Type of steel in Leatherman

Jan 27, 2003
Hi everybody. I was wondering if anyone knew what type of steel is used for the blades in Leatherman multi-tools--specifically the Wave and the S-2 Juice. Thanks in advance for the help.
Probably some kind of 420J2. I have always thought there would be a market for a multitool that actually had a blade that would take and hold a great edge. Evidently, the factories all dissagree, as they all make their knife blades out of the same junky stainless that they make the rest of the tool out of. They all use the cheapest stainless that they can machine easily. :barf:

You are absolutly correct. The Wave is an awesome tool. The only bad ting is the blade. It is made so it cannot hold an edge. And the cheapass edge can easily be dented or cracked. It is a useless blade. Try cutting soem thick rope or styrofoam. It is useless.
I rarely use the blade on a multitool, since I always carry a knife or two as well, but they've been used, if for no other reason than "to see".
My Wave's PE blade has cut styrofoam. It's cut thick rope, heavy rubber hosing, and broken down cardboard containers almost 3/4" in thickness and full of grit, too. Never chipped, never rolled. It doesn't hold an edge well, but it is far from useless, IMO, and actually cuts through binding materials much better than many of my "high-performance" knives due to its profile.
Go buy a T01 SpydeRench... it's got 440C...

I rarely use the blade on my multitools, it's there for a prybar...
I wonder why are multitools called knives, they are more like folding pliers with other tools in the handle.

I wish they made some multitools with no knife blade, I´d rather have other tools or thinner handles, and it would be great to carry a multitool that couldn´t be called a knife (we would have to talk about them in the gadgets forum).
Thanks for the info everybody. I agree that it would be cool if they made a multi-tool with a blade that had good edge retention. I carry other knives anyway so its not too big a deal, but it would be nice.
Originally posted by Don Luis
I wonder why are multitools called knives, they are more like folding pliers with other tools in the handle.

I wish they made some multitools with no knife blade, I´d rather have other tools or thinner handles, and it would be great to carry a multitool that couldn´t be called a knife (we would have to talk about them in the gadgets forum).
You COULD buy a SOG PowerLock or a PowerPlier or a Pocket PowerPlier, remove the knife-blade, and replace it with something else.:).
You beat me to the punch glockmann!

The powerlock is ridiculously easy to cutomize. All you need it 2 1/4 inch wrenches. Mine came with 2 blades, a serrated sheepsfoot and a plain edged drop point. Neither is a substantial knife, but that is why I cary a folder (or 2 or 3) to make up for it. I replaced the sheepsfoot with the siscors tool wich turs out is verrry usefull. there are many other tools availible that I could replace the other blade with, and I may do just that when I get the chance.

I must say I did have a Paratool when I was 14 that had a fully serrated sheepsfoot that was of the utmost quality. I remember cutting giant butt-loads of carpet, bailing twine and cardboard with it when I was growing up and hardly ever having to sharpen it. The new ones dont make that impression on me, I just dont use em much. They seem thinner and not as substantial.

But the tools! Not only are the pliers on the powerlock better than any other multi-tool they are better than almost any pliers. The tools are sturdy and lock in place, and the customization of them is so very very easy.
OwenM said it. Since I always have a quality folder (or more:eek: ) on me, I rarely use the blade on my multi-tool. It's there strictly as a back-up, and for back-up use, the steel seems to be OK.
I've had a Wave since about the time they first came out. Today is the first day I can remember ever using the blade on it. I cleaned my fingernails with it.:p I've just never had much of a use for the blade on it. Just always seem to have other knives on me.:D

All the best,
Mike U.
I replaced the sheepsfoot with the siscors tool wich turs out is verrry usefull. there are many other tools availible that I could replace the other blade with, and I may do just that when I get the chance.

Where can you get replacement tools from? I have a Pocket PowerPlier that I'd like to change the blade on. Those scissors sound ideal.

Originally posted by Pascal
Where can you get replacement tools from? I have a Pocket PowerPlier that I'd like to change the blade on. Those scissors sound ideal.

Give SOG a call at: 1-888-SOG-BEST
The blades on my Leatherman SuperTool have never held any sort of edge, but I think Leatherman deliberately leaves them soft but tough because so many owners abuse them... better tough and dull than broken and sharp. The file and pliers appear to be properly heat treated, so I would think Leatherman knows how to heat treat to get the qualities they want.
My leatherman is about 4 years old. When I got it I believe the company website indicated the blade steel we 440C. Mine holds a good edge for this type of knife, lasts OK and easy to sharpen. The other tools were some different type of steel.
I've long wished for a no-knife multi-tool, although I guess now, we wouldn't be able to fly with one whether it had a blade or not (assuming scissors, etc.) I'm going to have to check out this idea of converting a PowerLock, but it's a shame to have to carry one that's so much larger than my Wave.

Anyway, I got a great idea from a fellow forumite: I use the Wave as my "loaner" knife instead of handing over my Benchmade 710. It frightens people a whole lot less (both my fiancee and my best friend are terrifed by my "machette"). And somehow, I always seem to be around the bladeless when they discover they have a need to cut something. :rolleyes:


Unfortunately the only multitools readily available in Mexico are Leatherman and Gerber (or cheapo knockoffs) if it wasn´t so hard to get things through customs I might order from the U.S.

I believe you can also get a Gerber with no knife blade, if you go to their site and build a custom one.

Thanks for your comments.
I have a Super Tool (the older version that still printed PAT PENDING). the blade of the knife is sharp, mirror polished edge, comparable to my CS29LT out of the box. It holds quite well the edge, and i believe it is better than 420, although it doesn't last as well as the AUS8 of my CS29LT
I never paid much attention to the blade on my Leatherman it is there for a back up blade only. I have carried one since they first came out along with a folder or two.

IMHO they could just leave the serrated blade on the tool and replace the other with another tool maybe a diamond hone.