The US government monitors all electro magnetic or otherwise communication in the United States, and has for some time. Initially, some of this was done for the Government by foreign agencies, to circumvent legal issues about the Government spying on folks without paper. Believe it or not, it was legal- I think mostly it was a way of getting around the charters of some of our organizations- you know, the CIA was not supposed to spy on people in the US... Canada had a lot of spy guys hanging around without a job, because Norad and some other stuff was largely obsolete, so our friendly Canadian Bureacrats were hired. This was under a program called Carnivore. Carnivore was a program designed to scan the communications for key words that might indicate a threat. I suppose saying Kill --__ ____ such and such might be a trigger. It would depend upon current events of course.
I imagine Carnivore is obsolete now and there is something else in place. Thomas Linton could probably explain this to us in better than munk-damaged -memory regurgitation.
I belong to a well known privacy advocacy group which along with other institutions regularly challenges the Goverment in court for its various wanderings.
Under Clinton, (for these were not Republican or Democratic issues) our friendly FBI trotted over to Europe on our dime to request all TVs and other audio visual equipment to arrive in the US with hardware and software being bug friendly. The European Union agreed.
People think the Patriot Act was the first, and they are very wrong.
I'm probably going to be assasinated now for telling you all this. They'll give the job to an outsider, probably Bruise, to keep it legal.