What do you call a .....

Jul 4, 2002
So, I've got the dui and tin chirra meanings down but what do you call a kuk with a single fuller. Is there name for this type?
ek chirra?

nepali numerals


yes, the 2nd line is the word in nepali for the nepali numeral in the 1st line above. the 3rd line is the western equivalent phonetic word for the equivalent western numeral in the 4th line. formal fonts of course, (the handwritten version is in the first scribbly grayish picture).

i'd worked that out from the letter combinations, ie the 's' in sat corresponds to the 1st nepali character in the corresponding nepali word, which is the same as the last one in 'das', same with the 'ch' in char, panch and cha, the 'n' in tin, nau, the 'd' in dui and das (the dui one has a little extra diacritical squiggle tho) and the long 'a' sound in char, panch, cha, sat, at, and nau.

both tables came from doing a google, i'm sure someone from nepal like aunty yangdu, or my neighbors daughter who just went back could also assist if necessary, tho 'ek' = 'one' seems pretty straight forward ;)
I've heard "ek chirra" before...as well as "ang khola"
You can really see that indo-european mothertung (cant spell today) in the roman charcters, especialy 7-10 definite similarities to english/french/spanish. Do we have any cunning linguists among us?
well, our 'family' of languages is known as indo-european, the roots of all our languages in europe derived from their indian roots, what we mistakenly sometimes call 'arabic' numerals are actually indian in origin as is the concept (and symbol) for 'zero'. even hitler and his national socialists believed the germans were descended from the ancient aryan race which migrated from india to populate europe and russia, using and corrupting one of the regions holy symbols as their twisted symbol. the connection between nepali numerals and even their pronunciation and our western versions is not a coincidence, but a natural evolution.
I've heard "ek chirra" before...as well as "ang khola"

Sure the kami had hysterics about that, by thier definition something thats divided must be 2 parts {which are the fullers.}. Ek chirra is an oxymorron in thier language.

They thought a westerner had learnt dia & tin chirra & just assumed one fuller would be ek chirra. Apparently that impossible in thier language though.

A single fuller is an Angh khoala.

Whether full or half.

A single fuller is an Angh khoala.

Whether full or half.


Okay, I am a complete novice here, hence my next question. The baby BDC I have on order appears to have only one fuller, based on the picture. Sooooo, is it a BDC or an Angh Khoala and why?

ah, refreshing, so many questions that aren't "which khukri should i buy" :)

it's a BDC if yangdu said it is, and because ;)

it probably has two, even if small, as a result of "flat light" or something.


that's probably a good example as i can find by going through past DOTDs, it's also my knife ;> http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=440472

if you look close, you'll see the fuller closest to the spine, is a small one, like an AK. the second one runs full length, and swoops up from the above the tip. an AK isn't going to have that. if it does, it's weird, and probably is "something else" :>

also, an AK has more of a tear drop leaf shape to it in the weight distribution, BDCs tend towards being long leaf shapes. both can have very thick massive spines. AKs have a sharp elbow bend, BDCs are smooth curves.

note also the handles. BDCs are always (that i've seen), full tang (chiruwa), two ping. AKs can come with a rat tail, or as a chiruwa handle, but even then, the shapes are different, the BDC handle tends to flow from the curve, the AK follows the straight of the last elbow bend (mostly). additionally, the BDC does NOT have handle rings. most AKs do, unless you sand them off (many folk do), or you are sgt khadka :)

hey mod(s), a lot of this recent stuff (dotd? ybb? how to buy, who what where), and perhaps oldies but goodies should be collated, put into a revise "faq"... some of the permanent pinned items (tips and tricks) could be pointed to from there), the number of stickies shouldn't be made past 5 imho, but we badly need a "real" FAQ... we can all contribute/add to it, and have a title like "READ ME FIRST or else be smited" :) (no offense WB, i feel we've needed this a long time). then tips and tricks could go "float", because it's being referred to in the meta-pinned item the FAQ. fewer stickies, one OBVIOUS read this. tips and tricks IS kinda bloaty now.

i can even volunteer to help write it ;) the FAQ format is pretty straightforward these days. it could be a real assett and collect the various terms we use, as well as important lore in one place. instant HI khukri expertise, more sharks ;)

that is all :)

Thanks for the excellent explanation and picture. The picture clearly shows two fullers. When a knife is a BDC, does the B stand for Bura and if so, what would it be called if made by someone else? Please believe me when I tell you I am on the net a good part of every day trying to get an understanding on my own of kuk's and their naming schemes but it seems as if kuk type, kami and its features are somehow comingled in naming the kuk.
Thanks for the excellent explanation and picture. The picture clearly shows two fullers. When a knife is a BDC, does the B stand for Bura and if so, what would it be called if made by someone else? Please believe me when I tell you I am on the net a good part of every day trying to get an understanding on my own of kuk's and their naming schemes but it seems as if kuk type, kami and its features are somehow comingled in naming the kuk.

BDC is in fact, as you say. it's a style, like the other shapes. for example:

Pen Knife is named after Pendentive, a nickname for Dan Koster. it's a style he created. similarly, the sian dubh, the chit bowie, the munk cleaver, the AK bowie?, the bura boomerang, and more (this should be an FAQ item too - all the blades, their source invention/creator, etc)...

the name and style are separate from the artisan that made them in many realms. a mcdonald's cheeseburger could have been made by anyone (and was), but it's still a McDee's :> certainly "air jordan" shoes were NOT made bmy michael jordan ;) not even designed i'd imagine. yet they have his name :)

so in the BDC case, bura created it based on history and his fertile imagination, so it's got his name, and he made many of them, and still does. so, if you REALLY want to get HIKV, you could attempt to get one or more by him, or others as well.

So, the B in BDC is there because Bura designed the knife. Therefore, even if Charlie the knifemaker made this model, it would still be called the BDC?

Would it be the case that, because Bura is a HI maker, Tora would not carry BDC's.

The Baby BDC I have on order was made by Bura. I'm looking forward to catching the virus.
So, the B in BDC is there because Bura designed the knife. Therefore, even if Charlie the knifemaker made this model, it would still be called the BDC?

Would it be the case that, because Bura is a HI maker, Tora would not carry BDC's.

The Baby BDC I have on order was made by Bura. I'm looking forward to catching the virus.

yes, still a BDC.

not only is bura an HI maker, but BDC is a HI marque, even if it's not registered (c) or (r) or (tm)... Tora or KH could easily make something that looks exactly like it... but could not FAIRLY call it a BDC. nor would it have a chance of being made by bura, or someone bura taught. it would then be an interpretation.

you'll note by looking at the catalog lines of various houses, that many of their blades might look alike, and i'm gathering that except for items you can easily find in a museum or a history book, are modern interpretations of the old, or brand new inspirations (like the pen knife), and if you see them other places, they are derivations (that's a polite way of saying copy ;>) - high flattery, but not as good as the originals often ;) if better, go them, but it's STILL not the same item - that may be important to you the customer, but i'm sure it annoys the artists, imitation/flattery being what it is.

gooooo virus.
