Smoke needed

Hang in there and say your prayers my friend. I will pray and send up some smoke. -D.T. in MD
If she won't take your calls, is there another family member or mutual friend you could contact to check up on her? Post-partum depression can make someone behave in an irrational manner.

I'm sorry, and hope things work out soon.

Try to talk to someone you know and trust. Don’t keep anything inside that may build up on you. It is very important to keep calm in situations like this. We are here for you and your family.

Prayers from San Juan.

You are all right. I think she has Postpartum depression AND she is panicking about going to America. The thing is, Japan is really a fuedal country.
They don't care about laws or justice. You are either in their club or you aren't.
There are no laws protecting parents if one parent takes a child and runs and hides. If there is a divorce and one parent is not Japanese, the courts automatically award custody to the Japanese parent. Japan is the only country that refuses to sign the intrnational child abduction treaty.
They do not enforce visitation rights.
If I cant work it out with her, I'll never see my baby again.
This is far worse than if it had happened in America.
I am sick in my heart.
I tell you this: I don't give a f#$% about ANYTHING in my life but my wife and child. I don't care if I ever train in the dojo again, I dont care if I die in the gutter, if I don't have my babies, what is the point of being alive?
My guts hurt all week from anxiety. I only eat to stop the nausea.
Danny, I'm so sorry to hear about this; I can't even immagine what you're going through. I can only add my voice the the many here who are pulling for you. Never give up.
she left last friday and she hasnt answered the phone since.
she wont talk to me or my mom, who tried calling from America.
I cannot imagine what you are going through, Danny. Prayers for strength and gentle guidance sent.

You are all right. I think she has Postpartum depression AND she is panicking about going to America. The thing is, Japan is really a fuedal country.
They don't care about laws or justice. You are either in their club or you aren't.
There are no laws protecting parents if one parent takes a child and runs and hides. If there is a divorce and one parent is not Japanese, the courts automatically award custody to the Japanese parent. Japan is the only country that refuses to sign the intrnational child abduction treaty.
They do not enforce visitation rights.
If I cant work it out with her, I'll never see my baby again.
This is far worse than if it had happened in America.
I am sick in my heart.

Take your time. Be comitted to your family. Be calm. One paniky outburst will set you back months.
Smoke and prayeres form Reno, I hope she will come back to you soon.
Prayers, and prayers, and prayers.

It would be like cutting out my heart.

More prayers.

Hi Danny,

Still praying for you and your family,and grieving with you.

You are in the dojo of life. Fight for your wife and child, not yourself only. Fight wisely, not as beating the air.

Contact ANYONE who is a common point of contact who is willing to mediate. be patient, and allow time to heal what may be the hormonal components of all this. Find allies!

Accept little victories, and build on them.

Try to see your wife as a victim, not as an adversary. Try to discern what the true enemy is, and defeat it, as the warrior you are.

The "enemy" will try to discourage you, make you feel hopeless. It is easier for us to be beaten if we just give up. Don't believe the lies. Accept only what is true.

Be proactive, do good. Don't accept defeat.

"Love is as strong as death."

The 4 month old baby says it all. My wife was just miserable to live with after our first child; so much physical adjustment and body changes to deal with.

I hope she will come back to you Danny. I know you were looking forward to returning to the States soon, weren't you?

Smoke and prayers, and I hope you can work this out and find some peace.

Prayers for you and your family, hang tight and keep trying. Maybe you can call her doctor and see if he/she will talk to her for you.