Special Edition 2000 wood inlay

Only a few weeks away from my wood inlay. I'm starting to get that feeling I got as a kid and Christmas was coming.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Keith, I know how you feel, I ordered one about the same time. Santa Comes in January !! Here's to a Happy New Year !

my art
BCC #942
I just got another update on the arrival time of my wood inlay. It looks like the end of February to the middle of April. I sure hope it is sooner than later.
Hi, Did anyone hear what types of woods they will be using in their 2001 Wood Inlay Sebenza's?? Just curious. All of the stabilized woods are beautiful and they probably pick the very best from among the best woods avalible already. Anybody that is considering purchasing one can't go wrong. I haven't seen a undesireable one yet.
Cya, JC

Jonathan Chubb
Hello, I was wondering if Dennis Wright and his wonderful assortment of Wood Inlayed Sebenzas were going to make it up here. Where is here???? Southern California at the Buena Park Show in Feb. Well... Any hot looking new Wood Inlays Dennis??? Your Pics are always great to look at and they seem to have great resolution. Thanks for posting all of them.

Jonathan Chubb
I'll be there.

All out of woods right now, though. Can't keep them in stock and a waiting list.

Pretty good selection of other ones though. 31 Sebenzas, 9 Umfaans and 32 fixed blades in stock, at the moment.

They're only letting me have two tables this year so my display is going to be limited, somewhat.

Dennis Wright
Wright Knife & Sporting Goods
La Mesa, CA
("Have a knife day!")
I just thought I would pass on what I have learned from CRK. It seems that they have not yet started to produce the 2001 wood inlay Sebenzas. I was informed that CRK hoped to start making them in March. March would be very nice, since I am getting anxious to get the knife that I ordered.
So, if you have not found out already, now anyone who is waiting for a wood inlay knows why they have not arrived.

Keep your chin up! When you get your inlay you will be in hog heaven. Keep in mind that these are collectors items. I carried mine everyday until one day I foolishly (don't ask) got some crazy glue on the wood! I was sick! Sent it back to CRK and of course they fixed it like new and only charged 10 dollars! I talked to Dennis Wright at the Costa Mesa gun show and he said that all the 2001's are spoken for. Now I only carry it at home and the hardest use it gets is cutting my orange for lunch or maybe an apple or two.
Not sure what's going on guys....It looks like my picture hosting service is having technical problems.

The large wood inlay is still for sale. I just updated the photo links in my for sale post. I can take more/different pictures if you want.

Email me at alanforrest@usa.net if you are interested.

[This message has been edited by Forrest (edited 02-22-2001).]
Ya....hooo, yipee. My 2000 large lefty Damascus inlay is in the mail. Expect it early next week.

A lefty trying to find his way in a righthanded world.
my art
BCC #942
Mike, we want to see a picture.

Rick Gray - Left Handers Unite
Good for you! When did you order yours? Does this mean that others who have had wood inlays on order for months will soon be getting theirs?

Larry Fasnacht
Omaha, Nebraska
Larry I ordered mine 7/17/2000. Can't say anything about the others.

A lefty trying to find his way in a righthanded world.
my art
BCC #942

[This message has been edited by mike o (edited 03-20-2001).]
I got it today . I am very happy


A lefty trying to find his way in a righthanded world.
my art
BCC #942
Hello, Boy somebody got a goody.... WOWeeee.!!!

It sure is a beauty. Of course most of the woodys with damascus steel are very striking and appealing to the eye. Let alone the plain woodys(they are hard enough to come by)--they are fantastic too. Mike O what type of wood did they say is inlayed in it?? It looks like Koa or a Walnut burl maybe. In any case it is one heck of a good looking Sebenza. Thanks for the Pic. Later, JC

Jonathan Chubb
Hi, Did any of you Sebenzaholics recieve your new wood inlayed sebbies yet?? Please post pics of those new beautys when they arrive. They are gorgeous for sure!!
Cya, JC

Jonathan Chubb