Greetings to all.
Wouldn't you know it, the weekend I decide to take off inspires a discussion on our products
Anyway, here is a summary...
1) Edge holding - all things being equal, our Ti blades will hold an edge equivalent to a 440A knife. But, the more extreme the environment, the titanium will not be affected, but the steel will deteriorate more quickly. An example, a few years ago, while I was visiting a customer (Coronado Seal Team 1), they laid an O1 tool steel knife (I'm sure you know which one I am talking about) out on an outside workbench. It had a razor sharp edge. At the end of the day, we went back to take a look at it. The edge was starting to turn orange. This knife had not been used and could barely cut a piece of nylon line.
2) Durability - In all of our customers continued feedback, the Navy has only broken one knife - and that required a 250 ton ram press. I have not heard of any blades even chipping, and that includes chopping through the metal banding on C4 cans, ripping through the metal banding on ammo crates, and chopping through (using the tip) solid oak planks. The blade will flex considerably more than steel, but I have always seem the Ti return to true.
3) Sharpness - Ti is a bear to sharpen. The reason is that the burr just flops back and forth, back and forth. On a steel knife, the burr can easily be removed with a felt or rubber type wheel. On titanium, the burr is very difficult to remove. I have seen only a few people master titanium sharpening. One of the best is Kim Breed. We recommend using diamond. On extremely difficult burrs, I sometimes use my fingernails to peel the burr off! Also, the edge geometry on the MPK lends itself to more of a utilitarian tool - all around use such as chopping, prying, the things you shouldn't do with a knife, etc. The folder has a much better edge geometry for slicing.
4) Aubrey - has been a very good customer and provided great input to help us build better knives and tools. Actually, let me say that Mission has a GREAT bunch of customers. Anytime we need input, all I need to do is place a question on the forum or via email and we get nearly 100% response. I feel fortunate to be involved with a great bunch of people. We try and treat our customers as "part of the team" and it really shows!
5) Sid - is one of the Authorized Mission Dealers and has also provided invaluable help and support.
6) Steel knives - we are augmenting our authentic and proven designs now into steel -primarily A2. These knives will be considerably less expensive than the titanium knives, and provide a great deal of quality and value. We will be placing some disclaimers on the steel knives though. We do not recommend the steel knives for demining, scuba diving, prying, chopping, etc. Hardened steel is much less ductile and durable than hardened titanium meaning hardened steel is much more likely to break, chip, or snap when used in an extereme application. To help circumvent this, we will be lowering the hardness a little. Based on the testing and analysis we have completed, A2 performs best as a knife blade at RC56-57. That is where we are targeting our hardness. The 10" MPK-A2 Sid is talking about is the new 10-3/8" overall length MPK. Should be a knife in great demand.