That does it! Time for a bigger ride!

Oct 26, 1999
I am currently driving a Honda Civic. I live in Atlanta and it made sense to me to drive something that would save me some money on gas and a low payments, since I commute up to 2 hours a day.

Last August, I was hit in the rear (I was driving an Old Jeep Cherokee then). Then again, this past January, I got nailed from behind while on a highway by a lady on a cell phone driving a 95 Camaro. (it left a LARGE V-shaped dent in the back of my Honda that I was actually a little impressed with for some reason). It did $5,000 damage to the car and I am having a possible bruised kidney problem that I am getting the doc to check out on Monday morning. THis is on top of the concussion (I call it the "Ringing of the Bell") that made my new job hell and a couple of spine injuries. I am still not in bad shape overall. BUT...

This morning at 8:30 am, on my way to class, a kid in my neighboorhood runs a stop sign, going wayyyyy to fast, can't make the turn as tight as he is supposed to, and promptly widens the radius of his turn so as to put him in a head on collision path with me! This was not a pleasant feeling. There was a steep hill to my side, which would have created a potentially fatal situation. He made it back into his lane...barely.

So my new decision. The Honda goes, and I am gonna get myself a rather LARGE TRUCK very soon, maybe this weekend and preferably one that is very BRIGHT too! Granted, I think that if it's your time then it's your time, no matter what you are driving or doing, but I think I will feel better about something with more steel wrapped around me, not to mention the safety of my 3 year old daughter or 3 month old son.

If I am ranting, I apologize, I am still pretty wired just thinking about it.
No apologies needed. I've had a 3/4 ton pickup, and I've had a honda civic.

I feel sorta guilty automatically killing rattlers on sight. I'd feel much better if I could insstead toss them into the open windows of the idiot drivers you've described.
Now, Why didn't I think of that? The Honda Civic I have not had. The heavy truck yes. I felt pretty safe in the truck. :)
for big old trucks. Solid steel, cheaper tags, cheaper insurance and none of that pesky smog check B.S., and you can do a lot of work yourself. Something ugly with a couple of dents. They just seem to say "Go ahead and try it.";)

I don't currently own a car. But I am somewhat disturbed by the current evolution of personal transport in this country. It seems to me that the current trends will lead to people driving unimogs and half-tracks to protect themselelves from *ssh*ll*s that have no clue how to co-exist with others on the road. The danger is that these people have no clue about the destructive potential of the huge vehicle that they are driving. It is not a car. The concept of the vehicle as a personal fortress against the idiocy of other drivers disturbs me. It seems to me that the things that cement us togeter are slowly being lost with our consent. What has happened to courtesy and respect?? To me this internal degradation of our society represents as great a threat as those posed by external forces, who not coincidentaially are the current sources of the fuel to power the massive personal low-mileage vehicles now sought after. I shouldn't have to drive a half-track to work to get there safely. Really.

I don"t fault these who wish to protect their personal safety, or those of thir loved ones, but I will surely damn those who wish to make a vehicle that I ride in a conveniant crumple zone that theirs lacks at the potential loss of my life in a genuine accident. I can't begin to descrribe the occasions that I have seen where people driving a massive "SUV" acted as though they where driving a compact car. I think that the weight limits requiring a separate licsense endorsement for driving large vehicles should be tightened. Perhaps harsh, but what is happening to this country? Folks in the boonies may stil have commen sense, but a whole lot of the folks driving these big things in the cities clearly don't. No, I don't profess to have the solution, but something is wrong here.
Originally posted by firkin
The danger is that these people have no clue about the destructive potential of the huge vehicle that they are driving. It is not a car. The concept of the vehicle as a personal fortress against the idiocy of other drivers disturbs me.

Not Me! I am fully aware of the destructive power of a truck. With a previous background in Diplomat protection that I don't have a amount of tremendous comfort about bringing into the forum with, I can tell you that I know all the sweet spots that will send another car flying off into the tobacco fields with minimal damage to my own. Heck, I can do a J-turn with one hand holding a glock, try that one. (no, I can't fire it at the same time). Gees, your gonna be disturbed with me now... I also grew up in a racing family were I was expected to race on street and the strip. (which is were I learned J turn the first time by accident). By the way, old streetracers are usually firm believers in practicing "bible driving" or safety.

I don't feel the need to justify my obsession with big knives or large caliber firearms either.

all kidding aside- I haven't had a speeding ticket in over 15 years.
If you look on Page 6 of Pendative's thread about "what are you made of", you will see another major deciding factor about getting a LARGE TRUCK.

Courtesy is a factor and I can tell you that from driving a Honda Civic, I am fully aware of the danger of large SUV's from both sides.

Drive softly and carry a big khukuri.
The paint doesn't have to be bright. Get a old pickup. An 80's model at least. The truck will advertise: "No insurance here." People will stay out of your way.

Keep the Honda though.

Originally posted by munk
The paint doesn't have to be bright. Get a old pickup. An 80's model at least. The truck will advertise: "No insurance here." People will stay out of your way.

Keep the Honda though.


Yeah, that's it.:D

Everyone will stay out of your way.:)
I've always wanted to weld a steel cage around a vehicle of some type -- cage made of rail -- I mean railroad rail -- with foot long spikes welded onto the rails, and paint white skull and crossbones on the doors of the vehicle. And put a sign on top the car that says "terminally ill 70 year old student driver."

Think the folks will get out of my way?

And right now I've got the big red eye to give them, too!
Originally posted by Bill Martino
I've always wanted to weld a steel cage around a vehicle of some type -- cage made of rail -- I mean railroad rail -- with foot long spikes welded onto the rails, and paint white skull and crossbones on the doors of the vehicle. And put a sign on top the car that says "terminally ill 70 year old student driver."

Think the folks will get out of my way?

And right now I've got the big red eye to give them, too!

:eek: :eek: :D
Spikes on bumpers, illegal, I've sure thought about it. Guy here has a blue and white four wheel drive 2.5 ton snow plow type truck. The truck was retired from the State.

I've always wanted to see it parked in front of an opera building in LA.

Somewhere I have a picture of a car I photographed on the road here in Dallas. A little red econobox, but with yellow pipe (not huge, maybe 1.25" dia.) welded to make a cage all around it. Hinged to allow the doors to open. Normal-looking lady driving it. One of the weirdest things I've ever seen on the road.
I had an old 78 Chevy pickup that looked Sh!!t. The drive train was good and everthing worked fine. I drove it for five years and I'm proud to say that people left me alone. It had full coverage but I'm sure most people expected it was uninsured. I sold it three years ago and still miss it. It would have been great for cell phone drivers that are all over the road.
I appreciate the feedback, yours too Firkin.

I like the Honda, it's a darn good car, and I prefer the idea of using less fuel, and I don't like the threatening SUV's that I drive down the highway with in Atlanta. But I'm fairly certain that if me newborn had been in the Honda with me during my January accident, that he probably wouldn't have survived. The worst part being I couldn't tell you how old I was or immediately remember my name, so I don't know how I would have functioned. It took a hour and a half to get an ambulance to us, becuase there was a territory dispute between the ambulance services. I had already went into shock and came out of it by the time they got there.

So, for my kiddies, I'm looking for something like a regular size blazer. Not huge, but substantial. I'm gonna have to trade in the Honda. Looking into another car's headlights on a head on collision path is enough for me. The hood of the Honda would have made a nice ramp.

BTW- I like the idea of welding a cage around it. I have always thought we should put high density rubber around all our cars like bumper cars. ha
"I haven't had a speeding ticket in over 15 years... I am fully aware of the danger of large SUV's from both sides."

If more were like you, then the road would be a lot safer.

I agree that the vehicle mix on the roads is definately more dangerous for smaller vehicles, and that one should attempt to protect themselves and their family.

But it seems that we are in a vicious cycle--Many of those driving massive vehicles behave as though the large vehicle removes from them the burden of courtesy, common sense, and often rules of the road, which forces others to aquire large vehicles for protection from the first, who have actually become worse drivers. Soon something even bigger comes out and the whole thing repeats, with an attendant increase in the idjit quotient. It's like the arms escalation with cold-war USSR.

You don't give the kid who can't seem to manage not to point the .410 shotgun in the direction of others on the hunt, a .50 to use for plinking do you? You take the .410 away until he gets safety straight, then maybe consider something more powerful. The size of some of the things now on the road makes me think that the point has been reached that a separate driver's license endorsment with attendant training is needed as for other large vehicles.

The kinetic energy of a vehicle must be dissipated in a crash, preferably in a manner that doesn't harm the occupants. Thats why well-constructed cars have crumple-zones surrounding a strong passenger compartment. Driving a huge vehicle that aquires more energy than a smaller one and expecting that the other guy's vehicle not only to dissipate it's own energy, but most or all of yours is a bit sociopathically self-centered, I think. At some point, off-road accoutrements render a vehicle unsuited for street use. Should I really have to drive with vehicles whose fronts are protected with inflexable cages or battering-ram like bumpers made of railroad track at my head level? If those really are required for off-road use, take 'em off when on the road. Anybody leave their snowplow blade on in the summer? Why can't I drive around downtown in a rubber-tired log skidder? Why are "military style" rifles banned but "military style" vehicles are sought by the banners? How come cars work fine for folks in Scandinavian cities, some of which are above the artic circle, but 4WD monsters are required by the inhabitants of LA?

.....incoherant rant over, I guess....But I see some pretty ridiculous vheicles driving around here. Some of them, I don't know how folks put up with the hassle of parking them. Anyone can own what firearms and vehicles and knives they want and can operate properly as far as I'm concerned. But they ought to take some responsibility for 'em--their safety or enjoyment shouldn't be enhanced by a corresponding decrease in mine.
Firkin, the bigger vehicles are useful in the back country where i live. But even here there are people who take blizzards and ice at 65 mph because they have, "all wheel drive".

Big trucks are useful. If I still lived in the City, I'd drive a truck or my old Ramcharger. I want as much metal between me and gangbangers and fools as possible.

Yes, I'd take the half track.

You are right, that is where this is heading...enter humvee.

H2 cost = roughly $51,000 and up. And is "refined" away from the hummvee.

I like the idea of some of these RV'ers that buy baby Mack ( or maybe Peterbuilt trucks to haul their trailers. Bigger than regular large pickups, by about 25%.

My dad used to run the local propane truck and added an air horn sounded like a train coming. Except he added a spark plug in front of it and used propane. Horn was about 2 ft long and had a 7-8 inch diameter bell.

Still like the idea of tossing a diamondback in a gunny sack into their open windows.
Originally posted by Rusty
My dad used to run the local propane truck and added an air horn sounded like a train coming. Except he added a spark plug in front of it and used propane. Horn was about 2 ft long and had a 7-8 inch diameter bell.

Still like the idea of tossing a diamondback in a gunny sack into their open windows.

Bro why use a gunny sack?:p

And just how long a flame did this horn have? Sounds like it would've sounded and looked more like a Fire Breathing Dragon!!!!!!!
I love the idea, wonder how it would work on my '86
F-150?:D :cool: :D

Yvsa, wondering how long a BBQ sized bottle of propane would last versus whether Barb or I was driving the truck?
Kinda funny thing. I bought the truck for me after I retired so I wouldn't have to "scrunch" when getting in or out, had a GEO Prism at the time.:eek:
Guess who took over "my" truck?:rolleyes:
I spent yesterday afternoon at one dealership. They were using the standard approach of do anything to get your credit and sell you anything that you don't need. Unfortunately for them, I am still nursing an injury, possible kidney, and was not in a good mood for this kind of approach.

Went to a different one today, they were nice, so I was nice. Got a good deal, $4,000 off sticker and traded in the Honda. I bought a Red Trailblazer that seats 7. Now, I would have been content w/ a smaller one, but I have two children of my own, and a step son that spends part of the year with us, and a nanny that lives with us. and we never can get everyone into one car. So, now we can.

The best part is nobody pulled out in front of me on the way home. This is not the case w/ my old Honda.

Firkin, I agree with you. I now have a big truck, and I will continue to be careful and respectful of others. One thing, a little girl ran out from the dealership as we were going to leave, I have kids, so I always keep an eye out for other kids. That kid ran right behind our truck. No problems, I waited for her to leave. Her mother was no where in sight. These trucks come w/ a responsibility like owning a gun.
