Dear Jody,
I'm quite sorry to point you this but misquoting is not the best way to discuss. So I have very, very kind request: please read carefully entire thread and show me where I wrote that
to use Gunting someone should be as good in hand to hand combat as Bram Frank?
Maybe this could make clear yourself what you are discussing with? If you are discussing with my conception, impressions or evaluation - I'm here and I'm ready to discuss as far as it will make sense. But if you are discussing with your own misunderstanding or lack of desire to understand - sorry, I can't help you anyway.
but you continue to have negative posts regarding the GUNTING
Really? Let someone correct me if I'm wrong but think I'm mentioning GUNTING in my posts just third time: first was in my
report from IWA'2000 in March and here I didn't make any evaluations, second I couldn't find (sorry) and this review is third. Excluding first time I expressed my opinion on GUNTING
being asked to do it - please read carefully entire thread again.
Next. Yes, any non-lethal cutting is not for me. My self-defense system is pretty simple and easy to understand. I have explained it numerous times, if you do like I can do this once more:
1. Try to avoid any fight or even brawl for each acceptable cost - run away or give attacker your wallet (if he attacks you to get it) etc. Each fight always can contain the great deal of surprise. You do not know who is your opponent. Are you martial artist? He can be better artist. Are you armed with knife? He can be armed with gun. Are you armed with gun? He can be better shooter or can simply have better luck, etc. No one level of skills or equipment can warranty you win at 100%, on the other hand if fight is started once - the prize is your life or at least health. How many lives do you have? I personally have only one and I had an opportunity to be convinced that in real life health repairing is much more difficult than in computer games.
2. Do not use (or even reach) any deadly weapon (no matter knife or gun) if your life or health is not in danger. No one material or honor issue doesn't justify starting to play with human lives or health (your, opponent's or third person's).
3. But if your (or someone else's) life (or health) is in real danger and you have no choice how to prevent this danger - stop an attacker for each cost, even his health or life cost. He initialized dangerous situation and he is liable for all results. Don't care about his health or even life because this will affect the effectiveness of your counter action. If you will care about opponent's health or you will think what judge will say about your behavior - greatly probably you will have nice funeral instead of nasty lawsuit.
Is this hard to understand? Is this something what each civilized man couldn't accept?
I go armed with deadly weapon a lot of years, so believe me this conception is thought out countless amount of times. Is it right? Honestly I don't know but I don't have any better. Greatly probably it is not the worst because I'm alive so far and I'm not writing from the jail like my favorite American writer William Sidney Porter (known as O'Henry) did.
Polish laws in this matter do not differ from each civilized county's laws. Yes, man is allowed to defend his life with any accessible means. Yes, he (or she) is obligated to do not overdose defensive force and to make attacker minimal possible harm. No, he (or she) is not allowed to aim at attacker's depriving of the life. All this is written on last page of my concealed carry license, I have read this numerous times. So far this is theory written on the paper.
How the court will evaluate your behavior in real life - this is a topic for completely another discussion.
If you prefer the lethal cuts then maybe you should move to Poland and hang out with Serg.
No people cutting (or shooting) on regular basic occurs in Poland, so you shouldn't send your compatriot to Poland to help me to cut (or shoot) any person I do not like. This is quite strange statement about country you probably know near nothing about.
Last. I think each person is allowed to like particular knife design or to do not like. I'm not impressed with GUNTING design too much and I'm not impressed with philosophy it is based on at all. As result I considered this knife is not for me - it's my right, isn't it?
My main complaint is not GUNTING design as itself and even not philosophy it is based on but the statements that
having GUNTING in your hand you can win fight with little training or with no training at all. GUNTING will work in your place.
Excuse me Friends, but it looks like fairy tale. Yes, I can imagine that opponent's body hitting with GUNTING blade spine "horn" can be quite punishing for him. But to hit him you must be fast enough to beat his reaction and strong enough to make your hit
a hit but not
a touch only. And without knowledge where you should hit to overwhelm him but not only to inflict him more or less hard and without certain skills to hit where you are aiming - your action is senseless. Only training can rise your chances to win fight and no one hardware can change this.
Wow, what a long post! If Mike would found us the contest which post is the longest (with knife giveaway of course!) - think I could be among leaders!
[This message has been edited by Sergiusz Mitin (edited 11-29-2000).]