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The Blade Shop is the worst

May 16, 2009
The Blade Shop is the worst. Do not waste your time and money trying to buy things from these guys, you'll be lucky if you get anything for your money. They're able to bill my credit card for purchases the same day, but can't get it together to actually ship the merchandise, or even provide tracking numbers.

The first time I ordered from them, I needed my item quickly, because I was leaving town. I wanted the knife to use on a camping trip, so I paid $20 for second-day shipping. The Blade Shop was never able to give me a tracking number, and I went on my trip without the knife. When I got back, I called The Blade Shop customer service, and some confused-sounding man answered, and when I gave my order number, said "Oh wow, I don't know why it hasn't shipped yet." This was 3 weeks after The Blade Shop billed my card for the knife and for express shipping. I eventually did get the knife, but it took over a month.

Stupidly, I ordered again from The Blade Shop, thinking it must've been a fluke, and that surely it couldn't happen again. WRONG. Again I paid $20 for 2nd day shipping, but this time I figured I'd stay on top of it, so I called The Blade Shop a week after my card was billed. A nice lady answered, and told me that they don't always have tracking numbers because "the guys that put stuff in boxes aren't very good at computers." She assured me that my merchandise had been shipped, and agreed that I paid for 2nd day shipping, and that I should have my merchandise the next day. 4 days later, nothing.

Its my own fault for giving these clowns repeat business. I feel stupid for giving them my money, and will NEVER order anything from them again. There are plenty of other places to buy things from, and I'd advise everyone interested to go anywhere else besides The Blade Shop. They take your money, charge for express shipping, and then completely drop the ball. I'm disgusted. I hope they go out of business, they don't deserve to succeed.
They have a feedback link on their site. I'd send them a link to this thread.
My only experience with them was being charged for items that never shipped and having to dispute through my credit card company to get my money back. They'll never see my money again.

There's a HUGE thread on these guys here already, something like 30 pages.
I ordered something from them too and took forever. I did get it in the
end but it took several phone calls and messages. Won't be ordering
there again.
Man am I so glad I saw this thread. I was just about to order from them. I even called them and spoke to some woman about what I was looking for. I hadn't ordered yet because I was looking for something very specific and they weren't sure they had what I was looking for so I held off ordering. Glad I did...I won't be ordering from them! As soon as I click send they are coming right off my favorite list. Google pops them in just about every knife search results. Bums!
I just got off the phone after speaking with 'Crystal' from TheTheftShop.com.
I almost had a heart attack from the shock when someone actually answered the phone.
I ordered a knife (Spyderco Delica, nothing particularly rare or hard to find) on Oct. 4 2008. My card was charged immediately. To date, I have received no knife. Until today, I was never able to get through on the number listed on their site. Many e-mail inquiries were ignored. I demanded that my order be canceled and my money refunded. 'Crystal' had the nerve to inform me that "we finally got the knife in over the weekend" and ask if I wanted to wait for it! I asked, "Why haven't you shipped it already then?" I got a mumbled, unintelligible reply. I said "Never mind, it doesn't matter, cancel the order and refund my money." 'Crystal' replied "It takes about ten to fourteen business days for the money to show up in your account." "Fine" I said,"please get this done today." If my money is not in my bank account by closing time on July 16, I will be calling the Knoxville,TN Police.
I just got off the phone after speaking with 'Crystal' from TheTheftShop.com.
I almost had a heart attack from the shock when someone actually answered the phone.
I ordered a knife (Spyderco Delica, nothing particularly rare or hard to find) on Oct. 4 2008. My card was charged immediately. To date, I have received no knife. Until today, I was never able to get through on the number listed on their site. Many e-mail inquiries were ignored. I demanded that my order be canceled and my money refunded. 'Crystal' had the nerve to inform me that "we finally got the knife in over the weekend" and ask if I wanted to wait for it! I asked, "Why haven't you shipped it already then?" I got a mumbled, unintelligible reply. I said "Never mind, it doesn't matter, cancel the order and refund my money." 'Crystal' replied "It takes about ten to fourteen business days for the money to show up in your account." "Fine" I said,"please get this done today." If my money is not in my bank account by closing time on July 16, I will be calling the Knoxville,TN Police.
That timeline is a bunch of BS. If they applied a refund right then (same day) it would only take 2-3 business days top to post in your account. The reason it takes 10-14 days to post is because they don't do it that same or next day. I guess they are hopping you forget about it.
Same experience...ordered and never recieved the item and had to call constantly over the next 3 weeks to get them to credit my card back the money. Horrible service.
Thank You Spark for putting these crooks in the Hall of Shame!

Guyon, for reference, here's 2 threads on them:



These crooks should be locked up. They (along with their other company www.TacticalGunArmory.com) are nothing but liars and scam artists.

Excellent work Spark! :thumbup:

They also "run" an online store called Taclighting.

I hope one day they end up in the license plate business (making them for the state, actually).
I had to call and speak with Elizabeth at the Bladeshop about 10 times before I got my money back. Ptooey! in their faces!, shame on them. :thumbdn:
I had to call and speak with Elizabeth at the Bladeshop about 10 times before I got my money back. Ptooey! in their faces!, shame on them. :thumbdn:

All the more reason to ALWAYS use a credit card versus debit card.

When you dispute a charge from a merchant, they not only have the money frozen in their merchant account (if it's still there) but they also get a non-refundable fee for the dispute. Even if they are found not in the wrong, they are still liable for a fee that averages $20 to $40.

So it would be to their advantage to just give you the credit right away to avoid the fee. I had to dispute a charge with them as well. Took them 2 months to resolve it.
I asked for a refund from the blade shop and after waiting nearly a month,three phone calls and an e-mail later,still no refund.I had to file a claim at the bank against them.
They flat out lied to me on the phone saying they posted my refund.When customer service at the bank checked it,there was no credit posted!After all the hassle and nearly one month of frustration,I finally did get my refund.NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH BLADE SHOP.
I wish I had seen this thread earlier. It looks like I am on the front end of a similar experience. The web site looked like it was put together ok.
I ordered a knife, They emailed me saying it was on back order. I emailed them back and cancelled my order. (They should not be selling knifes that to do not have in stock) The next day I called and talked to Crystal and told her to cancel my order. (BTW they will not let you cancel an order by email you must call them) By then they have already charged my credit card. I called my credit card to dispute the charges. The bottom line is this company looks like it can't be trusted and hopefully will be out of business soon.
Wish me Luck
I just got off the Federal Trade Commission website (ftc.gov) and filed a complaint. I recommend that everyone who has had a problem with The Blade Shop do the same. We have to stop crooks like this from continuing there deceptive and illegal practices. If enough of us file complaints, the FTC and FBI will get involved. I am also curious to know if the manufacturers listed are aware that they are listed on BS's site? I'm sure that if they knew about it or of their poor image within our community they would demand to have their names taken off the BS site.
I'm sure that the DA for Knox County would be interested if this would come across her desk.
Remember: Never surrender on your on free will while you still have the means to resist.....
Semper Fi
they have yet to refund me $20 on a backorder that i waited 2 months on...i am damm lucky that i got most of the order in, and that was after many calls...

DON'T ORDER FROM THE BLADE SHOP/TACTICAL GUN ARMORY! they are quick to take your money and don't care when or if you receive your order!