The Kukuuri in winter

Aug 26, 2005
I am and hate to admit it , a city slicker . I enjoy being in the woods and get out there as much as I can in summer and even in the slightly cool weather of A canadian winter .
I,m on the wussy end of things when it comes to wielding long knives among city folk whose idea of a cutting implement is the edge of a Mcdonalds plastic fork . I just started to learn a few tricks of the trade as far as Kukuris are concerned and now its lying there forlornly begging to come out and play . . Are there any other concrete cousins who have the same dilema as me ? Do you get around the stigmata of wielding your long knife in front of the local couch potatos ? We won,t talk of the no carry laws up here as that is another kettle of fish .
Any of my country cousins who have creative solutions may feel free as well !
Kevin the grey said:
I am and hate to admit it , a city slicker . I enjoy being in the woods and get out there as much as I can in summer and even in the slightly cool weather of A canadian winter .
I,m on the wussy end of things when it comes to wielding long knives among city folk whose idea of a cutting implement is the edge of a Mcdonalds plastic fork . I just started to learn a few tricks of the trade as far as Kukuris are concerned and now its lying there forlornly begging to come out and play . . Are there any other concrete cousins who have the same dilema as me ? Do you get around the stigmata of wielding your long knife in front of the local couch potatos ? We won,t talk of the no carry laws up here as that is another kettle of fish .
Any of my country cousins who have creative solutions may feel free as well !

city slicker you say ? people freak-out in this part of the world when you pull out a folder.
I find that my khukuri is currently getting a fair bit of use splitting kindling beside the fireplace and woodstove with a baton. But any other "city" chores that would use a khuk - in the garden or elsewhere - are pretty much down for the season. And a Sarge, Mora, or even SAK is all I need for the occasional saunter through the nearby woods with my kids for an hour or two.

Were I going winter camping, it would be packing right alongside though. Once my youngest gets a bit older ...
I just want my own fireplace. With real wood burning. And i'd get to chop my own wood. Or split it myself. :o
Astrodada said:
I just want my own fireplace. With real wood burning. And i'd get to chop my own wood. Or split it myself. :o

I thought of a little fire pit in the backyard , No open flames allowed .
Hmm no open flames , no blades . I guess my flame thrower with bayonet attachment is out then ! L:O:L
Astro and Kevin, one word, Chimnea. ;)


Cool idea Sarge!

Most everything goes where I live. That's good and bad at times.

It is funny if I'm the first person to start shooting on a Sunday afternoon. Then all my neighbors open up cause they figure it's ok:D
Sarge , They actually sell those little honeys down my way . Nice idea . Betcha I could make jerky with one of those things ! L:O:L
'Course you could take it to the next level. As a kid growing up in the deep south, I became well acquainted with these critters, ain't nothing you can't cook on/in 'em. And they sell for around 150 bucks. Build a base out of patio block, set this bad boy up and git 'er done. Who needs a danged old barbecue grill when ya got one of these? ;)


Sylvrfalcn said:
...As a kid growing up in the deep south, I became well acquainted with these critters, ain't nothing you can't cook on/in 'em.....

we had one similar to that when i was growin' up. it was my job to get up at 04:00 & start the coal fire so's we'd have hot water when everyone else got up at 06:00 - it was set up so's it also heated our hot water. it was out in our attached garage (dirt floor of course). we were one of the middle class houses on the mountain. we had central heating (a kerosene stove in the living room). we had a stack fire innit ( the coal stove that is) one year & set the roof on fire, volunteer fire dept. got there in 15 min & put it all out. dad got ta fixin the roof & went overboard, replaced the roof, put on siding & new windows, raised the whole house up & put in a concrete foundation, new plumbing, heating & electrics & a new furnace. 6 months of hell but at least i didn't have to get up till 6:00! we moved a year or so later.....
Sylvrfalcn said:
'Course you could take it to the next level. As a kid growing up in the deep south, I became well acquainted with these critters, ain't nothing you can't cook on/in 'em. And they sell for around 150 bucks. Build a base out of patio block, set this bad boy up and git 'er done. Who needs a danged old barbecue grill when ya got one of these? ;)


There is a lady on my street who has an almost new one in her front yard as a planter ! I thought to ask if if we could tade . I figured a year of wet earth in it proabably ruined the inside ! .
Bringing this thread back on-topic, you need to define 'city slicker' a little bit more. I'm in Ottawa, which isn't huge but isn't small, either, and there's plenty of greenspace left to run wild around here (even inside the city limits!).

I'm particularly lucky since there is a huge plot of untouched forest lurking just a ten to fifteen minute walk from my house in central surburbia. The area is mostly forested and is full of dirt paths maintained mostly by people walking their dogs or riding mountain bikes around; so you're free to trim within reason.

I just slip a khuk under my jacket where it's safe from the eye of sheeple, walk out into the woods and wander around looking for storm-felled trees and whatnot. I took my freshly- sharpened 21" GRS out this weekend, actually.

Wow, does that thing chop! :eek: I brought home a wood chip or two to astonish my friends with.

Please note that carrying a gigantic knife hidden under your jacket is technically very illegal and will be hard to explain if you run into some LEOs.
My Khuk has most recently seen action in my concrete jungle scaring hoodlums away from my car, scaring hoodlums away from my back door, and alltogether just scaring hoodlums. In a place where a 4" folder is considered big, the Khuk comes in handy for the overkill.:D
Kazeryu said:
Please note that carrying a gigantic knife hidden under your jacket is technically very illegal and will be hard to explain if you run into some LEOs.
k on-topic, you need to define 'city slicker' a little bit more. I'm in Ottawa, which isn't huge but isn't small, either, and there's plenty of greenspace left to run wild around here (even inside the city limits!).

I'm particularly lucky since there is a huge plot of untouched forest lurking just a ten to fifteen minute walk from my house in central surburbia. The area is mostly forested and is full of dirt paths maintained mostly by people walking their dogs or riding mountain bikes around; so you're free to trim within reason.

I just slip a khuk under my jacket where it's safe from the eye of sheeple, walk out into the woods and wander around looking for storm-felled trees and whatnot. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

REPLY : Actually I used to talk with Horsemen firearms instructors and get to see their tactical squad in trianing . One of those guys could bounce bullets off brick walls and hit a target .
You are a braver man than I for hoisting large knives around in our nations capital! L:O:L I learned a long time ago that I get caught when I do things like that so I don,t do them . (Yeah right !) There is a large park not too far from the house I don,t think its large enough to cover up any fresh cuts though . Aside from that the police motto around here used to be "Stop and I,ll shoot " They have cleaned up their act quite a bit or they just got smarter . I don,t want to get too deep into that as I have a lot of respect for peace officers and I think we have one or two on board . xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Voodoo said:
My Khuk has most recently seen action in my concrete jungle scaring hoodlums away from my car, scaring hoodlums away from my back door, and alltogether just scaring hoodlums. In a place where a 4" folder is considered big, the Khuk comes in handy for the overkill.:D

Voodoo The crime rate is a litlle lower here unless you listen to the politicians ! L:O:L

I would like to see a wrongdoers face when you advise them of their right to run away ! L:O:L Musta been quite the sight !
Kazeryu said:
Please note that carrying a gigantic knife hidden under your jacket is technically very illegal and will be hard to explain if you run into some LEOs.
And what's even weirder, it's perfectly legal (in Canada) to carry that very same gigantic knife if it's in plain view, not under your jacket. It's all a matter of what your intention is, whether you're humping the thing around for a legitimate "tool" type use... you can get arrested for taking a baseball bat into a bar too.

I'm in Fredericton - probably 10 minutes drive from wilderness (we had a moose in our downtown backyard last year...). While I can go find a legitimate place to chop stuff pretty easily, in the winter I mostly tend to stay closer to home.

FWIW, one of the reasons I first got a khuk was to travel with me in the car, in case I collided with an animal and had to cut my way out of the car, or dispatch a maimed deer/moose.
TomFetter said:
And what's even weirder, it's perfectly legal (in Canada) to carry that very same gigantic knife if it's in plain view, not under your jacket. It's all a matter of what your intention is, whether you're humping the thing around for a legitimate "tool" type use... you can get arrested for taking a baseball bat into a bar too.

while it is technically legal, you know as well as I do that walking around ottawa (or any large city) with one of those in plain sight will result in phone calls to the police in a hurry. In the event that I am approached by a LEO the first words out of my mouth will be something along the lines of, 'For the record, I am carrying a big knife which you probably can't see.'

Honestly, though, I don't expect to ever run into this as a problem. In fact, it's only the 21" GRS that I put under my jacket. The 15" AK I just put on my belt and it gets mostly hidden by my winter jacket -- not that I intended to hide it, officer, but what's a man to do in the middle of winter?

Editted to add: A large part of the 'concealed weapon' law is tied up in whether or not it is quickly accessible. With the size of the GRS and the way I tuck it under my jacket, I may just get by all right anyways. For example, carrying a khuk inside a backpack is technically a concealed weapon, but they're not going to make a fuss about it since there's no way you could whip it out on someone in a hurry.
How the hell do you slip a 22" GRS under your jacket without being noticable ??? :confused:

Or maybe you think it's not noticable. Did you notice anything different from the other people walking on the street ? Did they purposely walk around you ?

Yeah maybe they were thinking........That guy overthere has a large khuk under his jacket, dun mess with him.........

You know guys I,m pretty sure unless you have an immediate use for it or are transporting it to or from a jobsite that you can,t carry any blade . In other words you can carry an ax if you are using it for a legitimate purpose . Same goes for a sword or a 1/4 inch cardboard cutter . Intentions are nice proof is necessary .