The Hunted

Jun 10, 2001
1:30 pm just got back from the theatre.
My heart is still pounding. Anybody who has ever been cut by a knife will feel this movie from begining to end.
Not much depth to the plot but plenty of action and Blood! Knife fighting scenes were great, Tommy lee Jones runs like a girl fights like a Demon. Pretty damn good realism and a knife lovers dream.
Some very brutal scenes. Lots of gore.

Rambo meets The Fugitive meets The French Connection.
The war scenes in the begining were a little on the Gory side. even for Hollywood it really gives a look into what a knife fight is about.
Robert....I just got back from it too.

Totally agreed on your assessment.

Hope you are well BTW.

A BIG congratuations to Mike Fuller of TOPS on what will easily be known as the first BIG movie knife of the 21st century.
I agree that this was an AWESOME flick :D The only thing that had me smirking was when he floated(down??) up river to Willamette Falls and climded out of there to the Clackamas river :) Sorry but us locals spot these things:p Great fight scenes though. Definitly gonna have to have the DVD.
I am going to see it tomorrow night. I can't wait! I bet I have to get the DVD too. I don't know about you guys, but I don't get to see "big people" movies too often in the cinema. My last ones have been Harry Potter and Daredevil. Both of which I enjoyed by the way:o I need to see a good ass whippin'! Now we need more knives and more knife movies. Any tomahawk movies would be great too. I would love to see a NG Ranger or two in the hands of someone that could use them to their full potential. Hey Andy, get to work on that :p
My wife and I just got back too . Good Movie!

The blade work and the Urban E&E was superb. My wife even thought the whole knife making scene was, "Like you were being stalked by friggin Gil Hibben!"

We both noticed a lot of very subtle things. DVD viewing is going to be a must.

Originally posted by RL
Just saw it...sorry...didn't like it!


Sorry boys but I agree with RL. It had a few good moments but overall I was disapointed.

I got to see it this afternoon. It was entertaining. I'd give TOPS a big kudos too if they had actually had a knife in the movie. Every Tracker shot I saw was a Beck Tracker.

Too bad he is being bullied out of making them.

The knife fighting was prety good. I liked the choice in music too. Gotta love the man in black!

If I ever get a chance to go elk hunting in the black timber I need to remember to strap on my night vision scope. Hollywood!
I Just saw it:

The Benito and Tommy are great fun, and the fights are very well done. The movie is very entertaining, I looked at my watch when it was over, I could have sworn only 30 minutes had gone by. :D

On the negative side:
- I was uncomfortable with some plot gaps. It looks like the movie
underwent some serious editing in post production and it shows.
- I was also disappointed that the knives were used more as weapons
then as tools. I suspect most of us would go with something other
the a tracker if we intend to use the knife primarily as a weapon.
- The ending was weak, and perhaps a little too predictable.
- Tommy Lee Jones is showing his age and he looks perhaps 15 years
too old to play this part.

It is a good B movie, it is too bad that it has a few too many negatives to offset all the really good stuff.


I still miss that avatar you had with the dog, it was so ugly it was cute. (LOL)

Perhaps we will get the avatars back at some point.....

Jaeger and all...

I believe that I am like most people in our particular niche, in that I never heard of "Tom Brown", "The Tracker School", or "The Tom Brown Tracker Knife"...until TOPS began to develop public awareness in our industry about the man, the school, the knife, and the movie.

More importantly, I do not believe the knife itself is given any credit in the film. Therefore, no matter WHO made it, even after seeing the film and feeling pumped about the cool knife, I would have remained bewildered with every other viewer.

I have never seen any of Mr. Beck's work or recall his advertising in our trade journals for the 11 years I have been reading them. Does that mean Mr. Beck never It just means "I" don't know about Mr. Beck's knives, and I firmly believe that countless others don't either.

I do however know about TOPS knives and have known about them since they began advertising in consecutive issues of nearly every trade journal in our industry for almost five years.

It is because of TOPS considerable courage and market development for the Tracker project, which has been in public view for several months now, that I feel they are due congratulations and thanks for a job well done, particulary for the new people they will draw to our industry, to the Tom Brown School, and to Mr. Brown as an instructor.

After reading the post and thread started by Mr. Beck, particulary wherein he indicated that as a custom maker, he only made a total of 525 Trackers over the course of almost 12 years; and further that Mr. Brown's letter indicated that he was given opportunities to tool up for project that MAY be a hot return on a movie knife for which he declined...I heard all I needed to hear.

Any proposal that the "little guy" was or is being "railroaded" smacks of an utter lack of common sense in my assessment.
Andy ,

Please keep the who made in the BECK TRACKER topic discussion, this is about the movie. Lets not taint Robert`s discussion about the movie THE HUNTED.

Semper Fi,
Ceya>>Ceya Knife Designz
I enjoyed the movie. The plot was a little thin in places. It seemed to me that the plot was a way to tie together some great action scenes.

I disagree with TLJ being too old for this part. He's a semi-retired training resource for the military. He wouldn't be a young buck, even when he started his training career. He certainly wouldn't be young X years later.

It would be nice not to digress into nothing but Knife Banter and keep a focus on the movie!
I liked it and while there are some darker undertones IE: What if there was a specie above the humans in the food chain...or something to that effect when he was being questioned.
This is after what TLJ tells the FBI agent about why the dead bodies were drawn and quartered.

IMHO the TOPS knife is no where close to the actual knife used in the movie. Mr Beck missed a great chance to retire, Mike Fuller has not.