TARWAR - Pros and Cons

Feb 13, 2002
Hi forum mates !!

Id like advice on the HI Tarwars, I am seriously considering getting one and have been wondering what it would be like to have another HI product other than Khuks.

What was the Tarwar designed for, I think it might make a nice machette come weapon.

Im planning a drive from the UK to my home in South Africa in a Land Rover across Africa. You see my dilema, I need weapons that will desuade the would be thief and also provide enough protection from the friendly animals of the African continent ..

Help appreciated

The tarwar is a pretty big and heavy blade to be lugging across Africa. I know this is not sound salesmanship but if I were faced with the prospect of driving across Africa I think I'd opt first for some type big game rifle and the papers to make it legal and carry something like an 18 WWII or GS for knife duty.
I have a BAS, Chiruwa and WW2 for Knife duty - There will be two of us.

I will be taking more home but I need a big blade for long range defence before I go for my hip carry. I also need size as an intimidation factor I think the Khuks will do this but a big long blade like Tarwar will scare the bravest Zulu into a second thought !!

:eek: :eek:
I second Uncle's reply. I would opt for more than a blade and a rifle. If your funds provide it I would also look into a hand gun. If your funds are pressing look into a W.W.II type hand gun. Long guns I would opt for a minimum of a 7 MM Mag or 9x64 (which is popular in Europe) a 12 gauge is good for close range but buck shot isn't going to stop a big cat coming at you you would need slugs for that. but that makes the 12 gauge very versatile. If you are running into a problem with the paperwork look into buying in a country along the way. You can even get some really nice Mausers cheap along with the ammo! I have a Tarwar and love it but it is more weapon than a brush cutter. Also you need to remember that the would be thief isn't going to be worrying if a gun is legal and might likely have one. Unless you are really good and close the gun will win in a knife fight.
Good Luck,
I will never take a knife to a gun fight !!

Is the tarwar too heavy for bush service. I dont think I will need a gun - I am kinda against them anyway. Not against them as such its jus that my stepfather was shot with his 9mm with dum dums loaded. Not pretty, Id rather not give someone a gun if they dont have one if youo know what i mean.

Advice is appreciated !!

You HAVE done this before?

All the globe-trotting motorcyclists I know warn of making just such a trip as you are suggesting because of the bandit population...who basically have nothing to lose. One international motorcycle race..(Paris-Dakkar...new name now..but...cross-africa race)...actually had the bandits who had robbed a rest-stop the previous year, show up wearing t-shirts that had been stolen...to rob them this year! I believe part of the race was called off because of the bandit problem.

Hope your trip is successful. Be safe.


We're all in this together, somehow.
Thanks Kis !!

Bandits are what Im worried about, I came from Africa so I know how to handle the people - the number one rule=

he who has the biggest blade generally wins - unless guns are involved. Imagine being woken in the dead of night with someone trying to steal youre wheels/clothes/food.

Big knife scares the toughest of folk who normally carry a 20inch Panga (flat blade for grass clearing). Pull out a Tarwar and you will be succesfull in making the gentleman turn on his heals.

Guns can be a bit of a target as they make wonderful power symbols in Africa - more reason to steal them. Thus guns make you more at risk to Bandits, bush telegraph is almost as good as e-mail !!

Brendan if you insist on carrying a long blade then get the HI Katana.
IMO they are as sturdy as the Tarwar, the blade just isn't quite as wide but that's cutting straws, have a longer blade and the reenforced tip.
As far as cutting brush the Tarwar would maybe be a little better as it is wider.
But as has been said the "Tarwar is more of a weapon." And whether you buy a Tarwar or the Katana be sure you sleep with it by your bedside unsheathed and ready.

KInda funny thing here with the Zulu being afraid of a long blade. Don't they still carry assegais? And if so aren't they pretty long with the handles?
History says there was a time that one wouldn't mess with a Zulu.:confused:
Zulu's are probably as fearless as Gorkhas with about as much honour and yes they do carry asagais. I would never mess with a zulu but I was using the term carelessly as most people find the expresion "blacks" or "Africans" offensive.

I have many Zulu friends and they are amazing people with honour as number 1 priority.

I just feel a sturdy long blade would be wise to carry (sleep with) while in the middle of the African bush !! For defence as well as a tool to chop through bush etc.

Tarwar/Katana makes no diffs but I think tarwar would be more suited as it looks more rugged and durable. The balance looks like you could use one hand to control it whereas the Katana looks like a 2 handed affair.

I dunno !!

:confused: :confused: :confused:
Originally posted by Brendan ......
Big knife scares the toughest of folk who normally carry a 20inch Panga .......Guns can be a bit of a target as they make wonderful power symbols
I know nothing......I have no such experience.......

But I'd think a rather handsome Tarwar or Katana
might be thought of as a nice trophy too.

Whatever blades you carry,
do you think it might be a good idea to 'ruggedize' them?
If only with say some black/dark cloth tape
over the handles & scabbards to make them
look more utilitarian.

Given your experience, isn't it likely that bandits
would work as a group. Even with a gun at hand,
I'd be worried about 2-3 people with blades
sneaking up on me.
This is true and a very good point !!

Another thing I have learnt is that there is a time to stand and fight and a time to be wise and realise that you sometimes have to admit defeat and hand over your goods so your neck wont be slit !!

That being the case the lucky sob will have a nice HI Tarwar/Katana trophy and whatever else he wants !!

Karma always dictates the way these things go anyway. In Johanessburg if you are being hijacked you dont argue - you actually dont even look the person in the eye. You get out the car and say goodbye to it !!

Alternatively you can fit a flame thrower under your drivers door and blast the £^%£$er before you politely asks for your car (with an AK) - this I might add is legal !!



The Tarwar isn't a one-hander for me. It's big and impressive, but not quick in my hands. I don't have experience with the HI Katana, but I'd still take Yvsa's suggestion seriously.

i have traveled the world extensivly,with my family, my father in services,number one if you pull a weapon you dont hesitate , you better be prepared to use it,
the other person will usualy without hesitation, and as for laying down the weapon after trying to bluff them forget it, you would be hamburger, most gents of there proffession dont take kindly to being threatened.i would advise you to carry a khukuri,about the 16inch length, have a flat sheath made for it an carry it under your shirt, and only draw it as a last resort, an then with the intention of useing it quikly, and devestatingly.i think it is safest to just give up your possessions, your life is worth more,only defend if your life
is in real danger of being taken.. but hey its your stuff your life, you decide.:) :)
Youre absolutely right Ken but I assure you I would have no hesitation in using a blade to protect myself, if the said person had a gun I would not even draw my weapon !!

Its one of those situation things isn't it, when the time comes you only know. The best thing to do is to be prepared for the situation that you can hack your way out of. Africa is not the most technologically advanced country in the world and a couple of well armed men have every chance of succeding in defending their goods as these bandits still have to earn a living so risking injury would not be top priority.

Like a predator man will always analyse risk unless under the most extreme circumstances !!
In all the excitement I forgot to thank you for posting the pic for me !!

Appreciate it mate !!

:) :)
I have both the Katana and the Tarwar. The katana is strictly business, not meant for brush cutting and is faster than the Tarwar and has better reach. The Tarwar is also ment for business and may (though I wouldn't) be used for brush. Either can be used one or two handed. Both are very well balanced. Both will only be as good as the man behind the blade. You sound like you know what you are doing so I think the choice is yours. You may want to take a couple of dogs along as well. They will warn you of what ever is out there long before you know.
Good luck,
I found on-line is a little dated, but written by a very funny or cynical writer/rider Bob Higdon. Here's one segment written on some of past banditry.


"That should have been enough for one day, but more was to come. Koen Wauters and Jurgen Damen in a Toyota and Tonio Lattanzi and Bruno Cubin in another were wobbling the last seven miles into Taoudenni at 10:25 p.m. tonight. Suddenly they were attacked by a gang of bandits. The Toyotas managed to escape into town. The Malian army hustled out to the scene but found nothing. Five minutes before midnight three more cars were struck, but they too were able to evade the robbers. Still later two Tata trucks were hit and one of them was stolen. You have to be thinking here that the guys still stuck in the dunes 300 miles to the west must finally be feeling pretty lucky.

Which leaves me with just two questions. If I'm a Malian crook:

1. What sort of vehicle should I use to attack other vehicles that were specifically designed to leave me so far behind that I won't catch up with my prey until next September? and

2. Even if I do run my victim to earth, what are the possibilities of selling the truck I've stolen, given that there has never been anything quite like it on the market within a radius of ten thousand miles?"

The link to the full race report is:


As I said earlier, they've changed the name a bit, and the route, but it is a world-class off-road competition for motorcycles and 4 WD cars, with large factory sponsorship.

You take care of yourself, hear?

