The moment I held my first khuk, a BAS, I knew I needed something heavier. And I kept getting them heavier. I've cut quite a few trees down with 2 lbs and over khukuris. They did the job. I can't tell you how great it is to hop into Beater Truck with my sons and ramble down the forest road looking for a hike and maybe a tree along the way.
Yvsa once said he liked the Ganga Ram for heavy cutting. So I held in the back of my mind a Ganga Ram, cheaper than the 25" AK. I asked Bill about it and I believe he said something like 'if you really want to cut, get the 25" AK'. But either one was too much. I mean, my chain saw cost 350, why spend the money if the chain saw takes over the heavy chores anyway? And there was talk here of how Conan was the only type capable of swinging the heavy blade.....
When those tremendous Tarwars showed during Christmas, I almost grabbed one- the heaviest at 56 oz. Family obligations called and besides; ...the chain saw et al.
I was there and watched the marvelous 41 oz AK offered recently. Pen knows which one. The truth was I'd lost interest in the specials, many times not even looking at them. Bill said in a recent thread he had a special 25" AK. (Well, so what? They're all special.) There was the begining of a little clamor; he said he thought munk should have it.
I don't know why, but I emailed him.
Now a puzzle is being completed. There was something missing, and now an answer will arrive. I've been down at the post office so often in the past panting like a dog, and had the frenzy Rusty was just talking about while waiting for his WWll. But this isn't like that. An excitment is growing, but not like before. Not high, not bubbling....
Yeah, I'll be in debt for awhile, and my wife will never figure this out as anything but male stupidity, but I've a quiet hunch something is coming to where it belongs. My hands tell me this.
Sorry I went on so long.
Yvsa once said he liked the Ganga Ram for heavy cutting. So I held in the back of my mind a Ganga Ram, cheaper than the 25" AK. I asked Bill about it and I believe he said something like 'if you really want to cut, get the 25" AK'. But either one was too much. I mean, my chain saw cost 350, why spend the money if the chain saw takes over the heavy chores anyway? And there was talk here of how Conan was the only type capable of swinging the heavy blade.....
When those tremendous Tarwars showed during Christmas, I almost grabbed one- the heaviest at 56 oz. Family obligations called and besides; ...the chain saw et al.
I was there and watched the marvelous 41 oz AK offered recently. Pen knows which one. The truth was I'd lost interest in the specials, many times not even looking at them. Bill said in a recent thread he had a special 25" AK. (Well, so what? They're all special.) There was the begining of a little clamor; he said he thought munk should have it.
I don't know why, but I emailed him.
Now a puzzle is being completed. There was something missing, and now an answer will arrive. I've been down at the post office so often in the past panting like a dog, and had the frenzy Rusty was just talking about while waiting for his WWll. But this isn't like that. An excitment is growing, but not like before. Not high, not bubbling....
Yeah, I'll be in debt for awhile, and my wife will never figure this out as anything but male stupidity, but I've a quiet hunch something is coming to where it belongs. My hands tell me this.
Sorry I went on so long.