TacticalHeat.com (Vampire Gerbil) - GOOD!

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May 10, 2000
If y'all need Fox Labs OC, this is THE guy from whom to get it! He's a distributionalizer, so his prices are darn good, he stays in communication with you throughout the entire process, and he recommends the stuff because he was crazy enough to get sprayed with it himself, so he knows that of which he speaks.
Everybody needs some of this!
Thanks guys!
I appreciate the kind thoughts (even the ones which say I'm crazy... but that's an improvement over schizophrenetically sadistic.. a term tat hasn't been applied to me in weeks!)
The real kicker is that Esav actually MET me and says I'm ok!

Anyhow, the deal with the Fox Labs is that it's the most effective stuff available, at least when it comes to pepper spray. I became a distributionalizationizer in the hopes that the "good guys" have something to place them at a much lesser risk in a physical confrontation. The stuff HURTS! But it's not damaging, but it'll sure take the fight out of damned near anyone.

Anyhow, just found out I gotta go to work so oh BOY, is I happy!!
Sax, Esav, thanks again.
