Survival tool quiz


Gold Member
Aug 20, 1999
Find the knife!


Pssst... Somebody tell Cliff that this is really a question as to which tool is actually a better pry bar....:D
As a smith and maker....I can say...without a doubt....

They are all knives....

the hammer...prybar...screwdriver...have just not reached there potential yet!


Lol.. I think i've cut myself on all of those....

hmm.. eek! :D I'm scared of those...

Is that a dozier?
Better question, "Which of these is not the proper tool for hammering or prying?"

You know... on second looks... i do believe the screwdriver would be the first to bend out of all those tools...

I've bent a lot of screw drivers!! i hope it comes with a warranty :) :) :)
nguyen said:
Lol.. I think i've cut myself on all of those....

hmm.. eek! :D I'm scared of those...

Is that a dozier?

Yup, it's a Dozier K-9 Personal Utility.

Good job!

Ropey, you get 2nd place :D
Ebbtide said:
Find the knife!...
I think it is the black curved thing on the red handled studies have demonstrated that that particular model of knife is not adequate for opening the space shuttle's cargo doors in a pinch...on the way to Jupiter for the mining project...I would recommend a similar appearing but larger model like the kind found in the Busse rain forest in North Dakota.
nguyen said:
... i've cut myself on all of those....
That would be OK. Just soak the cut in betadine, rinse with clorox, then pore (or inject) crazy glue into the your water for drinking...If you must rinse it out, then use Gatorade or similar not use sugar free drinks or diet drinks as that would starve your healing tissue.
allenC said:
Suppose you were trying to pry a guy's kidney from his body?
I think you might get by. However, if you inject bezoine and crazy glue in the posterior flank before prying, you can transfix the vessels and make the extraction less bloody...I learned about it in Wham...the musical. If you lack the glue, use four limb tourniquets to keep the blood out of the belly. Once the kidney is out, release the tourniquet to allow all that stored blood back into the body.

Damn It!!! You were bating me into this conversation weren't you!!!:D

Edited to say: This is all said in jest/humor/sarcasm. Do not take this post as medical advise of any kind. Practicing these techniques unsupervised without prior training is hazardous if not lethal to your health! Only qualified PHYSICIANS & ASTRONAUTS should consider practicing these techniques and....after thorough consideration should abort any thoughts of using them.