To the Captain of Kershaw... stick around.

Esav Benyamin said:
I think a great start for a Kershaw forum would be for you to donate a Kershaw Nakamura for a pass-around in gratitude for their appearance here! :)

i have a et:D
we could start with that
Thom... that is awesome that we were able to sway you back. It is obvious you and Kershaw both have a great number of fans here -I included- and yes a passaround would be great, but, I'm just glad you'll be stick'n around.

Thanks again... and your support is welcomed!


Any more info on the ZT series knives? Don't seem to be on Kershaw's website

Glad you're staying Thomas!!
Billf, no official word on the ZT series. It will be public in a few weeks.

Kershaw Knives
I would lend my vote to a Kershaw Forum Mr Pussycat (Cougar).

I think they make great knives especially (as a chef) the kitchen range. I also think it is fantastic that Thomas is around to add input when he feels.

How about a Kershaw forum anyway? Positive input can only help the company and perhaps Thomas will be allowed a little time at work to join in rather than taking his leisure time from his wife.

Incidentally, I have just suggested a chef friend of mine buys this for his 65th birthday. Stunning! Does this use the 3D machining (on the bolster) you mentioned?
