What does your bladeforums username mean?

I've used this same name on a bunch of other forums, but it's just an indication that I really enjoy the .22 Hornet (and the K-Hornet) cartridge.
Simple as that...
Mine is short for the Fraternity I joined in college, Phi Sigma Kappa.

I started to choose a user name based on the two college fraternities I was in ( got kicked out of both, so unfair! ) : Phi Zappa Crappa and I Aeta Beta Pi. But of course, I decided against it.
I started to choose a user name based on the two college fraternities I was in ( got kicked out of both, so unfair! ) : Phi Zappa Crappa and I Aeta Beta Pi. But of course, I decided against it.
How did you get kicked out?