The Deadly Leatherman Micra Webpage Has Been Updated!

Vampire Gerbil

Gone, but not forgotten. RIP Dave
Platinum Member
Sep 21, 1999
The newly designed, and ONE AND ONLY, Leatherman Micra Defense Course WepSite has been updated.
Lesson Two includes the IcePick Grip
Lesson Three includes the tricky art of throwing the Micra.
To view this incredible website with its heretofore (gosh, but I love that word) secret techniques, go to:

I shall be adding Lesson 4: The Leatherman Micra as a Bayonet as soon as I can find my PPK.

If anyone has any idea on future courses, PLEASE let me know! I'm willing to spend the time in developing other defense systems using this remarkable tool and would gladly sacrifice my time in order to bring out the full potential of this remarkable weapon.

Tongue poking through cheek, I still remain,
Vampire Gerbil, 7th Degree Fuscia Belt - Micra Wack Do

Vampire Gerbil: similar to a domestic gerbil, except for the odd accent and little black cape.

Hey VG,

Nice work!! Maybe you could cover the applications the Micra has as a striking weapon.Pressure-point techniques,blocking moves,and even some devastating take-downs using the Micra.Keep up the good work!!

eeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - (after viewing Micra-Intimidational-IcePick Attitude)
Hey, it's got hinged handles, right? How's 'bout getting some of the defense experts 'round here to help you out with some fearsome Micra Balisong techniques? One-handed deployment, helicopters, various intimidation techniques...

What about the Two-Handed Running-With-Scissors Charge!

And don't forget the Tweezers of Death!
Please, please!! Instruction on defending myself with a Micra against a bear. And I need detailed pictures.

I don't want my children fed or clothed by the state, but I would prefer THAT to their being educated by the state.
For our LEOs out there. Micra in one hand and Photon II/ASP Sapphire light in other.

BTW, for running with scissors check out Weird Al Yankovic's new album cover. Called..."Running With Scissors", Al decked out on a track with a long shears in each hand.
Don't forget the feared and long thought forgotten "Ancient Malaysian Micra Nutcracker" which takes advantage of those hinged handles . . . .
Also I understand no less an authority than Ashida Kim has stated conclusively that Micras were first used by ancient Ninja as grappling hooks and burglary tools (though in fairness, burglary is more dificult now that houses have fewer paper walls . . . )

It's good to see someone studying an old art. I, personally, am the last surviving master in my school of Smoking Wombat Longfist Bullsh*t. We should get together to compare notes sometime (and by "compare notes," I mean drink beer and sing silly songs.)

"Iron Discipline is essential in acquiring proper truth-handling abilities. Neglect it and suffer. Thus endeth the lesson."
Master Warren Rowland
The most deadly Micra is the one that has been loaded into a 3" Magnum 12ga shell.


The most deadly Micra is the one that has been loaded into a 3" Magnum 12ga shell.


Ancient Malysian Nutcracker...hehehe....
Also one should not forget the ever popular....VASECTOMY WHILE YOU WEREN'T LOOKING...move, executed with blunt-tip scissors of course. :-)
Truly a frightening thread.How about some instruction in"Using the Micra as a Police Backup Weapon", and "The Micra as a Squad Level Infantry Weapon"?

"To grow older is inevitable.To grow UP is optional."

RJT - Thanks for the suggestion. When my heighbor's 5 year old comes home from school, I'll get right on it.

David Williams - Wow!! That was a massive Vowel movement!!! Feel better now?

Carl Jacobsen - I'm afraid of the defense experts around here! I'll think up some techniques, nut the one handed opening deal doesn't work too well. I keep cutting my fingers with the scissors! I like the Two Handed Running With Scissors Charge. That's a keeper! The Tweezers of Death may set me up for a lawsuit, buy what the heck. At least I'm not posting instructions on nuclear bomb construction.

StJames - Thanks! I feel that knowledge is power, even if the knowledge is based on lunacy. You never know when you might have to fend off a gaggle of village idiots!

Uncle Bill - Give me a few days to track down a bear. I KNOW they're in this town, cuz our local TV station keeps telling the citizens NOT to call 9-1-1 for bear sightings. Perhaps if I hide in a smelly garbage can in the woods.....?

Smoke - Unfortunately, I'm not an LEO. I DO have an ASP around here somewhere though... I'll see what I can do. Weird Al is my idol.

GwinnyDaPooh - I think we're on the same meds!

Jim March - Now why didn't I think of that? Lesson to follow.

Jim March - Now why didn't I think of that? Lesson to follow.

CRushing - The Vasectomy shan't be demonstrated on my website. I live with my wife and 2 daughters, therefore the demonstration would not be in my nest interests.

ClintonSucks - I already know the technique, thank God!!!!

The 4th - That's my daughter. GRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr

Vampire Gerbil: similar to a domestic gerbil, except for the odd accent and little black cape.

Hey! Carefull telling about all these deadly techniques out here where anybody can read them!!

Next thing we know, somebody's going to sneak a vorpal Micra into a courthouse! Come to think of it, it's been done . . . In our house, "Bloodsucking Lawyer" is a term of endearment. When the Wife goes to court, she now knows better than to have that lethal salad fork in her briefcase, but the Micra in her purse goes through the X-Ray without incident - just a nondescript little metalic rectangle.

And, after seeing those "Micra-intimidational attitude" photos, I promise to never look funny at Allison!

AKTI Member # SA00001

[This message has been edited by James Mattis (edited 24 September 1999).]
VG, go look in the HI forum under "why you might need a Khukuri"...

I'd have cleared the second double-tap by now except I can't, VG incorporated into a pretty good gag!

AlaChoctaw - I like the Squad Level Infantry Weapon concept!!! I'm trying to figure out a way for the Micra to store fuel to be used as a flamethrower as well!

James Mattis - I'm sure that the kind people here will only use the knowledge I provide in a good way. After all, knife addicts MUST be kind hearted, liberal minded, peace sign flapping, flower-in-the-muzzle types, right? Oh oh....
Don't worry about Allison. She goes to the Convent next week... no matter HOW much my Rabbi protests!

PS - What's "vorpal"?

Jim March - I'm not sure where to look for that post. Where's the "HI Forum"?

Vampire Gerbil: similar to a domestic gerbil, except for the odd accent and little black cape.


You must have been a fan of the Dean Martin Comedy Roasts. You sure are good at it
I email ya some responses for requests on your daughter. It's old but I know you can get away with it.

Vorpal comes from the Jabberwock poem... or whatever that piece of work is. James Mattis has it.

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

David Williams - I was too young to remember the Dean Martin Roasts. The only recollection I have is that of a time my father brought home a cassette tape of an "uncensored" roast. My mom caught us and she gave him an earfull because of the "filthy language".
Totie Fields was a real piece of work!!!

Anyways, from what I remember, the Roasts tended to be chop-busting at its finest. (I figured that I wasn't allowed to say "ballbusting")
I try not to do that here, since I don't know anyone too well and would hate to insult them unintentionally.
I bust my OWN chops instead!

Ahhh... the Jabberwock poem. Thanks for blurring that up for me!

Thanks for the mail.... I'll keep those phrases handy!

Vampire Gerbil: similar to a domestic gerbil, except for the odd accent and little black cape.
