The Ghopte Balance, or, what the heck kind of khukuri is that?

Jun 4, 2002
Thanks to Uncle's wizardry with USPS it showed up on my doorstep yesterday. The box it came in was a regular box, not one of the familiar triangular ones, and hardly looked big enough to house anything larger than a Bilton. When I pulled it out it seemed plumb impossible that a knife this big could fit in a box that small (I sometimes suspect Uncle Bill has a hooded grey cloak and a tall staff with a glowing crystal at it's terminus).

Well now, a little paper tag attached to the scabbard with a piece of string announced that this was a "Ghopte Balance". I don't know what a Ghopte is, or how it achieves balance, but I can tell y'all the duck was right, the only thing "cute" about this khukuri is it's heart shaped cho. This is one scary little devil of a khuk. The handle is pure Kumar, very graceful and wonderfully done, and more importantly, big enough to comfortably accomodate a man sized hand with room to spare. The handle has a pronounced downward curve toward the pommel, but nothing like the curve Kumar put on that blade. I mean it is really curved, think "Hanshee-like" here. Pappy, Rusty, and others will tell you to listen to your khuks and they'll tell you what they want to do. This one told me on no uncertain terms that it wants to fight. I'm telling you this one wants to jump right in the middle of it and lay waste to everything in it's reach. It is, bar none, the meanest little khukuri I've ever handled, with the exception of my supernatural Sirupati by Bura (the Siru voiced it's displeasure at all the attention the newcomer was receiving by casually piercing the tip of my finger right down to the bone with it's needle sharp point. Love bite? 'Tis but a scratch).

I have to agree with Uncle on the fit and finish of this khuk, it's what you expect from Kumar, great attention to detail. Oddly, if you looked at the unmarked side of the blade, and didn't know who made it, you'd fully expect to see Sher's makers mark when you flipped it over. The "almost convex" on this one is more "almost" than most. Took me no time at all to put a scary sharp convex edge on it. It handles like a dream, and the down curved blade bites ferociously when swung at something (so far only wood and cardboard-hee).

Kitchen knife Yvsa? Only if there's a wolf in the kitchen that needs his skull split. This one's going walking in the woods with me, and maybe over yonder where there ain't no woods, if and when the diplomatic flood gates open. Tell me again how I obtained this unique masterpiece in steel for only sixty bucks? Oh yeah, a crazy fellow named Pala and an equally crazy Uncle Bill. May God bless 'em both.


p.s.: you were right Yvsa, this thing balances like magic on the tip of my (bandaged) finger
Now Sarge that's down right mean teasing us with your review and not posting a picture. I just received a Chiruwa AK and have been thinking about something a bit smaller and faster. Here you wave a delishious yummy in our faces but we can't see it :eek:
Originally posted by Sylvrfalcn
I don't know what a Ghopte is, or how it achieves balance, but I can tell y'all the duck was right, the only thing "cute" about this khukuri is it's heart shaped cho. This is one scary little devil of a khuk.

Kitchen knife Yvsa? Only if there's a wolf in the kitchen that needs his skull split.
This one's going walking in the woods with me, and maybe over yonder where there ain't no woods, if and when the diplomatic flood gates open.


p.s.: you were right Yvsa, this thing balances like magic on the tip of my (bandaged) finger

Sarge, sometimes we get so blinded by one talent we cannot recognise the other perhaps latent talents. :rolleyes: :p ;)

Does all the above mean you really like the little knife?:rolleyes:

I'm not one who says, "I told you so.", But in this instance I think I will. Sarge, I told you so.:D
Remember how I told you it will fit in the front pocket of my blue jeans?
It's an excellent little concealed carry, or not, as you choose.

Just think of its ability to slice and dice "anything" you want it to, fauna or flora.:p :D ;)
I sent Uncle Bill an email the other day requesting dibs on the next Balance that shows up, along with an offer to prepay. He said he just happened to have another and shipped it that day. Ask and ye shall receive. :D

But first you have to ask. ;)
Originally posted by Greymoor
Now Sarge that's down right mean teasing us with your review and not posting a picture.
Here you wave a delishious yummy in our faces but we can't see it :eek:

Greymoor the top left was an as forged Chainpuri blade that I reworked and is also a balance model.:D

The H.I.Balance Models are the 3rd and 4th down on the right....

Thanks Yvsa!

That is a sweet looker. I would really like to get a smaller Khuk. I would also like to get something made by Kami Bura. Maybe I should put in a request to Uncle Bill to keep a look out for me for such an item :)
"show a pic of it when it arrives"

Here's a pic of mine (bottom khuk), wild little khuk, sharp bend to the blade, and that heart shaped cho, yowzzir!


"when it arrives"....hmmmm, I'm thinking he ought to have it by now, I'd be curious to see if mine's just wierd or if they all look that way. Pics Raggy, please.:D
:D Looks real good man.;) Weird Cho allright. Is the Cho a closed one?Can't tell....I have to add that one to the list of wants........Frank c....
If anyone thinks that khuks can't stab, look again. Now imagine it is a spontoon shaped hawk and you're going to hammer it right into and thru to the other side of your opponent. That's why I think the older fighting khuks were bent as they were, to hammer or spike thru armor. But then I've been known to be less than fully correct on occasion. :p
Rusty, I have no doubt of what you're saying. Something else I've noticed with the curve of this blade, no matter how you swing it at something, it slices through the chop, making for one fierce bite in softer materials. Just plain wicked, I love it.;)

:barf: GRUMBLE!! Fight with THAT!! WHATCA GOIN AFTER MIDGETS??:barf:
I've got a Tarwar honed up nice and sharp for ducks and such:p :D

Dang right fight with it if need be. Don't make me take a picture of it beside a beside a Kabar. Kabar not a fighting knife? Tell it to the Marines.

Midgets? I make a point not to get in fights with the vertically challenged. At 6'2", my strike zone for any shots they might deliver is a spot I'd rather they not be striking.:eek:

Now that's a horrifying thought Uncle Bill, I don't have enough spare that I need any "pruning".:eek: :rolleyes: :(

Now that's a horrifying thought Uncle Bill,

Ain't it! I get this mental pix of being cut down like a tree.
When u hold the knife straight out as if u stabbed something or someone.When u twist the knife the blade is always straight or parallel to the floor.:)
Originally posted by Sylvrfalcn
"when it arrives"....hmmmm, I'm thinking he ought to have it by now, I'd be curious to see if mine's just wierd or if they all look that way. Pics Raggy, please.:D

I just got back from my road trip, there's a package waiting at the P.O. for me, I'll have to pick it up tomorrow. Then I'll post a pic of it alongside MY magic Bura 15" sirupati. ;)
Uncle Bill:

Any chance of a special run of these, like was done with the Biltons? Consider me on the list for one.