Super Glue. Requim for the Masses

Oct 3, 1998
So, I get a new Tim Wegner JR today and immediately cut myself. I was working the blade pivot in with a little Tuf-Glide and closed it on my thumb.
These knives are excellent skinners and my new one did it's job well.
Most would say you need a couple of stitches and I would comply with a self-suture.
Super Glue works far better. Great stuff and an essential for knife nuts.
BTW. Correct spelling for "reqium" is "requiem".
Wish I could edit it.

[This message has been edited by Bill McWilliams (edited 15 September 1999).]
Isn't there an medical form of super glue in actual use? Just wondering. Did it sting when you applied it, Bill?

Sure did...for about 5 seconds.
I would guess that during the trauma of application and the chemical occurences that happened, everything turned sterile anyway.
I also understand that the "sterile" version of Super Glue is the same as the off-the-shelf stuff.
Best to avoid the cut in the first place, huh ?
Super Glue does work very well for clsing a wound. There is even a medical version of it. Maybe Dr. Welch can expand on this.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

I've been using crazy glue for years. Thats my first aid kit. Everyone thinks I'm nuts. HA.....glad to see I'm not the only one.

Clay G.

I superglue my fingers to things regularly and can attest to its skin-holding properties. Never used it for a suture though but I have heard about it being used as such. I'm more of a toiletpaper and duct tape kind of guy. Hope it heals well for you Bill.

This discovery was made in Vietnam in the field. Few doctors use it today; however, veternarians use it all the time. Absolutely the choice for a fast closer.

Dances with lemmings

didnt' some of the boxing ring doctors use this stuff. i have seen the medical version used for children; only works really well if it's a straight cut and not where the skin will be repeatedly stretched when it's hardening. so gashes and ripcuts would still need stitches i guess. i think it's combined with a zylocaine or lidocaine gel. wish they'd market a small container for paper cuts!
Wow Bill!

Had to use some superglue on my car mirror today and the same thing came to mind. I was thinking, "Man, I should've used this stuff on my thumb when I sliced it open!"

Hope it heals well and isn't on a critical area, like your thumb stud or button area. Boy oh boy....I hate it when that happens!

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one." Luke 22:36 & John 3:18

Mike is pretty close. There already was a thread at least 6 months ago in which Doc Welch and some other very informed folks discussed "super glue" as a wound closer. If memory serves the BIG caveat was to NOT place the stuff in the wound itself. The glue is used as a surface topical to maintain closure of the wound only.

As an aside I was flipping channels last night while taking a late supper and some Fox-TV thing was on. It showed some moron caught on security video stealing about 40 tubes of super glue from a hardware store. His offered rationale? He was going to use the stuff to hold his dentures in place
!!! I nearly split my gut laughing. Geez where do these nuts come from???? heheheheheh

-=[Bob Allman]=-

I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

BFC member since 3 Oct 98
AKTI membership pending
VHA and NRA member

What a timely post. While at the NC coast this week (before Floyd ran us off
), my daughter fell and split her knee open. It was a small cut, but big enough to require medical attention. As it was late on a Sunday night, and because we were out of town, and no Urgent Care facilities were open, a trip to the emergency room was required. They simply cleaned the wound, applied medical Super Glue, then slapped a band-aid and ace bandage on it to keep her from bending the knee. They told her to stay out of the water for a day. The stuff worked great. Something else to add to the emergency pack.

AKTI Member #A000289

Deo Vindice

Superglue is great for cuts! However, the following shold be noted:

The commercial version of Superglue creates heat when curing that could be bad for skin in general and injured areas in particular.

There are "sterile" versions out there, and can generally be found in vetrinary supply catalogues (same stuff they use on humans, different name).

It should NOT go in the wound, but rather on the surface to adhere the skin together.
I've been using this stuff for years. Most people think I'm crazy when I whip out a tube at work (I work in a glass wharehouse-gotta pay the bills, go figure- and am constantly getting cut) and perform the famous- er, infamous "Glessner Insta-suture".
My Dad told me about this use, when he was in Vietnam, the medics in his er, unit(?) were trying this new "Insta-Suture" stuff. It was developed for use in sealing off battle field injuries to prevent bleeding to death before proper medical attention could be found. Well, my uncle Jim (guy in my dad's unit(?) who later married his sister) got a nasty cut on the second knuckle of his right index finger. Back then they were still applying it IN small cuts. I guess he had severed a tendon in the cut, and so now, his finger only bends about halfway (good thing he's a lefty
). *** DON'T APPLY SUPERGLUE TO THE INTERIOR OF A CUT!!! *** Only use to seal the edges, that way, you avoid "Jim Finger", and if it gets infected, the doctor can easily seperate and clean it.

There is actually a product called "New-Skin" which can be found in any drug store.

It works just like super glue but has an antibiotic in it to aid in the healing proccess.

I sliced the tip of my finger open last week and probably should have gotten 2-3 stiches.

I held the cut closed and applied the New-Skin, and I can honestly say that it worked great. My finger is now almost healed with no infection or re-opening of the cut.

It stings for a minute and smells like nail polish, but I would rather deal with that than take a trip to the ER.

C.O.'s-"It takes balls to work behind the walls "
I'm no doctor, but seems to me that a light dab of triple antibiotic ointment in and just at the narrow surface of the cut would be good to apply after:

a) Thoroughly washing w/soap n water.

b) Hydrogen peroxide

c) Rinse, then add betadine solution.

d) Dry w/sterile pad, then use the triple antibiotic ointment. This should keep the superglue from going in too, if you hold the wound completely shut until glue completely dried.....i think.....

e) Never tried superglue, but I think I'll cut myself soon so I can let you know how point "e" works out. Not on purpose, but if history repeats itself.......I better keep a tube in my medicine cabinent. Bought 24 tubes at Wal Mart last week. Clearance item. I have to use it on something....


Good night.

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36) See John 3:15- 18

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited 15 September 1999).]
While it is true that the military has used "super glue" as an emergency suture, the key term there is emergency. It's not intended for routine use.

You see, Super Glue contains cyanide. When sold for household use, tt comes in those cute little bottles because that's just less than it takes to kill a small child. While it's not quite as easily absorbed when applied to an open wound as it is if ingested orally, it is absorbed through the wound. This is why "super glue" is not used in routine medicine where non-poisonous sutures and bandages can be used.

I am serious folks there really is a "SUPER GLUE" made for medical purposes.

Here is proof!
Stolen from AP
Medical type of Super Glue may replace stitches

CHICAGO (AP) - A medical version of Super Glue is proving superior to stitches in closing many types of wounds.

Gluing wounds shut was faster, less painful and resulted in healed skin that looked just as good, a study of 130 emergency patients found. Also, gluing seems to avert some of the infections that occur in stitched wounds.

The glue eliminates the need for stitch removal, because it sloughs off along with the outer layer of skin after a couple of weeks.

Super Glue's ability to bond skin is well known. The household glue contains a warning that it can instantly stick fingers together, and youngsters occasionally do just that or seal their eyelids shut.

The study of the medical uses of such glue was led by Dr. James Quinn of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and was published in today's Journal of the American Medical Association.

''This relatively painless and fast method of wound repair can replace the need for suturing several million lacerations a year,'' the researchers said.

The study received financial support from the manufacturer of the glue, Closure Medical Corp. of Raleigh, N.C.

Glues of the type used belong to a group of adhesives called cyanoacrylates, first described in 1949. The glue in the study, octylcyanoacrylate, is new and still experimental but is expected to be approved for U.S. marketing as early as this summer, according to the University of Michigan.

Similar glues called butylcyanoacrylates have been use to repair wounds for years in other countries, including Canada, where the study was conducted at Ottawa General Hospital in Ontario.

Such glues also have been successful in grafting skin, bone and cartilage; repairing eyes; closing dangerously ballooned blood vessels in the abdomen; and stopping spinal-fluid leaks.

The new glue is better than the ones used abroad because it is stronger and more flexible, the researchers said. But it cannot be used on the hands, feet or moist skin areas such as the lips because it will wear off before the wounds heal. Also, it is weaker than stitches.

Doctors in the study repaired wounds by applying the glue to skin on both sides and pressing the skin together for 30 seconds.

Three of the 65 patients whose wounds were glued shut had to be glued again when the wounds broke open; only one of the 67 stitched patients had to be stitched again. (Some patients had multiple wounds and were both glued and stitched.) Wound reopenings all were successfully repaired. The only other complication was an infection in a stitched patient.

An expert not associated with the research or the manufacturer predicted wide acceptance of medical super glues.

''It is not too far-fetched to speculate that these products might eventually become available for home use,'' said Dr. Alexander T. Trott of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

This was posted over on TFL...part of the Darwin awards

RUNNER UPS.. KRAZY-GLUE RHINO Although he didn't kick the bucket
(hence runner-up), the following story receives an Honorable

A Vermont native, Ronald Demuth, found himself in a difficult position
yesterday. While touring the Eagle's Rock African Safari (Zoo) with a
group of thespians from St. Petersburg, Russia, Mr. Demuth went
overboard to show them one of America's many marvels. He
demonstrated the effectiveness of "Crazy Glue"... the hard way.

Apparently, Mr. Demuth wanted to demonstrate just how good the
adhesive was, so he put about 3 ounces of the adhesive in the
palms of his hands, and jokingly placed them on the buttocks of a
passing rhino. The rhino was not initially startled as it has been part
of the petting exhibit since its arrival as a baby. However, once it
became aware of its being involuntarily stuck to Mr. Demuth, it
began to panic and ran wildly around the petting area making Mr.
Demuth an unintended passenger.

"Sally [the rhino] hasn't been feeling well lately. She had been very
constipated. We had just given her a laxative and some depressants
to relax her bowels, when Mr.Demuth played his juvenile prank.
During Sally's rampage, two fences were destroyed, a shed wall was
gored, and a number of small animals escaped. Also, during the
stampede, three pygmy goats and one duck were stomped to death.

As for Demuth, it took a team of medics and zoo caretakers to
remove his hands from her buttocks. First, the animal had to be
captured and calmed down. However, during this process the
laxatives began to take hold and Mr. Demuth was repeatedly
showered with over 30 gallons of rhino diarrhea.

"It was tricky. We had to calm her down, while at the same time
shield our faces from being pelted with rhino dung. I guess you could
say that Mr. Demuth was into it up to his neck. Once she was under
control, we had three people with shovels working to keep an air
passage open for Mr. Demuth. We were able to tranquilize her and
apply a solvent to remove his hands from her rear," said Douglass. "I
don't think he'll be playing with Crazy Glue for a while."

Meanwhile, the Russians, while obviously amused, also were
impressed with the power of the adhesive. "I'm going to buy some for
my children, but of course they can't take it to the zoo," commented
Vladimir Zolnikov, leader of the troupe."

"quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"

DC's post takes the cake for humor! On a serious note, two weeks ago a Lab Rat cut the pad off my thumb. Only my knuckle stopped the blade. Blood on the ceiling, two tendons showing, you get the picture. An anti-bacterial soap wash followed with colloidal silver and a pressure wrap saved the day. Three days later I started applications of vitamin E with no other dressing. After two weeks there is little evidence of any damage. There will be no scarring. While I realize this is an unconventional treatment, this is not the first time it has worked for me. I could have sutured the wound or used super glue but it was not necessary. The colloidal silver keep the viable tissue from deteriorating and allowed it to reattach to the rest of my thumb. Please bear in mind, I employ two RNs and they are both totally amazed with the recovery I have just described.
Funny this should come up, I just posted about this over at the Randall Training Adventure Forum, and man, did I get a lot of good information, WOW.

You can read about my thirsty tomahawk, the reason I had to use Super Glue on myself at:

Marion David Poff aka Eye, one can msg me at If I fail to check back with this thread and you want some info, email me.

My site is at: Including my review of the Kasper AFCK, thougths on the AFCK and interview of Bob Kasper.
