Small Busses for bear paws.

...Tony!!!! Where are you with that dead sexy BAIII?

Well, since he's not around to tease you, I'll "borrow" one of his pics ;)

You might also look for public defenders, groove masters, or buffalo soldiers. Those handles are great for big hands. :thumbup: Unfortunately, I don't have big hands. :thumbdn:

Those are about the same size as the badger badgers.

:D :D
You might also look for public defenders, groove masters, or buffalo soldiers. Those handles are great for big hands. :thumbup: Unfortunately, I don't have big hands. :thumbdn:

Those are about the same size as the badger badgers.

:D :D

Thanks guys! I appreciate the advice from everyone! I have a question for you 360joules- What's the difference between the Groove Master and the Buffalo Soldier? I heard they're somewhat similar from past posts. How so? Same knife, different colors/thickness? The Groove Master looks VERY practical ~little funny~ but looks like one of the most versatile little knives Busse has made.
The smallest Busse that has an adequate sized handle is the Active Duty. It is also one of the best, handiest knives Busse ever made. The handle makes it superior to the GW for large hands.

The BA III's are also good, just a little too long a blade to be ideal for field dressing deer-sized game, IMO. (This is assuming that the skinner is nearby in the truck.) For a remote hunt where the knife must do field-dressing, skinning, rendering, and general camp/cooking chores, the Anorexic Badger would be impossible to beat. Although I dearly love my BA-E, it really needs to be thinner. My dream hunting knife would be a BA-E no thicker than 3/16", but I don't think that such a thing exists.

Here is a couple comparison shots of some knives 360joules and MikeH mentioned. I agree with the assessment of MikeH on use of each knife. :thumbup:

Sorry, no Groove Master here..... slightly different than the Buffalo Soldier..... not sure of feel though as I have not held a Groove Master.

The top one in this photo is a Buffalo Soldier, the middle 2 are ABAs (Anorexic Badger Attacks), and the bottom one is a Public Defender. All 3 have a slightly different feel in the hand and the Buffalo Soldier may be the most versatile of the 3.

The top one in this photo is a BAIII (Badger Attack III), next one down is a MrS (Meaner Street), the middle one is a LMS (Lean Mean Street), next to bottom is an AD (Active Duty), and the bottom one is a GW (Game Warden). The Active Duty is a nice knife but not sure how it would fit in your hands..... handle very similar in size to the GW and same as the MrS..... MrS has longer pommel though.

Hope this helps. I personally prefer the ABA for my use.
Did someone mention Badgers??????? :eek:
I know you have all seen the pic but Badgers rock!!!!!!! :thumbup:
My little SHBA collection. :rolleyes:


I would love one of those trade it for a BAIII!!!!:D That is a wicked collection you have there...must have taken some major hunting!
I would love one of those trade it for a BAIII!!!!:D That is a wicked collection you have there...must have taken some major hunting!

Trust me when I say that if you had one of these you wouldn't trade it for a BA3, a BBSHSH yes but a BA3 no. ;)



It would appear that you've somehow mistakenly acquired my LMS variant. I've had visions and waking dreams about this knife...and something about a "Holy Mission". So if you'd please contact me about this, then I can fullfil my holy charge.

Thank you. ;) :D


I haven't held a Buffalo Soldier, but I have spoken to several about the differences between these two blades. What I found is that they both have similar profiles (with the exception of the amount of scallops (?) shaping the spine of the blade). The big difference that I've been told is that the BS has a full height grind while the GM has a saber grind. The end result is that the GM feels much nimbler and more precise, while the GM is heavier and more utilitarian.

I briefly owned a Groove Master and will likely own another. What prompted me to sell the one I had was that I did not expect the handle to be so projected a full 1/2-3/4 inch beyone my fist when I held it in standard grip. It was handle heavy and definitely made for large or gloved (or both) hands.

But, dang that was a comfortable knife and I'm a HUUUUGE fan of having a flat surface at the pommel for hammering against. Hope this helps, bro! :thumbup:
That last post turned me onto the groove master. I like smaller blades to be handle heavy and have a handle that some might feel is too big for the blade. I think I'll be looking for a Groove Master in the near future.

Thanks guys!

Those pics were a treat! GEEZ DAVE! I had no Idea about your SHBA collection!


It would appear that you've somehow mistakenly acquired my LMS variant. I've had visions and waking dreams about this knife...and something about a "Holy Mission". So if you'd please contact me about this, then I can fullfil my holy charge.

Thank you. ;) :D


It is one sweet little Variant :D And complements the BAIII Variant quite nicely :cool:

But I thought you only liked Rats :confused:

It is one sweet little Variant :D And complements the BAIII Variant quite nicely :cool:

But I thought you only liked Rats :confused:

I do only like rats. INFI *spit* *spit* :thumbdn:

But who am I to argue with visions and a mission from the almighty??! :)
I do only like rats. INFI *spit* *spit* :thumbdn:

But who am I to argue with visions and a mission from the almighty??! :)

As a caring and considerate brother, I will try to help.....
I'll send my shipping address..... please forward all INFI pieces to the Wolf den for safe keeping..... :)

As for your mission, well, let's just say that the LMS is being well cared for..... :D
I have big hands also. The new Howling Rat LM handle is PERFECT. Less money than a BAIII !!.
Ron Athay