Unexpected good fortune...

Jun 26, 2000
or, how to choose a wife. Two nights ago my wife came in and saw the wallpaper on the PC and exclaimed, "how pretty". I had to agree since the picture was of the reworked AK and YCS recently posted by a forumite. Well I had to agree with her, she is my wife of 30 years after all, even though I personally think that those two Khukuris could look much better. They would look much better on MY wall! Anyway, in the course of this conversation she made a remark that I am going to take shameless advantage of. She asked me if I didn't think that there was room on the wall above the PC for a wheel of khukries! Well, we have seen wheels of arms in museums and there is in my opinion no more impressive display, so even though I have a hard time spending money on things for myself I have decided to become a buyer instead of a lurker. I want to assemble a modest collection of working Khukuris covering the range of styles. Perhaps 6 or even 8 examples. I would prefer to have each by a different Kami.

Here is where I would like some opinions from the denizens of the HI forum.

In your opinion, what Khukuri model best represents each Kami? For example, I want a Kobra by Kumar and a Chitlangi by Muralli. What models best represent Bura, Sanu, Sher and the rest? If anyone feels like tendering an opinion I will be grateful.
I wish I had enough khukuris to answer this question in an accurate authoritative manner but I don't.:(
Originally posted by RonS
Two nights ago my wife came in and saw the wallpaper on the PC and exclaimed, "how pretty". I had to agree since the picture was of the reworked AK and YCS recently posted by a forumite.

Wow, glad that my handle work means more Khuks for you!

Ah, I thought that those were yours, I didn't want to go searching in mid post to confirm it and I would rather not attribute them at all than be wrong. Thanks for confirming that and for the inspiration!

Now if the shopping site will just come up back I can get started.
Bura -- kothimoda. He is the only one who makes it and cures the bone for the handle himself. Second silver mtd Dhankuta.

Sanu -- UBE or YCS

Sher -- a special order AK 5/8 inch thick or a kagas katne.

Kumar -- you got that one

Murali -- does the Chitlangi well

KNN -- I like the way he does Sirupatis

I think that's our current master kamis.
Originally posted by Bill Martino
Kumar -- you got that one

Uncle Bill for the rest of us...which khukuri best represents Kumar's work, the Kobra?
I'm working on my collection too ( as you well know, and again, many thanks) not they they will end up on a wall, but lets see.

Still puzzling over the assorted symbols?
we have seen wheels of arms in museums and there is in my opinion no more impressive display
Very true, but a pair of crossed khukuris (say,matching 20" sirupatis or Ganga Ram Specials) looks nice above the fireplace!:D
Berkley, I guess I will have to find a roaring fireplace screensaver to go under my display once it get it started. :)
15" AK made by each kami will also get much interest if compared to each other, side by side! I'm not through every khukuri type yet, but my collector side tells me do so in the future.
I'll add my $.02 for what it's worth... :D

Kumar - Kobra

Sanu - YCS

Bura - Banspati (or either one Uncle suggested)

Sher - Ang Khola

Murali - BAS

Those are just what I'd get in your position. If Jag and Prem still work there, I really like my BGRS they made, too. :D
well, someone told me an expert called Kesar, "a master of the fullered blade" ( or was that fluted?) Like Raghorn, I thought many of his chitlangi's second to none and the few m43's that present here suggest Kesar's version is among the most stylish. ( curved pistol grip handle)
But what do I know?

"Old Faithfull" is without fans?

I have four Kesar blades. Two of them are my primary field knives (one at home, one at work) and the other two are masterpieces that I plan to prominently display in my home.

I can't truly say I have a single favorite kami. As Uncle stated, they are all masters. I really enjoy comparing their work and trying to find "personalities" in their interpretations of various models.

I also strongly believe that they were made to be used, not simply looked at. Like a fine musical instrument that is wasted hanging on the wall of a collector, it belongs in the hands of a musician.
Another Kesar fan here as well :D My little kesar AK (I cant remember if its 12" or 15") is my most used and most cherished khuk. Then again dont got too many khuk's :(, and wouldnt mind attaining a good cross-section of the kami's work. But with other bills to pay, my khuk buying days wont be for a while :(

I have handled khuks by Bura, Sanu, Kesar, Murali, KNN (the one with the glowing flame symbol),Kumar and Prakash. I have yet to see the work of Sher, Durba, Jag and Prem or Ganga Ram.

Bura and Sanu do the finest bladesmithing that I've seen to date. Anything by either of these two would be a worthy addition to a collection. The UBE is Sanu's design, so that might be a good signature blade for him.

Kesar's fullers aren't always symmetrical, although my Kesar Chitlangi is one of the most beautiful blades I own. I really like my Kesar Sirupatis (18" and 20"), too. In fact, the 18"er is my favorite khuk.

Murali has just returned from a long absence. This may show in his khuks as he gets back into practice. That's just my guess. My impression of what I've seen in person is that his fit and finish aren't as fine as the other kamis. But his khuks are very sturdy and robust - thick blades, thick handles, thick buttcaps. My recent Murali purchase has been great to use. If I had to carry one of my khuks on a long, rough field trip, it would be Murali's.

I've handled two Mallas and a GS by the KNN with the glowing flame mark. He still has alot of the "village" kami in him, IMO. His blades seem to tend toward the light side, too. It's like he wants to conserve steel. He makes very comfortable handles, though, and seems to have the hardness of his blades down pat. Bill recommends a KNN Sirupati. If that doesn't float your boat, get a KNN Malla. Except that it might end up on your nightstand as "bump in the night" backup, rather than on the wall.

A Kobra by Kumar should be on your list. Tom Holt will try to sell you on the 25", but I think that would take up too much wall space. ;)

Prakash isn't a regular, so I don't think he counts.


PS. Durba, Jag and Prem and Ganga Ram are no longer with the HI shop, so I don't know that they count, either.
I agree! Kesar is all over the fullered blade style. I have a 21" Gelbu Special by Kesar, and it is waspishly styled and even has a slight hollow grind to it (because he wanted to bring the second spine up to a good peak?)

Sher is the man who makes big boy blades. Fat handles, ultra-thick spines on AKs. I have an 18" AK from him that outweighs my GS by at least 8-10 ounces. It is as steady as stone, I use it regulary to cut wood, rawhide, paper, cardboard, soft metals, etc. I fee that it challenges me to feed it something it can't digest!

