy the factory version actually is... anyone? I ordered one from SMKW, but it's not here yet. I'll do a quicky review once it comes.


SORRY! No longer in stock. They have all been sold. If I locate any in returns or in the store I will put them on

A. G.
Do not give up on your local Walmarts that were "out of stock" on Schrades. My local Walmart had a sign on the knife display case stating that all Schrades were sold out since before Christmas. Well, I went by there today and there were several clearanced Schrades sitting in the case. I asked what was the deal, the counter guy says they just changed the display board this week and while inventorying knives in the display case, found several Schrades that were missed earlier. I picked up an X-Timer XT-7B folder for $13.00 (Wally regular price $34.83), an XT-3B gut hook blade knife (regular $29.87) for $11.00, and an SQ587 folder (regular $35.57) for $15.00. Not bad for a store that has been "sold out" for over three months! To top it off, I also picked up a Leatherman PST (regular $34.96) for $13.00.
DOh! I am looking for the XT7 and XT3B! Only had one of each eh? Dang! The clerks at my Walmarts already hate me. "NO!" they say when I walk up. Might just have to go meet the managers mano y mano!
Bob W said:
The SMKW supply is quicky dwindling. A couple of weeks ago several models kept fluxuating from Out of Stock to available, probably as they opened and inventoried the crates. Now it seems once something is listed as Out of Stock, it stays that way. Some models were never available, like the Senior Stockman.........

Smokey showed the XT1B as being out of stock so I sent them an e-mail:

I am interested in obtaining a Schrade XT1B Camp Knife. I notice that your
website lists it as temporarily out of stock. My friends on the Schrade
forum have told me that you may still be unpacking the trailers from the
plant closing, so it is possible that you might have another few in the
near future. Please e-mail me if these knives come back into stock or if you locate one in your showroom.

And they said:

As far as I know everything has been unpacked and in stock. If something
says it is out of stock then more than likely
we will not have anymore of these. If you will send me the address I will
get a Feb catalog out to you.

Smoky Mountain Knife Works, Inc.

So there you have it folks.
AG Russell has way too much class to hawk his wonderful knives here in the forum. But I can do it for him. They are not inexpensive, but his current catalog shows some of the Schrade D'Holders are available.

Also... I found an online site offering some common schrades for sale-- at reasonable prices. I ordered a couple, if they come thru, I will pass the information on to you all.
Another auction site worth checking out is They have a section for knives and such and there are quite a few Schrades available. Seen some 8OT's and 194OT's there, along with a bunch of other stuff. Once upon a time, I bought a NIB 125OT for 23$ and a near mint 150T for 20$ off this site, but those days are most likely over. Never had any issues buying off this site. Happy hunting!
Good suggestions all. Here is another. We have lots of local gun and knife shows here in Michigan. They can be hit or miss, but here is my 'take' from this morning's visit. A new in package 167UH with a deck of cards, a big Schrade Scrimshaw folding hunter, and an Imperial 'Fontier' (made under the umbrella of IKCO- those regulars of you know my love of these knives).

Price: Very reasonable. Hint: Ignore any price tags, simply hold up the item and make an offer, or ask for the best price.

Also, I note that
Has recently sold some nice Schrade products.
I've visited all my local (Mexico) favorite places looking for Schrades with no luck but the old lady at a fishing tackle shop told me that her sister in California (USA) found a whole bunch at Sears and even offered to buy them to resell in Mexico, unfortunately she didn't take the offer and didn't even want to get one for me, she did give me some tips on how to get knives into Mexico through customs, stay under US $300, use FedEx (do not use regular mail, things will get "lost") and label "sample" or "gift".

Anything, anytime, Luis, you need something sent down there, let me know. Happy to help.
Yup, just got my Spitfire today! Beautiful little knife, shaving sharp ATS-34 blade with Schrade's version of the AXIS lock, which feels smoother and more solid than Benchmade's. Only problem is no pocket clip. But comes with a nice lanyard that can be released by holding down the blade in closed position.
I didn't even know Kmart carried Schrades. Finally stopped by the local big K and found they did. I bought all the classics they had, the usual OT suspects, nothing out of the ordinary, but great prices. Including a couple of the original Simons with the spring-wire clip-- not the later simple flat bit of steel.

Good hunting,