Spydie kitchen knives & John Jensen A+

Harry Callahan

Fresh outta warranty
Gold Member
Feedback: +36 / =0 / -0
Mar 17, 2002
My wife's Spyderco kitchen knives and Spydershirt came today. Great stuff! The Spyderedge blade is truly something to behold in a kitchen knife. Yowza, yowza.

Nice doing bidness with John F. Jensen. You can visit his entire lineup of discontinued Spydies by smashing this link.

Excellent products from a great retailer at a bargain price. What more could a fellow ask? :)
I just noticed something about my bill. Looks like John misquoted the shipping. Know what he did to make up for this? He knocked an equal amount off the Spydershirt so the total would be the same as the quote. In other words, the guy took a loss for something he didn't have to (I would have understood the extra shipping as I live in a rural area).

Talk about customer satisfaction. A+++++!
I also just received a shipment with a kitchen knife (and a G-10 Blue inlaid Native) from John. I've purchased a few times from him and I have also had great service. I just can't wait to try my kitchen knife.
After checking out the awesome edge, my wife is a little reluctant to use these things. Actually, it's washing them that scares her. I'm hoping she'll get used to them soon. I was getting tired of sharpening her old knives all the time. I've got my hands full keeping up with my own. :)

By the way, great score on the G10 Native!
Harry & Chris,

Thanks for the kudos ---

After all, that's what this is all about isn't it? Treating others as we would want to be treated and doing our best to cause a customer to be satisfied.