Strongest Lockback?

Aug 21, 2002
After recieving a Buck 112 as a gift from my lovely wife, I've decided that I have a new interest in lockbacks. I am in the market for a heavy duty lockback and need some input from you guys. I would like to get something with a 3.75"-4" blade with solid lockup that I can open with one hand. I am considering the Chinook, although I am concerned about all of the bladeplay issues that I have read about. I would like some suggestions. Thanks.
I have held the Chinook.I would say if that isn't the strongest,then I don't know what would be.As far as blade play I believe most modern folders are adjustable at the pivot and I haven't heard anything about blade play w/ the Chinook.It would be news to me anyway.
I will second the chinook. Solid as a rock,it is a great knife. And, if by any chance you do get one with bad lockup Spyderco will make it right.
I have two Enduras and both lock up very well. I would say that you could not go wrong with any Spydie that you might choose.
The SOG Tomcat has a massive lockbar and has always been advertised as having super lockup. If you can find one with the cocobolo wood handles then it also is a great looking knife!
A word of caution here.......
ALL lockbacks have a concern due to fit up of the
tang / notch that must be observed. DON"T get
debris of any kind in the blade notch. Lock failure
will result.

Other than that all well made name brand lockbacks
will serve the owner for decades trouble free.
None, however, will work as a stand in for a fixed
blade. Come close? yep, but they all fold.
I have heard about blade play on the Chinook, but I've never heard of one with a faulty lockup. The other thing to consider is that almost all lockbacks have a certain degree of bladeplay no matter who the manufacturer.
originally posted by komondor
"How about the new Extrema Ratio folders from Italy"

I'd say they win for Extrema ugliness.:D
They also look very unbalanced the blade looking abnormally small in comparison to the handle.As far as lock strength I could not say for I don't have enough info on the ugly folders. Does Extrema have the same lock strength test as Spyderco would have used for the Chinook for a reliable comparison?Beats me,but I would take the Chinook over Extrema just on looks alone.
I have never had any trouble with my Buck 110 or Spyderco Police and am considering getting an Extrema Ratio Nemesis. Lockbacks have always worked great for me in the past.
As far as the aesthetics of the Extrema Ratio folders are concerned, I would say that they are only the next level of tactical. They are, indeed, "tactical" on steroids.

And as far as looks go, I have never been a fan of the Chinook. The blade shape just seems wrong, not to mention impractical for most EDC chores, and the handle shape is just plain f'ugly. :)

What can you say about the E.R. folders? They have 1/4" thick blades. Now that is impressive.
Okay,Look.The blade thickness on the Chinook is about as thick as you probably want to go,considering it is mainly a pocket knife.It is a prybar with an edge in my opinion.If the Extrema blade is thicker,I don't consider it a benefit in a pocket knife so :barf: It also has a blade shape to me which would be a great design not only for work tasks but self- defense."Impractical" is not what I think of looking at the blade design,especially on the original Chinook.So I can't agree with you on your assesment.Now,I'm not making fun of you cause you like Extrema Ugly folders, :p just a different stroke for different folks.I don't see how the handles on the Extrema have a nicer look than the Chinook.I don't know what the price of Extrema would be,but the price of the Chinook is very reasonable.I've seen it as cheap as 106.00 from a dealer.I really think it is a great survival folder.
Any of the Cold Steel Voyager series will give excellent lock-up, In fact the other day I was vacuuming my workshop and I had to get 120 lbs worth of weightlifting plates out of the way so I clamped the blade of my voyager to the bench vise, tied the weights to the knife, and was able to vacuum the area underneath no problem!:p Seriously the lock is solid.
Another choice is the Gerber Gator drop-point (154-CM). A great knife and a great deal. I got one at knifecenter for $44.
some may say im partial..i try not to be,but the strikeforce is incredibly built. the thing is a tank.

that,and anything made by spyderco. rock solid. no exceptions.
Well, let me but in here and say if you like the Buck, then you can go from there. Get a 110 or the Ti handled version of it(the 560) and then get a one armed bandit. Voila! A tough as anything lockback that will open with one hand.

You can even customize the 110 to be just the way you like it, with a wide choice of blade steels, handle materials, bolster materials and the decision of wether or not to have it fingergrooved. And with the 560 you can get a blade swap to a high end steel.
The new SOG Tomcat II is a "one hand knife", and it's VERY stout...That one would be my choice.