Specs And Pricing For The TNT-15 Sword

Thursday? It was Tuesday!! Better luck next time, sleepy dogs.
Wait... waaat?... I missed it... aaawww darn! Guess it's of to the exchange for this sleepy dawg :confused:🙃😁
Sr101 is the easiest steel to patina. Hot vinegar for the win.
Sure as hell is. That's what I did to my BG Batac, hot vinegar. I probably spent the better part of an afternoon over and over steel wooling it between dunks. I wrapped it in oil soaked rag for about a week, took it out, wiped it down real good till I got clean paper towel and popped it into some BB kydex. Been that way for a couple years in my truck. I couldn't be happier because 101 bare? if you sneeze on it at dinner time, sht will rust before the 11 O'clock news comes on. I had my doubts being the first time I tried vinegar, but it's proven to me it's a way to go.

I tried it on my A2 TG, but using a variety of different phosphos, I was able to get it blacker than a chunk of coal on a moonless night down in the valley. Same deal, been sitting in Dave's kydex since aside from a little tree trimming and a wipedown.
HOT! When are these available till? Are these limited or an ongoing offering? Been out of the game for a while so excuse the lack of knowledge.
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Damn it.

I keep trying to convince myself not to buy another sword. But the little voice in me says that I could use this to clear small trees and brush while setting up for waterfowl hunting. Just typing it out makes me realize that my justifications for buying more Busse is rising to ludicrous levels.

Not that I want more encouragement, but how does the Resiprene handle take krylon paint?
HOT! When are these available till? Are these limited or an ongoing offering? Been out of the game for a while so excuse the lack of knowledge.
Likely going to be limited and will go away after this offering. Could come back later on but I wouldnt count on it.

Probably will be up for around 4-5 days but last call may come sooner if they shop gets bombarded with orders.
I think this one is going to be a big hit with this configuration and price point so I wouldn't lollygag around getting an order in.