Originally posted by ferguson
You hold it and I'll cut it.
Originally posted by pendentive
I have an exacto "sword" I'd be willing to donate for Bruise to try out...
Originally posted by munk
The paper looks thick. Would this work with typing paper?
Originally posted by SamuraiDave
Gotta question, I am using 400 grit paper to maintain the convex edge on my HI Katana. I cannot get it scary sharp.
Are you going upwards to 600 and 1200 grit?
I still need to build a stinking strop...
Originally posted by munk
What does a Paul Chen cost?
Originally posted by munk
I've asked these impossible questions before- like the beginner who typcially asks the forum what the best HI khuk is- but with swordsmen of equal skill, what would happen when a HI Tarwar met a Japanese Katana? The Katana is faster, but the Tarwar could break it in two.
with swordsmen of equal skill, what would happen when a HI Tarwar met a Japanese Katana?