" "What do you guys think of this Sanrenmu?" off topic posts from other thread"

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These posts were removed from a legitimate discussion of a knife in Knife Reviews & Testing. Trashing that thread with off-topic, politicized ranting is disgraceful. If I had the time, I would sanitize these forums every time I see this. Including appropriate warnings or infractions for the ring-leaders.

Start your own damn threads in the proper forums instead of hijacking legitimate discussions.
Cray, Arm, and DAV if you guys want to talk about the real disgusting part here, it's the fact that our classic American knife manufacturers are outsourcing in the first place. See, when I was a kid in 1990 I dropped $30 that took forever to save up to buy a Kabar hunting knife. It looked so good in the display case with Cleveland, OH stamped clearly on the blade. When I got the box home and opened it up, eager to show off my quality American steel, WTF did I see stamped on the back? Hong Kong. I was almost physically sick and felt robbed.
Nowadays, I get the business side. Maybe you don't fully get it though. If I'm going to buy a $7 China knife because I need a beater to abuse and lose which happens, I'm going to pay $7. I have ZERO desire to pay $30 to some greedy American who is paying $5 for literally the same China knife with their logo stamped and a warranty that I will likely never use. If the warranty is worth it to you, go for it. Not my thing. And if you give that crap about the extra $25 going to support a fellow American, I have a perfectly reasoned stance. I save that extra to support my own family.
Now on a tangent, I had never considered Spyderco knives based on looks alone. I always thought that they were odd looking. I bought a Syderclone from the Dollar Tree of all places to literally test a grinding wheel at work. After a test run of reprofiling the edge and playing with it, I decided that an Endura 4 is going on my wish list. This is a solid reason that the cheap clone has a place. The clone is a way to try something new without dropping what a lot of people consider to be a substantial sum of cash.
Some of us won't buy those either if there is an option I won't buy made in china. You can go on you can justify to yourself and others why its OK but there are a a lot of people who aren't picking up what your putting down no matter how many nice words you cover it in.
It's not really possible to thrust morality on others, I am only able to make decisions for me based on my morals. I choose not to buy products that harm the sales of legitimate companies, others don't have the same qualms and there's nothing I can say to change their minds.

I will say this: if you think the purchase of a clone knife is harmless to the company that was copied then you need to get educated on how the economy works.
It's not really possible to thrust morality on others, I am only able to make decisions for me based on my morals. I choose not to buy products that harm the sales of legitimate companies, others don't have the same qualms and there's nothing I can say to change their minds.

I will say this: if you think the purchase of a clone knife is harmless to the company that was copied then you need to get educated on how the economy works.

I gifted someone a ganzo when it broke they bought a benchmade. How is that bad for benchmade? If ganzo wasn't there to show him he liked axis lock and wanted higher quality he likely woulda bought another cheap liner lock.
I would have never started a thread with a post like the one that this is started with. It is now completely out of context. Please disregard.
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