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Dec 2, 1999
Ok my birthday is Aug 7th. I will be 50 years old. If you send me a gift asap it will arrive about on the 7th. Suggested presents are: rockwell tester, surface grinder, disc grinder, new 72" belts, propane gift certificate, mammoth ivory, stag or Bruce Evans latest bowie.

All gifts will be greatly appreciated
:cool: happy birhday bruce. let me be the first:D to chime in. so i can be the one to get you a beknives blade for the big day :p . happy 50.
I'm a year younger then you Bruce so I can ask this question.
Wouldn't you like something a little lighter than a beknife. You have to think of your back (and hip, etc)
Happy Birthday Bruce B.:)
I think one of my Bowies would fit him fine Peter,Remember the EDS Bowie was only 17 ounces...I think hw could handle it,he isn't that old yet.
OH YEA- Bruce My Birthday is August 17 and I will be 41 years old-
So everybody that wants to send me a Birthday present after you send Bruce B. his I would really appriceate it,I just want one of Bruce Bumps Bowies for my Birthday, I won't be picky at all any of his knives would work...:D :D :D Or you could all pitch in and get me a lifetime gold membership to Blade forums:cool:
Happy birthday Ya"ll,

I'd offer you to let you look through my big pile of hard wood scraps, I've been looking for some stag myself. I've got piles and boxes full of all kinds of exotic woods. and I've always got my eyes out for more.

by the way, my birthday's on the 12th, I'll be 43 I wouldn't mind anything Ive seen from either of the Bruces but I'd be happy with a sack of coal and some forge time.

happy birthday.
mines on the 4th, im turning 18 (finally) Gifts of finer handmade knives are welcome,as is cash. :D
You know, since you seem to want one of each other's Bowies, why don't you just do a birthday swap!?;)

Happy Birthday to you both!
Hey, mines already come and gone and I didn't get SH**, so I think this should be a hint to what you might get.
Since it is hot this time of year around Walla Walla Bruce I will send you a handy six pack to quench your thirst on. Let me sample those first to make sure they did not spoil - aw shucks they are all empty - now can you use the empty cans in your damascus? (big grin)
Thanks George! I knew my Buddy would come through.

Rhino, Thanks, I can handle that 17 ouncer ok I think although Im getting weaker every year.

Bruce E Maybe we could just trade bowies like Peter suggests. We owe it to ourselves. We been good. How much is a gold membership anyway?

Maurice, We can always ask ya know. Would you prefer a folder or a bowie?

Xrayed, I would love to have that methane adapter.

B Buxton, I didnt get sh** last year. Thats why Im starting early this year.
Bill, Yes it has been warm but I forge for a while and then go stand in front of the swamp cooler. You just head back to the store for another six pack! Check the date on them and dont sample them. Box them up and go directly to the post office, send overnight delivery. Thanks in advance, Bruce B
Originally posted by Bruce Bump
Ok my birthday is Aug 7th. I will be 50 years old. If you send me a gift asap it will arrive about on the 7th. Suggested presents are: rockwell tester, surface grinder, disc grinder, new 72" belts, propane gift certificate, mammoth ivory, stag or Bruce Evans latest bowie.

All gifts will be greatly appreciated

72" belts? You really must be putting on a lot of weight in your old age. :D

Happy birthday!
Perhaps you should just tie an extention cord around your pants from now on. They go with practically anything. :)
Happy B-Day to the two Bruces! As far as gifts go, you have both been amply blessed by the Anvil God. I, on the other hand, have no talent. But, my birthday is about 9 months away... Plenty of time for you both to work on and send me a couple of fine forged bowies! :D
Hey Sing...You have no talent and I have no taste. Maybe we should go into business together. We could be greater than Bruce & Bruce.
I think We can figure out something Bruce B.
I know where I can get a 144 inch belt and then we could just cut it down for Him.:D
I just need someone to send me down a giant pitcher of lemonade or iced tea or something like that,It has gotten to Da%$^$ hot out at the present to work...