Snowed In !!!

Wanna borrow my snow blower? :D

Used to get alot of snow here, but old Mother Earth, has decided we should be in drought conditions for the last few years. Sandia Crest, Albuquerque Ski Area has not been able to open this year.

I'm going to start shovelling, so there will be less to do tomorrow. Plus, I'm going stir-crazy and it will give me something to do besides listening to the voices that say it's OK to try out my khuks on the interior furnishings.

The only upside that I see is that this week's trip to Dallas may not happen.

Is this the storm headed up my way to NJ? No snow yet but can tell it's comin'. Went out this morning & stocked the refrigerator. Sounds like it's time to hibernate!
Don't know re: NJ, Clydetz. I think the weather folks say that this one is headed out to sea after dropping another 12" or so on us.

spence, thanks for the info! What are you doing with a shovel? Get with it! For those really deep snows nothing works like a Sears Craftsman Flame Thrower!:D
I feel for all you folks back East. Weatherman predicted rain and snow for us here in Reno today. It's sunny and will be in the 50's --shows how much our local weathermen know. I have a set of dice appropriately marked for predicting weather that can do a better job.
I'm looking out my window at 1 1/2 inches of ice covering everything.

What ever happened to Global Warming? :D
The snow is handily going underneath wear I live, only expecting 1" tomorrow. Unfortunately, it's bone chilling cold outside. High today expected to reach 10. Low last night was -20.
Well, I had some entertainment while I was shovelling.

I live on a corner, at the bottom of a hill. The street at the side of my house is flat. The one that runs out front goes up the hill.

Anyway, the neighbor who lives just a couple of doors up tried to get his girlfriend's Crown Vic up the hill. I have no idea why they went out - the streets hadn't been plowed, it was coming down very heavily and the police were on the TV and radio saying "don't drive".

Well, the car won't go up the hill. The road is too slick. Instead of being sensible and parking at the bottom of the hill, the guy keeps stomping on the gas and holding it down while the wheels spin. I motion to the guy to cut it, but either he doesn't see me, or he decides to ignore me.

Ultimately, they get a few yards along when all of a sudden smoke and steam start billowing out from under the hood. He pops the hood, and there are actually some flames. Another neighbor and I head over to help. By the time we get there, there are no flames. We push the car to the side of the road (not easy in a foot of snow). It ain't going anywhere.

Is 50 yards worth a trashed car?

Originally posted by pendentive
I have 12 inches of snow outside my place and the worst has yet to come...:eek: :eek:

Here's a recent story:

Message for Uncle Bill & wildmanh:

"Ok. Ok. I get it now. Can you please take your snow back?"

:D :p ;)

Pen, I'll take the snow. Send it my way... We got some rain and a little snow before Christmas break, then 13" durring the break. Now it's just mostly rain. I want more Snow!
Now almost 2 feet deep...

I took pictures and will upload a couple tomorrow.

It's crazy out here. Everything has shut down. In fact, MD, DC & VA have all declared a state of emergency and outlawed driving on the road unless it's an emergency (to allow the snow plows to work)...oh, and yes, you will be ticketed. :rolleyes:

It's now one of the Top 5 biggest storms to ever hit this area.

And so I did something I havent done in a long while...went sledding! Mustve been 8 years since I did that, and the cold didn't even bother me.

Sledding makes me laugh.
Isn't it wonderful?:p

Our 24" came over a few weeks, so we didn't wind up with the mess that you guys have.

Keep warm, safe and comfy.

On second thought, I won't comment.

But having grown up at Tahoe, well, you can imagine how "flatlanders" were percieved.
Heh, I made it to work before 9am this morning. Startup companies never take the day off. Then again, we weren't hit as hard as MD; we only got 15 inches (so far). :)

Good thing I put my milsurp folding shovel in the car, since I had to dig my way out of the parking spot. I just realized I don't have a "car khuk". What's the best khuk for being stuck in your car in a blizzard? I'm thinking 15" AK w/horn handle.