Spec Bump thoughts

Nov 23, 2005
I've had my new Spec Bump for a couple of days, and I've got a few thoughts to share (if you're interested.)

It's nice. Well-made, fits nicely in my hand, very sharp for the most part (not quite as much at the very start of the blade.) The opening is easy with the thumbstud (much smoother after a few dozen cycles and a drop of oil) and the projection on the back of the blade works well, too.

The safety has got to go: about half the time I clip it into my pocket, the safety engages and I've got to fiddle with it to get the knife open the next time. As soon as I can get a torx-driver that fits, I'm getting it out of there. If anyone knows whether it diables easily, or if perhaps I can just tighten it to the extent it won't move, I'd be pleased to hear.

The thumbstuds (unlike the ones on my Blur) aren't textured or angled for the thumb to grip, and don't feel quite so positive; I think that's a bit of a failing.

All-in-all, really nice. And now I can send my Blur back to get the torsion-bar fixed.
My Spec Bump is on it's way back to Portland. :(

Liner and blade were making contact, unfortunately. I'm anxious to have it fixed and sent back.

There's a sliding piece on the other side of the torx head that when shoved into the 'on' position forces a little steel ball into a corresponding hole in the blade tang. (When the blade is closed...) Slide the safety 'off' and the ball is free to move back into it's seat in the liner.

Were it me, I'd leave the torx head on the outside in tact and simply remove the little ball, then tighten the torx up snug preventing movement. Not terribly hard to do. FWIW anyway.
Firebat said:
My Spec Bump is on it's way back to Portland. :(

At least you don't have to send yours cross-border. I have to make sure I send a note so they remember to tighten the pivot on my Blur so that some border-patrol imbecile doesn't decide it's a prohibited weapon.

Were it me, I'd leave the torx head on the outside in tact and simply remove the little ball, then tighten the torx up snug preventing movement. Not terribly hard to do. FWIW anyway.

Fine idea, and just what I'll do. Thanks for the tip.
Just email Kershaw and they will send a torsion bar to you. It's really easy to put in. The customer service they provide is amazing.:thumbup:
I never had any luck with emailing Kershaw.
HOWEVER i did call the number on the website and got GREAT service. They sent me springs for all my Kershaws that I asked for.

I suggest you go this way and have them mail you new bar.
Probably ordering mine Monday, despite my constantly diminishing finances....but it was either this or a para a few months ago and I chose the para. The Spec Bump has earned its turn. Is there a a place I can get the new different colored ones?
I just tighten the safety in the "off" position on my LEEKs and SPEC Bump. It works great.

Wonder if tightening it in the "on" position would help solve the "cross border" situation - let them try and flick that sucker open.
Just letting yall know, the new Spec Bump is on the way. It'll have S30V and won't cost anymore. Surprised me too, but this is straight from the top. Will sport newly styled G10 scales...I prefer the original scales, but these look okay.
Great idea on both counts, thanks.

jimboutilier said:
I just tighten the safety in the "off" position on my LEEKs and SPEC Bump. It works great.

Wonder if tightening it in the "on" position would help solve the "cross border" situation - let them try and flick that sucker open.
You got that right Kershaw customer service is a league of their own as far as companies go. I had a Kershaw Talon G-10 & a Titanium version talon one which I caried and the clip got hung up on a afgan someone draped over a couch well the knife flicked out of my pocket with a snap found that the clip was busted right off. I contacted Kershaw with the availability of the pocket clip they took my info and in 3 days there was a package with 2 clips and 6 screws for the knife sent to me FREE also I had a Kershaw Leek in SS that had the safety device break they told me to send it in for evaluation and part replacement well guess what in a week I had a Brand New one in my possession that pretty much sums up what customer service from Kershaw is like!
What is all this stuff about a "Safety" on the Spec Bumps?

I don't have a safety anywhere on mine. I have one on my leek and my scallion but not my Spec Bump.

Is this safety like the ones on the Leek that hold the end of the blade?

Anyone got a pic?
Hi Joe,
the Spec Bump safety it's positioned in a different place than the Scallion, it's placed in the pocket clip side, near the tang instead of near the tip, hard to see it, I didn't notice it on mine at first.
I can post a pic when I get home If you want to.

Please do post a pic. I see that on mine there is a screw right beside the clip with a washer on it but it doesn't look like you can do anything with it. It just looks stationary.

Do you have to screw it in and out or something?
Hey Thomas,

Nope. It does nothing. It's just there (as far as I know). I can't get it to move and there are no slots or anything to let it move. :)

Here's a picture. Is the screw where the green arrow is at what you mean?

Hi Joe, I coudn't made my pic yesterday but I have found this one that posted OilMan in another thread that shows it, I'm pretty sure it's the same as yours... That screw should move up and down, have you tried to unscrew it a bit and try?

Do the S30V Spec Bumps not have a lock while the 154CPM have a lock on them. I wanted a 154 but, got a S30V and mine does not have a lock it looks exactly like Joe Dirts. I love that knife. Makes me want a blue or green bump.

Mine DOES indeed have the lock I went right home and checked it out.
crabhab said:
Do the S30V Spec Bumps not have a lock while the 154CPM have a lock on them. I wanted a 154 but, got a S30V and mine does not have a lock it looks exactly like Joe Dirts. I love that knife. Makes me want a blue or green bump.

I think that make it clear, mine is a CPM 154 and have the lock.
All the Spec Bumps have the safety, Come On Joe, put some muscle into it! It may have some lock tight bleed over, or it also may need to be backed out a half turn. Let us know when you get it.