TARWAR - Pros and Cons


You sound like you know what you are doing so I think the choice is yours

I have been studying martial arts for many years now so I am quite capable of using a sword !!

You may want to take a couple of dogs along as well. They will warn you of what ever is out there long before you know.

Now that is a damn good idea, I have been toying with the idea of getting a dog as my pup recently died. My last 2 dogs have died of very rare illnesses/infecions so I am still a bit wary of the pain of losing another but I will definetly take "mans best friend" on the trip with me for that exact purpose as well as other reasons !! :(

Another thing I noticed Rick is that we share a birthday, happy belated birthday !! Where is it that you stay - it was listed in your profile. Thanks for the input !!


Thanks for interesting link !!

It is replies like these that makes me love the HI forum, such comraderie yet many of us have never met !!

If anyone is keen to join the epic trip I am sure we can make space for another member !!

:) :) :)

Thanks all for input, the trip is a while away yet but planning needs to commence !!
Happy birthday to you as well! I live in Denver Colorado, I enjoy Blades very much as well as collecting firearms. And am a avid hunter/shooter. I enjoy the outdoors and plan to visit Africa but for Photos, I don't trophy hunt. If this would have been the November-Janruary time frame I would have loved to come. My Martial Arts background stems from SoRim KungFu which is Korean Southern Mantis style. I studied under Grand Master Chul Woo Jung for 6 years and have quite a bit of weapons training. As well I have friends in Largo Mono and Kalie'. Have you chosen what to get yet?
Hi Rick

I studied Wing Chun under Sifu Paul Sims in South Africa and Northern Long Fist and Hung Chuen under Master Li. Very good styles but I am battling to find a decent teacher in the North East of England so my training has stagnated a bit but I still train regularly !!

I will more than likely go with the Tarwar as I like the look of it and it just seems the right blade. I have to wait awhile as finances are being used elsewhere, if not I would buy everyone I know an HI.

Thanks for advice !!


Selection of firearms should be determined by available ammunition locally, unless the risk of having your specific ammo for calibre stolen along the way is acceptable.

Brendan, you've always had a bright, egoless, even young voice in the forum. That the same voice can be planning this trip testifies to the virtue of arms; they make for peace within the individual. I geuss another way to say this is the lion gets to take an afternoon nap, while the hen is nervous.

I'm afraid, listening to the details of this trip, but I also remember just a couple armed Korean grociers could keep hundreds of looters away from their shops during the LA riots.

Fear not Munk,

I will plan to the endth degree and will not take any silly risks. We plan to stay off the beaten tracks so I think the only thing we will have to worry about is animals not bandits.

Best be prepared though !!
To hell with the experts; I'd take a large bore revolver, a 6" or even 8" barrel. That's good for initial impressions and ending the discussion. If I needed more firepower I'd use the semi auto. rifle Probably go .308

Originally posted by Bill Martino .....Hell, just mount a 50 calibre on the hood and toss a box of grenades in the back seat.
Golly shades of Rat Patrol, Batman. :p
Take the Rat Patrol jeep with you... damn, Bill made me laugh.

Blast your way through Africa. "Yes, Come see the people,sights sounds and history of AFRICA, and then level them with the 50Cal.."

Ok, I guess I'm too paranoid...I worry about stuff...

I was thinking of getting a Tank instead of a land Rover, that way all problems solved. Throw in a couple of AK47 and no-one gonna play around.

Hell it'll make catching food easy !!

:D :D
Brendan, I wish you good luck on your journey, it sounds like a real adventure. I'll refrain from throwing in my two cents regarding guns or blades, what's right for one man might be wrong for another. I will throw in a quote that Ferrous and Eik will be familiar with;

"A wayfarer should not go unarmed, but keep his weapons close to hand.
He knows not when he may need his spear, or what peril meet upon the road"

I probably didn't get it ver batum, 'cause I'm going on memory, but what was written more than a thousand years ago still holds true today.
(just substitute high powered rifle for the "spear" okay;) )

Best of luck Brendan!! Sounds like a fantastic trip, and I'd take you up on joinging in (with my camera gear:)) in a second if I wasn't married with a little one and one on the way--don't think the wife would want me gone quite that long right now;) Plus the bandit factor...

You may want to take a couple of dogs along as well. They will warn you of what ever is out there long before you know

as you said above "damn good idea" I would think that the bad guys would hear the dogs and think 2 things 1)they know we're coming and are getting ready 2) see #1, AND the dogs may rip off our meat and two veggies:D (sorry couldn't resist trying to use that in a sentence:D)

Hey, Bring a decent MANUAL(non-electronic) (like a good used Pentax 1000Z) camera and some good slide film--Fuji Velvia or Provia 100F to name a couple. Also, invest in a small or medium sized "dry bag" like the ones you use for river rafting--it'll keep the dust and moisture out, plus it won't look like a camera bag if bad guys rummage through your stuff. You guys are gonna see some outstanding scenery and at all the best times of day I'd imagine. Damn I'm jealous!!!;) :)
Sarge - you're right man !! I think the spear is a better option, too many guns in this world !! Thanks for quote - will file it in the brain system and Im sure it will come in handy !!

Maui, as always you inspire with your comraderie, any adventure I embark on you would always be welcome. I am sure you can teach me a few tricks hehehe

Thanks for reply guys and look forward to the pics !!

It wont be too soon but I will post all my pics and khuk features !!

I need more planning help so this can be an HI project !!

:D :D
Sarge, You been Readin' the Havamal? Every good soldier (of life) should, of course, and I've met many in Military service who call the old gods of the north their own.

I have links to some online version, if you like.

I've spent few months in Nigeria and Angola working around ports and construction sites (major industrial project). I've always been more afraid of the local forces (police, mobile police, Secret Service, Immigration, Custom, army, navy, you name it....) than of any armed robber. If you have been living in Africa I'm sure you don't need any advice.Good luck on your trip!
Just my two cents ( I couldn't resist!)
Sarge, you been reading the Havamal?

The Havamal and most, but not all so far, of the sagas. Wassail Keith:D

Brendan, have you ever seen a documentary film called "Sky above, Mud below"? For some reason your upcoming trip made me think of it. I'm sure you'll have some tales to tell at the pub when you get home.;)


It sounds like you have the knife issue well covered. I would take a handgun and something like a Remington 870 12Ga shotgun with a good variety of ammo. Buckshot would work well on large cats and other thin skinned animals, and lighter loads can help clear the camp of unwanted varmint and snakes. Neither firearm should be openly displayed, although the handgun should be easily accessible (for two legged varmint). But, that is the least of your issues.

The weakest point in your plan is the Land Rover. It is a good car for the trek, but like everything else it can fail, especially after that many miles over rough terrain. You should have a second vehicle along, a handy mechanic, and plenty of spare parts. If I were doing this I would look to join or put together a convoy of some kind. Ideally four vehicles teamed into two sections of two. There are probably other folks in the UK that are looking to make the same trip. You may want to coordinate your travels with some of them.

Kris Cutlery makes a chinese halberd with a blade some 20" long. And for what it's worth, Museum Replicas Ltd. makes a two handed Very Large War Sword 59"OAL/45"double edged blade called the Ravenna.

Too long and awkward to my taste, but if you have a dog for early warning, they could inspire opponents to reconsider - especially a 3&3/4 foot long double edge sword. Assuming you could get one by customs in the UK.