watchpocket knife

Aug 18, 1999
I know some of you guys are like me in that you don't have enough pockets to carry all the knives you want to carry.
One of the places I like to carry a knife is in the watchpocket of my jeans. And my favorite knife to carry there is a Spyderco Navigator. Besides being a GREAT knife, it's just the right size for the watchpocket. And it's flat, so it doesn't interfere with reaching into your front pocket.

Sometimes I just slip it into the pocket and sometimes I clip it. Not much sticks out when you clip it.

Anywho, what's your favorite watchpocket knife?


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
At work on my part time job where cutting tape and paste board are more common I carry a MT UDT in the watchpocket of my jeans. Them UDT's ROCK!!!

Art Sigmon
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Php. 4:13

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword"
Heb. 4:12
I took part in a debate here recently, and I lost, fair and square. That's the nature of a well run forum. Well, I've learned my lesson and I've seen the light. I think the best watchpocket knife there is, and EVER will be is the Sifu. (Who says old guys can't change...)--OKG
Great post, It gave me an idea. Why not cut a hole in the bottom of that watch pocket which would allow for carry of even the longest folder. I'm on it!
When I wear jeans, I frequently carry my Spydie Cricket in the watch pocket.

Walk in the Light,
Hugh Fuller
I just cut out the bottom of the watch pocket and all I can say is, cool! I cut the threads on the bottom forward to the bottom middle of the pocket, then unfolded and trimmed off the excess material from inside the pocket. Now my AFCK slides in and stays there.
My small Sebenza carries nicely in a watch pocket. I usually don't carry in the watch pocket, though. It can be difficult to get at the knife when sitting.


Louis Buccellato
Knives, Weapons and equipment. Best prices anywhere.

"only the paranoid will survive"
Oy, I have to be careful about what I say! I was kidding, guys. It's been three years, but my favorite watchpocket knife was a small Michael Walker from Spydie. (I cannot believe you guys are really cutting up your jeans! Of course, if I'm this persuasive, I can get my own talk show, maybe I'll call it "Fondling Folders with the Fogie." What do you think?)--OKG
I wish jeans had more pockets. Just one large pocket on the side of each leg would make life sooo much easier.

The Navigator is also what I carry in the fob pocket, sans clip. It fits perfectly!


"We cut things to create things" - J.K.M.
Cerulean, get a set of cargo/hiking pants from Cabelas. Cargo and knife pocket already built in

It is not the fall that kills you. It is the realization that "yes, you did something that stupid."

[This message has been edited by bfm (edited 11-25-2000).]
I like to wear Wrangler painter pants occasionally. They have a nice long pocket on the right side, good for carrying a knife.


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.
I always carry my small Left Handed Sebenza clipped inside my Left Hand watch pocket.

RICK - Left Handers Unite
I really like roguesoul's suggestion. I've been looking for a more secure way to carry my larger clipped folders. This looks great.
I am thinking of removing the clip of my Mouse, adding a lanyard, and dropping it in the bottom o' the pocket.

I would put it in the watchpocket, but all I wear is cargo pants.

Thank you,
Marion David Poff aka Eye, Cd'A ID, USA

>>--->Bill Siegle Custom Knives<---<<

Talonite Resource Page, nearly exhaustive!!

Fire Page, metal match sources and index of information.

"We will either find a way, or make one." Hannibal, 210 B.C.
Since I practically live in my Wranglers I of course have my carry choices pretty well standardized. In the small watchpocket goes a little 2 blade vintage Case. It fits great....rides horizontal at bottom of the small pocket...alowing enough room for a backup key or such in on top of it if needed. Its always there ready to cut a box or tape or a string or clean fingernails or any other 'gentleman chores' that come along. Main blade is iwb thru the first beltloop right of center...kinda of an appendix carry. Anyone else out there keep a fresh onesided razorblade in their wallets or a cheap 'disposeable' cheapo blade in the car for emergency knife chores. I consider these cheapos the 'bic pens' of the blade industry. I may carry a spydie / bm / case / rekat / sak, etc....but I always keep plenty of throwaways in my environs so they can be used by anyone as needed without my concern.
If I am going to have a knife there, I keep my Pro-Tech Runt in the watch pocket. It fits rather nicely, and since I got mine a while ago, there is no clip to worry about. I actually usually carry a one ounce American Silver Eagle dollar coin, as a sort of good luck piece.

Daniel D.