So sharp that it...


HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
I've noticed some colorful metaphors recently when people are describing their knives, and I figure, well, we have a thread for everything else, why not a thread for this?

Let's here what your favorite description for just how sharp your knife is!

"My knife is so sharp that it can shave..."
You fill in the rest.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
"My knife is so sharp it can shave bikini lines on a flea's beaver without any pesty razor burns."

Sorry Spark.


The civilized man sleeps behind locked doors in the city while the naked savage sleeps (with a knife) in a open hut in the jungle.

[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 31 August 1999).]
My knife is so sharp it will make DNA into a single helix.

I don't want my children fed or clothed by the state, but I would prefer THAT to their being educated by the state.

Ok splitting atoms????My blades are so sharp they can almost seperate marrow from bone. Ask the Dr. if seperating marrow from bone can be done....


Don't walk in tradition just because it feels good!!!!!
Romans 10:9,10
Hebrews 4:12-16
Psalm 91

My knife is so sharp it was used in the Manhatten project as the device used to split the atom.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

My knife is so sharp,it`s got an I.Q. of 200.

never a dull moment
My knife is soooo sharp that it can sever me from my money

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

I call it my Stealth knife because it is so sharp that if you turn the edge toward you you cannot see it.

You can't beat Yvsa's answer. but I had to comment here just to be raised to the exaulted ranks of Senior Member.


[This message has been edited by ThomM (edited 31 August 1999).]
Now this is my kind of thread...

<cracking knuckles>

My knife is so sharp it can shave hair off of glass.
My knife is so sharp it can shave diamonds.
My knife is so sharp it can shave Freud's cigar right out of his mouth.
My knife is so sharp it can shave Santa claus.

Hmmm... I'm tired. It's been a long day.
Aww... Chizpuf, I was gonna say the "shave glass" thing!!!!

Okay, here's mine, straight from my mind to your eyes/ears/ashtray.....
"My knife is so sharp it can neuter a skeleton"
"My knife is so sharp that it can decapitate a sandflea and leave the head resting quietly on its shoulders." (That was due to a Parris Island flashback)
"My knife is so sharp that it can change FM to AM." Sparks, do ya get it? It's a radiowave thingie.

Say LOL somebody!

That's my two cents. Hey! How come you're giving me change?

[This message has been edited by Fireprez (edited 31 August 1999).] sharp it can split hairs better than a DC politician...

Clay Fleischer
AKTI Member A000847

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." --Douglas Adams
My knife is so sharp that it can shave a second off the clock.

My knife is so sharp it can . . .

circumcise an amoeba.

separate Clinton from his ambition.

separate matter from anti-matter.

create a black hole.

turn AC into DC.

make rap sound like music.

cut through Smaug's scales.

cut Frodo's Ring of Power in half.

slay Achilles without getting anywhere near his heel.

make Spock raise his other eyebrow.

cut a Mad Dog knife in half without chipping the edge.

do a surgery in Hollywood without getting any silicone on it.

I don't want my children fed or clothed by the state, but I would prefer THAT to their being educated by the state.
My knife is so sharp it can cut an apple in half....really well?
Can't blame a guy for trying.

So sharp that it does not refract light!

Is there any truth to this? I've heard that by shinning a fashlight onto the edge and down the blade will show a blades shapness. A razor sharp blade will not refract no noticable light and give a small reflection to places that need sharpened. I've tried this in a dark room but I'm not convinced of how effective this is. Anyone tried this?
My knives are so sharp that you throw one in the back of a pickup load of spuds and drive down a washboard road in 2nd gear for a mile and all you will have left is a load of peelings and french fries!

Kinda the same thing on my web-site........
