SURVIVOR! Try stick

Cool, I didn't get the 25th. I've got a couple of the 50th, one with emblem in the handle and one without (just has the blade stamp). I love the old 2-dot models as well, got a couple of them stashed somewhere, and had the C/S do an elkhorn with brass bolsters and s30v blade. Love that one, a really nice user. Sorry for the derail, back to try sticks and reviews! :D
OBX, you and those rails............. :D

You produce the girthiest try sticks I've ever seen, and they look darn good!
Great comparison on knife performance.

Do you carve bare handed? I still have a callous on my off-hand thumb from try sticks I made 2 weeks ago with my cruforge 4.7. Quite possibly bad technique on my part, but that spine was almost worse for my off-hand thumb pushing on the spine as it was for my main hand thumb on the jimping.

3v 4.7 is all modded up for my comfort and I'll wear gloves when using the cruforge.
It's always a struggle with me as well. Not so long ago, a 6"-bladed knife was a big knife to me. Now it definitely feels mid-sized and even my sykco 711 feels small at times, like when I need a heavy chopper. I went for years and years using Buck 110s and their Vanguard model and nothing bigger. I still do love both of those knives, but I can certainly see where you needed the leverage and weight of the 4.7 and 5.1 to get this job done. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us.

That's exactly how I feel about knives know after owning the GSO 10 or a Junglas!
My friends get weird when they see that I carry a 4.1 everywhere. This thing is tiny compared to some of the other knives I've owned!
Standard got me to make a try stick out of green wood and it was A LOT easier than the wood I use, treated lumber. Green wood also gave me a better sense of feel after using big hardwood. Anyway, I think you might be surprised how easy it is to make one of these with a 5.1 or even a 7/7. A lot of it has to do with the blade height, weight and balance of the knife. I appreciate the comments!!

Green wood is cake work compared to that kiln dried pine! You should try to carve on some seasoned oak! I respect the guys that do intricate carvings with that stuff.
OBX, you and those rails............. :D

You produce the girthiest try sticks I've ever seen, and they look darn good!
Great comparison on knife performance.

Do you carve bare handed? I still have a callous on my off-hand thumb from try sticks I made 2 weeks ago with my cruforge 4.7. Quite possibly bad technique on my part, but that spine was almost worse for my off-hand thumb pushing on the spine as it was for my main hand thumb on the jimping.

3v 4.7 is all modded up for my comfort and I'll wear gloves when using the cruforge.

I don't use gloves, which is why the F1 and GNS tore up my left thumb. It's probably not bad form or technique on your part. A 90 degree spine or aggressive gimping will create a bad hot spot. My left thumb actually went numb at one point with the GNS when I was making the hooks and V cuts. But the more you use it the less it'll hurt similar to shooting shotguns. If I don't shoot for a while my right pocket will be tender after a shoot, but if I shoot more often it doesn't hurt.
Green wood is cake work compared to that kiln dried pine! You should try to carve on some seasoned oak! I respect the guys that do intricate carvings with that stuff.

Did you mention seasoned oak??? Most of the work was done with my older and new 5.1.

The top one is a 3/4" oak dowel and the bottom is 1" dowel

The one on the right is oak

You see why I LOVE my GSOs??!!!
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I don't use gloves, which is why the F1 and GNS tore up my left thumb. It's probably not bad form or technique on your part. A 90 degree spine or aggressive gimping will create a bad hot spot. My left thumb actually went numb at one point with the GNS when I was making the hooks and V cuts. But the more you use it the less it'll hurt similar to shooting shotguns. If I don't shoot for a while my right pocket will be tender after a shoot, but if I shoot more often it doesn't hurt.

Do the F1 and GPS actually have SHARPER spines than the new GSO's?

Thanks for the advice.
I need to keep getting my hands in shape!
Do the F1 and GPS actually have SHARPER spines than the new GSO's?

Thanks for the advice.
I need to keep getting my hands in shape!

I can't answer for the F1 but the GNS is definitely much sharper. It can actually dig chunks of fire steel out and send a lot of sparks flying. LT Wright is known for having one of the sharpest, if not the sharpest, spines out there.
I can't answer for the F1 but the GNS is definitely much sharper. It can actually dig chunks of fire steel out and send a lot of sparks flying. LT Wright is known for having one of the sharpest, if not the sharpest, spines out there.

Do the F1 and GPS actually have SHARPER spines than the new GSO's?

Thanks for the advice.
I need to keep getting my hands in shape!

PJ's right about the GNS. But both are about the same.

RE getting your hands in shape, unless you're going to use the knife every day I'd keep using gloves. No sense in trashing your thumbs just for giggles.
Wow, this kinda shows my limited scope of knives I've used. Not bad advice about the gloves and keeping my little thumbs nice and pretty :p
My suggestion is just stick with your GSOs and scoff at idiots like me who keep thinking the grass is greener somewhere else. This way you have more money for S!Ks and at the same time keep in your thumbs pretty!

But to get back on topic - my next TS will be a larger pieces of green wood. Maybe I can make a small Lincoln Log basket or trap.
Wow, this kinda shows my limited scope of knives I've used. Not bad advice about the gloves and keeping my little thumbs nice and pretty :p

M, you've got four of my grails: 2 GSO 5's and 2 GSO 4.7's!! No sympathy!! :D

I want my 4.7 to get here so I can be one of the cool kids! :)
Did you mention seasoned oak??? Most of the work was done with my older and new 5.1.

The top one is a 3/4" oak dowel and the bottom is 1" dowel

The one on the right is oak

You see why I LOVE my GSOs??!!!

That's really impressive bud! Now you have me waiting to try my hand at some of that stuff.
My suggestion is just stick with your GSOs and scoff at idiots like me who keep thinking the grass is greener somewhere else. This way you have more money for S!Ks and at the same time keep in your thumbs pretty!

But to get back on topic - my next TS will be a larger pieces of green wood. Maybe I can make a small Lincoln Log basket or trap.

This is great advice!
Baskets or traps are definitely on my list of things to try to do one of these days!
M, you've got four of my grails: 2 GSO 5's and 2 GSO 4.7's!! No sympathy!! :D

I want my 4.7 to get here so I can be one of the cool kids! :)


Grails, indeed. I'm so anxious to get my hands on my new spec 4.1 to see if it joins the grail club or maybe bumps someone out.

Between Ellie's comments here and Guy's on instagram it sounds like more orders will be finding customers in the near future :thumbup:
That's really impressive bud! Now you have me waiting to try my hand at some of that stuff.

This is great advice!
Baskets or traps are definitely on my list of things to try to do one of these days!

Thanks bud!! I was thinking about adding cordage to keep the basket or trap in place. I'll check out my copy of Bush Craft or Bushcraft 101 for ideas. Maybe we should post pictures from the books or suggest projects and have people post their finished work.
I'm so anxious to get my hands on my new spec 4.1 to see if it joins the grail club or maybe bumps someone out.

Between Ellie's comments here and Guy's on instagram it sounds like more orders will be finding customers in the near future :thumbup:

It does sound encouraging! Ya the 4.1 is definitely on the buy list, excited for it and the new model 3.5.
Got a few pine dowels a few weekends ago and just finished half of one of them. I used my old and new 5.1 to make this one.
