What can Brown do for me? NOTHING!

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Nov 14, 2002
Well children, gather round, and you'll hear a tail of heartbreak, romance, and adventure, from the days long gone...

One day, I was playing with my beautiful Spyderco Lum Chinese, when I noticed that the liner was acting funky. Hrm, I thought, better get some help for this one. So I contact Spyderco, and they tell me to send it in, and that's exactly what I do. I send the knife in to Spyderco, and wait, oh, about 3 weeks, because I'm a patient man with the California laid back attitude. =) I sent it in, ooooh, beginning of December, so when New Year's rolled around, I decide to give Spyderco a call to figure out where my knife is. Turns out, they sent the knife back...ooooh, about a week or two after I sent it in. Mike at Warranty (great guy by the way, fun to talk to and laugh with about this) goes to find out where my knife has gone...to find that it has gone from Colorado...to California....to Colorado...(not including intrastate travel, which was considerable)all expense paid trip using United Parcel Service transportation. This amuses me quite a bit, but it's not that big of a deal to me, and Mike tells me he'll send it overnight when he receives it, and I go, that's great! Well, I call Mike back a couple days later to see what the deal is on the knife, and he tells me that UPS lost it! THEY LOST IT! At this point I'm cracking up because it's just so ridiculous. :yawn: Well, Mike came to the conclusion that some UPS guy is enjoying the knife, which I hope he is, it is a great knife =). Well, I dunno how this is going to end, but Mike's gonna try to hook me up with a new knife because of all the separation anxiety I experienced. ^_~ But yeah, conclusion, Mike at Spyderco is the best (so is Spyderco, ahem), and UPS...well, I'm not a judgemental person. =) I use USPS for everything, and let's just say that's not changing anytime soon. Peace.
I don't really like them either.Just made a trade with a newcomer to the forums and he sent mine UPS(witch was fine by me) I sent his USPS he got his in 2 days I think it was 4 or 5 days before I got mine and it cost him 2 times as much to send it.Another thing that bothers me about them(I know its not a concern with most)is that I work 2nd shift and even if you leave them a note asking them to leave it on the back porch or put it between the storm door and the front door they still leave it in plane sight on the front porch.:barf: UPS:barf: