The "Forsaken Mistress" Riddle Solved!!! . . . $750.00 In Total Prizes!!!. . . 5 Winners!!!

So maybe a 12-13" blade length?
Well, anything at this point would be a guess since no one knows, but if I was a betting man, I'd put my money on that.....and if I was really a high roller, might cover one side or the other as well :p:eek::eek: ... but I think that's a solid guess.
Things are slowing down, there isn't going to be a release every week. I hope there is a reveal with pictures this week though.
Things are slowing down, there isn't going to be a release every week. I hope there is a reveal with pictures this week though.

Yeah I'd be happy with a pic. Something with scale so we can get size reference at least
2 days? o_O

What do you know that I don't? . . . :eek:

Not this week my friend. . . .

This week we Drink! :thumbsup:

Jerry :D

Good Morning Jerry & everyone at Busse!
Mr Busse, is it tough NOT posting what the next
available knife will be?

I'm no poker player...
I have a tell, which is I can't wait to tell!!
Anyway, I bet it's tough keeping the
next / upcoming knife offerings a secret!

Well, have a great day all y'all!
You folks building the blades & you folks buying them!!
-Sixx out.
Phew, thats a relief. Thought this was coming out wednesday, now if I can just talk my wallet down off the ledge....
I know it's going to be epic, and I most certainly am eagerly waiting for more details, but will have to sit it out unless they're almost giving it away. I considered cancelling 1-2 of my purchases from OP2W, but couldn't part with one.
Just like kids waiting for Christmas day
Everyone here were the ones that ripped corners open and peeked ,right
Just like kids waiting for Christmas day
Everyone here were the ones that ripped corners open and peeked ,right

I may have hunted for the stash once or twice, although I always tried to keep myself honest in this department...

That same sentiment is definitely why I buy my own Christmas presents year 'round, now though...

Yeah, we need some show to go with the tell! Let's see the foresaken lady.:D