• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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This isn't working out.


Oct 3, 2006
I'm not sure which forum to put this in, since it can go in two, so I'll put it here. I carried my SAK SI today, and usually carry my Peanut, but what I always seem to reach for is my LM Wave. I don't know why, but whatever the cutting chore is, my Wave is usually the one getting it done, even though my pocket knife is always right there, in my pocket. I love pocketknives, and have become a bit of a traditionalist about it myself, but like I said, no matter how big or small the cutting chore is, it's my Wave I reach for, which is wierd because you'd figure I'd go for the smaller, more handy tool. Not the case, though. I don't want to stop carrying my Wave, because I use it's other tools for a plethera of chores everyday, but I want to use my pocketknives more. What to do, what to DO!!??!?
As quickly as you can now, ship off your LM Wave to me for safe keeping and that will immediately solve your problem..

Trust me on this I am an expert on these things.:D

I will PM you with the addy.. No worries!.;) :p :D
Sunnyd beat me to it.. His suggestion would be the best way to go.
However I hate to see someone else burdened with the stress of having your knife, so in order to help out a fellow knife enthusiast, I would be willing to take on the burden.. :D
Sunnyd beat me to it.. His suggestion would be the best way to go.
However I hate to see someone else burdened with the stress of having your knife, so in order to help out a fellow knife enthusiast, I would be willing to take on the burden.. :D

I can see that 338375 is another very kind, considerate and thoughtful fellow forumite who has the same measure of compassion as myself! Isn't it just great to be looked after so well by the brotherhood in our fine little community here at www.bladeforums.com
There are certain knives that I sorely begrudge, because they are at once totally lacking in aesthetic appeal and confoundingly useful. Among these I count the Leatherman, the SAK, and the Spyderco Delica. I take no pleasure in using them, but I carry them for their sheer undeniable utility.

In other words, I can relate.
I must be the odd duck out here. I've never owned a leatherman or any other plier type tool. I guess I just don't need a plier/wire cutter that often. I sure don't see these things as knives, thier just to darn ugly. Maybe if I were an electrician or something, but even in the machine shop I just never saw them as usefull. Or maybe since I have a small tool kit behind the truck seat and another under the kitchen sink for home repairs I just have real tools close at hand. But I can't remember the last time I needed a pliers as compared to the last time I needed a small sharp cutting tool to open a package of some sort, or cut some food item in half to share with the other half, or cut a piece of jute line to tie up the cardboard from the boxes I broke down for the trash/recycle pick-up.

I could never figure out the alure of something that has all the appeal and grace of a crowbar.

El Cuchillo, I have a question, not trying to be a smart ass or anything so please don't take it that way, I'm genuinly curious. In your daily life are you employed in a line of work that you need a pliers? And how often do you use the plier on your leatherman? In other words if you ditched the leatherman would you miss the pliers that much as compared to the weight and bulk of the leatherman vs a nice pocket knife?

Just out of curiosity of an old geezer, how many here need a pliers on a daily basis?
Well, it's interesting jackknife. I use my LM everyday, many times a day. I use the screw drivers alot, the knifes as well (both the serrated and straight edge), the saw, and I actually use the pliers alot as well. I don't always use them the way they were meant to be used (to turn nuts and bolts), but I find a myriad of uses for them on a daily basis. Would I need them if I didn't have them? Probably not. I'd figure it out. However, I'm spoiled now because I DO have them.
jackknife -- when i'm on the boat i use pliers all day every day, whether its to repair wiring on the pumps, or remove something from a tight space. I hardly use them otherwise, so my multitool gathers dust till i go to sea again.

elcuchillo -- my best suggestion is to seek professional help.:D seriously, though, if you don't use all the other stuff all that often, i say let the LW have a vacation and try out the pocketknife.
As quickly as you can now, ship off your LM Wave to me for safe keeping and that will immediately solve your problem..

Trust me on this I am an expert on these things.:D

I will PM you with the addy.. No worries!.;) :p :D

Sunnyd beat me to it.. His suggestion would be the best way to go.
However I hate to see someone else burdened with the stress of having your knife, so in order to help out a fellow knife enthusiast, I would be willing to take on the burden.. :D

LOL. You guys are dorks. Very kind, caring, and Helpful..... but still dorks. :D :rolleyes: ;)
I've never used or owned a Leatherman or similar device either. I can't see myself carrying one, or using it with any regularity. I suppose if I was still working as a field service electronics technician, I might find one useful. I moved to the design and sales end of things a few decades ago.

I will always carry a pocket knife though. I put my first one in my pocket at 7 years old, a cub scout knife, and I've had one there almost everyday since. That's creeping up on 50 years now.
... I don't want to stop carrying my Wave, because I use it's other tools for a plethera of chores everyday, but I want to use my pocketknives more. What to do, what to DO!!??!?

You are right, you do have a serious problem, and these guys are only offering you placebos. If you sent the knife to one of them, you'd only go out and buy another. You have to consider a more permanent fix to your "problem".

You've already taken the first step, admitting to yourself that you have a problem. And the second step, admitting it to others and seeking their help. So far, so good.

Here is what I suggest: Since your problem seems to be psychological, try a solution along the same lines. Most such rituals as you describe are born of habit, and it takes a powerful inducement to break a habit, and a suitable good habit to replace the bad habit.

Start a new ritual. The next time you reach for the Wave, use it to smack yourself in the temple or on the back of the knuckles before you allow yourself to use it. Before long, you will subconciously come to associate the use of the wave with pain. Now, reenforce this ritual by rubbing the pocketknife over the painful area until the pain subsides. Before long, the natural pain/pleasure responses will have you reaching for the pleasure-bringing pocketknife first, ignoring that mean old pain-causing Wave.

This is called a "Pavlovian treatment" for addictions. Note that you may have to escalate the pain somewhat depending on you particular threshold. The bridge of the nose is particularly sensitive. I'd leave the groin area as a last resort.:eek:

Glad to be of help.

Or you could just stop carrying the wave for a while to see what happens. You have a peanut, and your sak SI will handle any screws or light prying. Get up in the morning and do a deliberate experiment-tell yourself that you are not carrying the wave today.

The worst that can happen is that you may not have a plier on you.:)
After reading this topic I do have one question..??

Get a pair of real screwdrivers (3" klein flat and phillips) and a good needle nose, then a knife will be a knife. And yes. I do carry a pair of screwdrivers and a good needle nose.
Get a pair of real screwdrivers (3" klein flat and phillips) and a good needle nose, then a knife will be a knife. And yes. I do carry a pair of screwdrivers and a good needle nose.

In the army we had these really neat little sheaths that held one TL-29 and a needle nose pliers. Most guys ditched the sheath, unless they were a lineman/como, and just pocketed the TL-29.

I like to have screwdrives around, and one of the solutions that has worked for me is those 4-way one piece ones that go on the key ring, they're about the size of a silver dollar. You can get them at sears for a buck something, I think. They will handle regular and phillips. Or just carry a scout knife.:)
You are right, you do have a serious problem, and these guys are only offering you placebos. If you sent the knife to one of them, you'd only go out and buy another. You have to consider a more permanent fix to your "problem".

You've already taken the first step, admitting to yourself that you have a problem. And the second step, admitting it to others and seeking their help. So far, so good.

Here is what I suggest: Since your problem seems to be psychological, try a solution along the same lines. Most such rituals as you describe are born of habit, and it takes a powerful inducement to break a habit, and a suitable good habit to replace the bad habit.

Start a new ritual. The next time you reach for the Wave, use it to smack yourself in the temple or on the back of the knuckles before you allow yourself to use it. Before long, you will subconciously come to associate the use of the wave with pain. Now, reenforce this ritual by rubbing the pocketknife over the painful area until the pain subsides. Before long, the natural pain/pleasure responses will have you reaching for the pleasure-bringing pocketknife first, ignoring that mean old pain-causing Wave.

This is called a "Pavlovian treatment" for addictions. Note that you may have to escalate the pain somewhat depending on you particular threshold. The bridge of the nose is particularly sensitive. I'd leave the groin area as a last resort.:eek:

Glad to be of help.

You know ElCuchillo after reading Codgers post here, there is no denying that this method would work best on you and your particular problem! Good Luck!:thumbup: :cool:
I even carry my LM to church. I regularly get some small kid sent to my seat because their dad needs to borrow my LM.

Keep the Wave on you. It's OK to be weird.