"Survivalism" vs. "Choosing to Prepare"

Well, if someone is "into preparedness," that could mean they were into collecting canned goods. Given the current state of affairs in this country, that seems logical.

How in the hell can you say that you are preparing to survive and then deny the word "survivalism" or "survivalist?"

The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink. - George Orwell, "Politics and the English Language", 1946

Do you intend to prepare or intend to survive?
I think that it is important to understand that words can have different meanings to each of us. Words are symbols that represent thoughts... and what has a positive meaning to some... may have a negative meaning to others. Look at what Hitler did for the Swastika... a perfectly good Egyption symbol, forever condemned to be a symbol of hate.... And the term "Communism" shares the same fate because of corrupt political parties... (I'm sure I'll catch some $#!t for those statements:foot: Just a feeble attempt at clever analogies:jerkit: no offence intended)

Just hold true to whatever word has the most meaning to you and makes you feel good about yourself and screw the rest of us.:thumbup:

Ps. I think someone should do something good with the Swastika and sweep the remains of that bad memory into the shadows.... not me, though:p.... lol .... Fat chance.

The Wiki article on Survivalism has a section on Extremist groups, from which we find:
the term "survivalist" is sometimes used interchangeably with right-wing reactionarism. In particular, the mainstream media tends to label militants and miscellaneous extremists as "survivalists" .
That's the reason many of us don't like the term survivalist when discussing what we do and how we think. Preparedness Geek is a much better term for a mainstream individual who has survivalist tendencies. Once tagged as a Survivalist, you're also stereotyped as an extremist.
The Wiki article on Survivalism has a section on Extremist groups, from which we find: That's the reason many of us don't like the term survivalist when discussing what we do and how we think. Preparedness Geek is a much better term for a mainstream individual who has survivalist tendencies. Once tagged as a Survivalist, you're also stereotyped as an extremist.

"Preparedness Geek"

I really like the sound of this term. "Preparedness"...that's down right patriotic. "Geek"...that's a warm 'n fuzzy non-threatening nerdy kinda guy.

That makes a "Preparedness Geek" a warm and fuzzy patriot :thumbup:

With lotsa guns, knives, 'n ammo :)
After our huge windstorm and long term power outage last year none of our friends or family have used that term yet. They are seeing us in a different light now since were the only ones in our friends /family circle that "weathered" it with no discomfort. People froze to death, burned thier houses down or died of CO poisoning in stark comparison.

So I guess most people are just one major storm away from going from labeling us survivalist to intelligently prepared.

A change in altitude sometimes produces a change in attitude.
Ps. I think someone should do something good with the Swastika and sweep the remains of that bad memory into the shadows.... not me, though:p.... lol .... Fat chance.


Someone... like this guy? http://www.manwoman.net/

Back on topic: Suvival is a more accurate term for my interests than preparedness. I live in a crappy apartment paycheck-to-paycheque, there isn't exactly a lot I can do as far as preparedness goes. If things go to downhill I've little choice but to go minimalist, it will just be a different kind of minimalist than usual. I don't usually have much cause to describe my interest but since "preparedness geek" would only be a half-truth (the geek part is accurate enough) I'd probably use "survival buff" or some similar term over "survivalist".

Leaving aside all the negative stereotypes (which I don't think are entirely fair) it is generally understood, even by survivalists themselves, that survivalists are generally right of centre. I am not. Quite the opposite, in fact, so it would be misleading for me to claim to be a survivalist and foolish for me to involve myself with most groups of self-styled survivalists even though we might share many interests in common.
OK, so you drive a car? When you get in the car and adjust everything, check your mirrors and whatnot, you are preparing to drive. Are you a "driver" or a "preparer?" Are you into "driver preparedness" or are you a driver? Perhaps a "defensive driver" but a "driver" nonetheless.

Words mean things.

Don't let people who want to line their pockets by scaring ignorant people to do so on the back of our language or we won't have any language left after a while.

When you give up your language, when you totally surrender to the neverending stream of lunatics who wish to define what you are, have you really done anything positive except give them precisely what they want?

They get to push you into another corner that you have to escape from and then spend another period of time once again defining what you are so you can then run again to yet another descriptor...

If we are going to basically turn the words "survivalist" or "survivalism" into "racism" or "racist" or "whatever else seems cool to say at the moment to condemn it," if we are going to allow that, why don't you let the rest of the language go as well?

When you embrace "Preparedness," what are you then? "Yeah...I'm uh...into 'Preparedness'...I'm a Preparedness...Person, I think..."

Does "Wilderness Preparedness" sound like an accurate descriptor? Words mean things and "survival" is only a dirty word if you are a life-hating maniac.

I'm not saying that you should go around telling everyone, "I'm a survivalist, you know what I mean? I'm into survivalism! Surviving baby! Hells yeah!"

But, don't destroy the words. It's just silly and...

Years from now when you think you have won the war by tossing words into the fires like so many books, what will you do when they amend all of their silly little fearmonger pamphlets to reflect that: "Survivalism and Survivalist have been replaced by other code words racists and radicals now use, like, 'Preparedness," etc., in an attempt to once again morph and shed their criminal skin."

You see, you're not dealing with fair people in this instance, they're not in it to "save" anyone, they're in it for the money and some for the money and power.

And..."Preparedness Geek?" OK, well, hahahaha! YOU can be a geek, you can prepare to bite the heads off of chickens - see, words mean things, don't they? Sure, some words change, like geek, but why in the hell would you let a bunch of special interest assclowns steal a word like "survival" from you and turn it into something filty and evil? If you throw out "survivalist" or "survivalism," you're also throwing out "survival" because it is the root word involved. Do you really want to do that?

If you legitimize the word and fight for it, everyone will be much better off. If you run from it and adopt something else, sooner or later, they will come after that word as well because that's what they do.
You can't prepare for the unforeseen. I plan to survive that to.

My goal is to survive.

Should the worst come to pass I will be surviving.

After it is over I will be a Surviver.

Call me what ever you want.

I despise the castrating effect of Political Correctness.

In my mind I am not a survivalist. I am a Father, a Husband and the one my family looks to for strength when things are hard, scary or uncomfortable. I am a man. No more or less. If I fail my family in there time of need I have not upheld my responsibility's.

If that makes me a wacko I can live with it.

Need to label me, Go 'Head.

Maybe I am just a responsible adult, living in uncertain times who is looking to the past, a time when you took care of your self as best you could, to survive the future. (dam theres that 'S' word again.)

George Carlen pointed out that Shell Shock and Delayed Post traumatic stress syndrome were the same thing. Down playing words removes the point.

"I got stuff so I don't DIE."

"I am preparing just in case I can't get to the store for a little wile."

Both are true but wich conveys the seriousness of the situation?

No one will prepare if they don't fear not surviving.

Maybe we can just tell them we 'COLLECT' canned soup, water and band aids.

"No, I'm not hording food. With the uncertainty of the markets and low yield of a 401 I diversified in SPAM, RAGU AND RAMAN. That's not food store, it's my retierment plan."
You can't prepare for the unforeseen. I plan to survive that to.

My goal is to survive.

Should the worst come to pass I will be surviving.

After it is over I will be a Surviver.

Call me what ever you want.

I despise the castrating effect of Political Correctness.

In my mind I am not a survivalist. I am a Father, a Husband and the one my family looks to for strength when things are hard, scary or uncomfortable. I am a man. No more or less. If I fail my family in there time of need I have not upheld my responsibility's.

If that makes me a wacko I can live with it.

Need to label me, Go 'Head.

Maybe I am just a responsible adult, living in uncertain times who is looking to the past, a time when you took care of your self as best you could, to survive the future. (dam theres that 'S' word again.)

George Carlen pointed out that Shell Shock and Delayed Post traumatic stress syndrome were the same thing. Down playing words removes the point.

"I got stuff so I don't DIE."

"I am preparing just in case I can't get to the store for a little wile."

Both are true but wich conveys the seriousness of the situation?

No one will prepare if they don't fear not surviving.

Maybe we can just tell them we 'COLLECT' canned soup, water and band aids.

"No, I'm not hording food. With the uncertainty of the markets and low yield of a 401 I diversified in SPAM, RAGU AND RAMAN. That's not food store, it's my retierment plan."

Well put!:thumbup:
What the frigg????:eek:
After reviewing the above posts I have to conclude that I am a survivalist!

How did this happen? :grumpy:
This is the biggest bunch of BS

Really. While you claim to support others' opinions, something about mine must have offended you. And I'm not sure why- but you reaction does make me wonder about the quality of your reasoning. I've explained mine, but you seem to only like the knee jerk, sound bite level material. And that really is sad.

If you are protesting the stereotypes, the paranoid survivalist with mental issues and a radical ideological bent exists. While it might not be the intent of the person who first developed the term intended, but that is a term popularized by the mass media and that is the image that they assigned it to. I hate the use of the term "assault rifle" for the same reasons- never mind they are usually carbines and not rifles, and the term was actually first coined by a member of Hitler's staff. Words have meaning, given to them by their popular usage.

And if you read the clinical description of GAD, and look at it through the eyes of the sheep, you'll discover that anyone who is prepared could be given that classification. Just like anyone who is sad could be "depressed". But psychiatric industry medicates and labels people as depressed every day, when all the need is a life that doesn't suck for a while.

And are you the same Don Rearic who produces donrearic.com? If so, I'm now very sorry to have recommended your site in the past. This little tantrum of yours is quite telling.
"No, I'm not hording food. With the uncertainty of the markets and low yield of a 401 I diversified in SPAM, RAGU AND RAMAN. That's not food store, it's my retierment plan."

I am not wholly unsympathetic to your point of view, but I can see where some would take offense. You don't just refer to popular stereotypes of the survivalist, you actually appear to be endorsing them. I refer to the following passage:

Self identified "survivalists" generally want bad stuff to happen so they can live out their fantasies, and will probably either turn into short lived bandits or remain hidden and crying in their parents' basement if the bad stuff really does happen. They often have some borderline mental or emotional issues, and some even develop fetishistic focus on camouflage, "tacticool" gear, knives and firearms. (Just ask the guy who got *coughs* bit trying to *cough* perform an unnatural act with an autoloading shotgun and hit the bolt release!)

I expect that most self-identified survivalists would balk at your two claims. First, that they are more interested in a societal failure than they are in "survival". And later, that they often have mental health issues. You hedge your words with terms like "generally" and "often", but despite leaving room for exceptions, you paint them with an awfully broad brush. Given that there are several self-identified survivalists on this forum and they are likely to have friends that consider themselves the same, I can see where this statement would generate some offense.

The attempt at clinial diagnosis should probably be dropped. Lay people don't make diagnoses, mental health professionals do and they have a hard enough time of it. In any event, I doubt such a diagnosis would apply to many preparedness aficionados since "The anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning". If you can afford to prepare, have a family, and a couple of hunting/fishing buddies I have difficulty imagining that this criterion would hold.

You've managed to paint survivalists as ill-meaning freaks, preparedness types as hysterical pantywaists and everyone else as sheep. Please tell me you can see where someone might take some of this stuff a little personally somewhere along the way... :confused:

Allow me to preface my remarks by saying...I could have simply responded, "What 'g3OFF' said" and been done with this. Upon reflection, perhaps you should be answered directly.

Really. While you claim to support others' opinions, something about mine must have offended you.

I don't think I could put it better than "g3OFF" stated it, I really can't.

Supporting opinions, even dissent, is something one should strive for. On the other hand, some opinions are so outlandish, and your opinion(s) about this subject are, that one finds it nearly impossible to find value in defending something that is so destructive.

Your opinion is offensive because it is absurd. It is outlandish, it is goofy and has a feel-good element to it that many in society applaud - I do not.

We have enough problems in this country without adding more to it. The simple fact of the matter is, if you control the language, you control everything and I don't find myself capable of defending opinions that are so totally destructive as yours is.

And I'm not sure why...

Even the most perfect among us have what are commonly referred to as, "pet peeves." The whole neverending stream of radical propaganda that spews forth out of the media and political suck hole is offensive.

...but you reaction does make me wonder about the quality of your reasoning.

...And there the groundwork, you think, is laid to dismiss or demonize my opinion. It's five-thumbed and amateurish.

I've explained mine, but you seem to only like the knee jerk, sound bite level material. And that really is sad.

No, you "explained" your "reasoning" which is more akin to parroting with the sort of doublespeak psychobabble that one encounters from a guest on "Oprah."

Nothing more.

If you are protesting the stereotypes, the paranoid survivalist with mental issues and a radical ideological bent exists.

Of course it exists! Black people like watermelon and fried chicken as well, and so do I.

Do you see something wrong with your line of thought yet?

What I despise is the damnation of stereotypes and then the embracing of stereotypes when it is either politically expedient or correct to do so.

While it might not be the intent of the person who first developed the term intended, but that is a term popularized by the mass media and that is the image that they assigned it to. I hate the use of the term "assault rifle" for the same reasons- never mind they are usually carbines and not rifles, and the term was actually first coined by a member of Hitler's staff. Words have meaning, given to them by their popular usage.

The term "Sturmgewehr" was accurate as they named it. The gun community here, in the 1980s, embraced the term "assault rifle" or "assault weapon" and this cannot be debated - and the gun community was wrong. They came back, after these terms were used in popular gun magazines and then they cried foul when the politicians and special interest groups used the term against them. They then sought to deny the opposition the term by screaming that the status of "assault rifle" was a select-fire only firearm. Too little, too late. It is what it is, however.

Words do have meaning, this is what I have been saying. But you don't throw away words because people want to think and opine that incredibly small minorities of racists and radicals use a term and so the term should be eradicated.

And if you read the clinical description of GAD, and look at it through the eyes of the sheep, you'll discover that anyone who is prepared could be given that classification.

Why don't you attempt to do something positive like educate those "sheep?"

FURTHERMORE - are you aware that the term "Sheeple" or "Sheople" which is so incredibly popular on gun and knife sites was originally used by white supremacist groups like "The Silent Brotherhood?" Did you know that? SO, you preach about the "sheep" and that is one degree of separation from "Sheeple" and you're using the lexicon of the radical racist yourself!

Also, why on earth would I read the clinical description for yet another screwy mental disorder such as GAD? GAD is the product of bored psychiatry and psychology and overbearing, out of control pharmaceutical companies. We didn't have enough mental illness in the country or enough pills being sold, they always have to invent new stuff, don't they? Always some new ailment that needs a new pill. I guess that's "paranoid" too, eh?

Just like anyone who is sad could be "depressed". But psychiatric industry medicates and labels people as depressed every day, when all the need is a life that doesn't suck for a while.

Sucks, doesn't it? Truly healing people, isn't a whole hell of a lot of call for that nowadays, is there?

And are you the same Don Rearic who produces donrearic.com? If so, I'm now very sorry to have recommended your site in the past. This little tantrum of yours is quite telling.

No, he is someone else. :rolleyes:

Oh Yes and I would ask you to please spare me the drivel that would follow such a ham-handed attempt at identifying the baddy in your eyes, but it's a little too late for that, isn't it?

I am sorry that you are sorry you recommended the site. You can inform your friends and associates that I don't get led around by the beak by bedwetter's opinions. If you think this is a "tantrum," you need some psychotropic medication yourself. If you think this was clever, especially how you can search for the information as I just posted a link to the site within my last dozen to a dozen and a half postings in this very forum...you would also be mistaken.

It's just a cheap shot, but, hey, that's why I took you to task in the first place, because that's your specialty - cheap shots and painting with a broad brush. The fact that you ended your post the way you did is also telling.
Now, why don't you do something intelligent and address this? Or can you only spew your own rhetoric without reading the thoughts of others?

The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink. - George Orwell, "Politics and the English Language", 1946
nice Orwell quote, loved 1984(just finished it)
that makes me think of the words I use in my head when I'm bullshitting myself.

Epilogue of 1984 discusses the dumbing down of language, NewSpeak, Double Speak
Survivalism:eek:ur bomb shelter stores Christmas decorations.

Popular Mechanics said the Avg. US household uses 30gallons a day.
(Avg. inhabitants, usages including showers and toilet flushes)

The future wars are said to be over drinking water, and I fear no matter how many Aquafina waters bottles I can procure because some cat said that Dihydrogen monoxide will go stagnant after a period of time.

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I am afraid I am one of the people that does want something to happen and the world to be put on its head, but it's not exactly so I can become a bandit or that I hope harm to come to people.
Actually, I am not sure why I want it to happen but I think it kind of needs to happen,
like the etch a sketch has to be shaken from time to time.
Hope that doesn't seem cruel but I believe it to be necessary, and pretty much imminent, and I want to be one of the ones prepapred for it if it happens in our lifetime.
What exactly would you like to have happen?