Spydie Military or BM AFCK?

Oct 8, 2002
They're both big, they're both bad, but which one should I get? (Both isn't an option immediately). Which do you prefer and why?

I wanted both (of course I want one of everything)but went for the Military because of the price.$65.00 brand new on E-Bay.The AFCK (new)starts around $80.00.I love my Military,light very strong linerlock.
Personally, I would go with the 806D2. It has the axis lock, D2 steel, and good QC. I'm sure there are several BM haters that will disagree with that last statement, but to each his own. Personally, I have held only 2 Militarys and both had vertical blade play. I'm sure this isn't the norm for them, but to have only seen and held 2, and both having vertical blade play, that's a big deal. I know Spyderco makes excellent knives, just given the two choices, I think the 806D2 tops.

I'd have to say AFCK, despite the Military going to S30V. I don't doubt the Military's liner lock, but the Axis lock eliminates any fear of accidentally unlocking the blade under various grips and torquing conditions. Both are excellent choices, and I can see a buyer picking one over the other purely based on preference (blackened vs. satin finish, handle shape, pocket clip options, etc.).
AFCK. In my opinion, it has the most comfortable handle out of all of the BM's I have owned/handled. It locks into your hand in forward and reverse grip. I carry one daily and have another clipped to my visor organizer in my car.
Have to give another vote for the AFCK D2. I love mine. I have held and played with the military but I liked the weight of the AFCK plus I wanted at least one knife with the Axis lock. I'm pretty much sold on it. I don't think that you will be disappointed either way though.
806D2 AFCK!

I agree with Medic1210 about the QC on the 806D2. Better than on any other Benchmade. Plus, tip up, tip down carry options and phosphor-bronze washers on the newer models. The ergos of the handle are great.

I'm a lefty and Benchmade-freak, so read my recommendation with those two biases in mind.

Now had you said Native or Benchmade 705, that'd be another story. That would be the "How could you even ask?! Get the Native in S30V and use the money you saved to write thank you notes to Spyderco" story.
I'd try to get my hands on both to try them out first. The handles are different enough that one may be decidedly more comfortable than the other. Comfort is a big issue to me, and is hard to judge through pictures.

I've haven't tried the 806, so I don't have much to say about it. D2 is great steel, and the Axis lock is fun to play with. I can say that I love the Military, and can't think of hardly a single thing I'd change on it, if I had the opportunity. The Military is an awesome design. There's no hype. No whizbang bull. Just good solid engineering and construction.

Think about what your intended use is. If you plan on using the knife outdoors, I'd take the Military. The Military lends itself to outdoor work and carry. If most or all of your carry will be urban, the 806 may work out better.
Another vote here for the 806D2 AFCK.

I like the flat grind of the Military better, I think the AFCK's more defined 'guard', Axis lock and D2 steel make for a very hard to beat package.

*In my hands* the AFCK provides a more secure grip with none problems with partially releasing the liner lock in a hammer grip or left handed that plauged *me* with every Military that I have had (3 of them).

Both are very solid knives, so try to get your hands on them and play with them a little in a variety of different grips.
Originally posted by Buzzbait
Think about what your intended use is. If you plan on using the knife outdoors, I'd take the Military. The Military lends itself to outdoor work and carry. If most or all of your carry will be urban, the 806 may work out better.

I know knife laws are totally open to interpretation but I understand the NY-NJ area law generally has no qualms with blades under 4 inches. The 806 is a hair under that (was that on purpose, I've seen other knives do that?) so that might play a factor in my decision.
I don't have a D2 AFCK but I do have a 710HS/M2, and a Millie.

You'll probably be happy with either one - the Military has a great blade shape, astounding edge, comfortable scales and a strong lock. The Axis has a *stronger lock* and maybe better steel, but I find the axis lock knives harder to open quickly, although the AFCK hole will help vs. a thumbstud.

The millie is *light* for such a capable knife, if you carry it a lot that makes a difference. And I think for most cutting chores the military will out slice the AFCK <flame suit on>.

But I've never been a big AFCK fan, so color me Spyderco.
Originally posted by knifedaddy84
I know knife laws are totally open to interpretation but I understand the NY-NJ area law generally has no qualms with blades under 4 inches. The 806 is a hair under that (was that on purpose, I've seen other knives do that?) so that might play a factor in my decision.

That could be an issue. The Military, from tip to where the handle starts, is 4". The sharpened edge is less than 3 3/4". This isn't a problem in upstate New York, but could be a problem in democrat city. It's all a matter of how a particular cop interprets the law. Some would probably consider the Military to have the smaller blade. I don't know the Jersey laws.

Does anybody have any exact measurements on the 806 blade?
My 806 blade measures out at 3 and 15/16" from handle to tip. It would appear to have been designed to just get under that 4" standard so common in many parts of the country.

Buzz: "Democrat City??" True--but the City has elected it's 3rd Republican Mayor in a row. There is always hope.:D
Yes I also say the AFCK. The Military is a great knife but I just find the AFCK to be more ergo and more comfortable.

I also prefer the lower riding AFCK in my pocket (thats in tip down configuration).

I actually just sold my Military today. I just preferred my AFCK so the Military didn't get any carry time.
Originally posted by knifenerd
It would appear to have been designed to just get under that 4" standard so common in many parts of the country.

AFCK - Advanced Folding City Knife? ;)
I have both of these knives and I would have to say I like the military better. I carried both of these knives to see which one suited me. It was the military hands down.