Upcoming passaround/s

Not so sure it is a rule instead of a law. I know some states say 16 is the legal age to buy a knife, but in many it is 18.
Not so sure it is a rule instead of a law. I know some states say 16 is the legal age to buy a knife, but in many it is 18.

Yes, but your not buying a knife. Money is not exchanging hands, so that law carries no weight.
Yes, but your not buying a knife. Money is not exchanging hands, so that law carries no weight.

Ehhhh...yeah, I get your point, however, it introduces liability issues that nobody wants to deal with. So, easy way out, lowest common denominator, whatever term you like, it is easiest to just institute the restrictions.
Passaround rules are passaround rules. Personally I don't think it's bad to have an age restriction. It makes certain problems that may arise easier to deal with.
Passaround rules are passaround rules. Personally I don't think it's bad to have an age restriction. It makes certain problems that may arise easier to deal with.
Well obviously, because you're old enough. ;)
But do they even verify peoples age?
But I'll stop my train of thought here. Enjoy everyone.
Well obviously, because you're old enough. ;)
But do they even verify peoples age?
But I'll stop my train of thought here. Enjoy everyone.

Just to kick the horse one more time, 18 is the age of majority in the US. That also means that if you are 18+ and "Steal/lose" a knife, someone can come after you. If you are under 18, you are not legally allowed to enter into contracts, which the passaround rules are. Maybe I am overthinking this, but I understand it.

And if I was under 18 and wanted to participate, I would be pissed, too.
Just to kick the horse one more time, 18 is the age of majority in the US. That also means that if you are 18+ and "Steal/lose" a knife, someone can come after you. If you are under 18, you are not legally allowed to enter into contracts, which the passaround rules are. Maybe I am overthinking this, but I understand it.

And if I was under 18 and wanted to participate, I would be pissed, too.

Does that mean when I agree to the terms of service, I'm not actually agreeing to it? rhetorical question.
Does that mean when I agree to the terms of service, I'm not actually agreeing to it? rhetorical question.

Legally (I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express!) you can't agree to anything. ToS or not. Let the ghost of Steve Jobs come after you for your iTunes ToS!
I'm not trying to sound like a.....well you know what, but rules are rules. There's nothing we can do about so we'll just have to deal with it. Complaining isn't going to work. Suck it up.
Legally (I'm not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express!) you can't agree to anything. ToS or not. Let the ghost of Steve Jobs come after you for your iTunes ToS!

I don't have an iTunes account though.
I'm not trying to sound like a.....well you know what, but rules are rules. There's nothing we can do about so we'll just have to deal with it. Complaining isn't going to work. Suck it up.

I complained once, then stopped. Now I'm talking about legalalities, contracts, and such.
Everyone asking about how to sign up for this one....it's easy. Watch this thread. I'll post links to the new passarounds and then you can sign up by following the posted instructions. Easy-squeezy lemon-peezy.
im all in on any passaround:) I just got my own thermite today too.....review to come;-)
Just checked the passaround forum and nothing yet. REALLY want in on the 777. I have an Injection, and I have a thermite and Cryo 2 on the way.