* What is the best mega folder? - rate them

Oct 17, 2000
What is the best mega folder (4.5" or larger)?

Rekat Sifu
Gerber Large Applegate
Darrel Ralph Mad Max
Cold Steel Extra Large Voyager/Gunsite
SOG Pentagon Elite II

Rate the mega folders.

Are there any other production mega folders that are worth mentioning?
I'm curious where you got the number 4.5 inches as the cutoff length for a "mega folder"?

Of the ones you list, I've gotta go with the Sifu. (never seen a Mad Max)

Tráceme no sin la razón, envoltura mi no sin honor
Usual Suspect
I like my Cold Steel 5 inch plain-edge Clip-Point Voyager, and my 5 inch Gunsite folders. These two are awesome, and that Voyagers' blade is HUGE (wide).

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663
Is there really and contest? Mad Maxx, of course

5.5" blade, 5.95" closed, 11 3/8" open. I think a folder any bigger than that would just be too unwieldy, when closed, since the handle has to be longer than the blade to cover it.


I did not see the Cold Steel Vaquero Grande mentioned, awesome knife for the price.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Keith Montgomery:
I will let you know my impressions of the MADD MAXX after I receive mine in about two weeks.


Same here!!!
Please don't forget to add the TOPS Magnum on to your list. I currently own a Sifu, and a 5" CS Voyager. Neither are as tough and rugged as the Magnum.

Don't get me wrong. I like both the Sifu and the Voyager but for pure ruggedness I like the Magnum. The one downside is that it is simply much to bulky to carry in your pocket. Comes with a sheath.

As an added plus, they are $200.00, which makes them reasonable for this type of low production piece.

[This message has been edited by jayharley (edited 02-20-2001).]
I am desperately insane enough to own all the knives listed, including the Madd Maxx prototype. Maxx wins hands down. The handle shape and ergonomics make this knife carry like a ~4" knife. You don't really notice the difference in size 'til you flick the blade open. The combination of blade mass and smooth-as-silk pivot action create a very satisfying ka-thunk when you thumb it open. I also have total confidence in the integral lock.
The Sifu is also excellent at a much better price. It weighs quite a bit more and doesn't open quite as smoothly, but the rolling lock is as strong as a bank vault. I have the finger grooved version, which is a little rough on the hands and the pocket. I haven't tried the new grooveless version, but would assume it is better. Don't waste your money on the carbon fibre version. It is only a thin layer of CF laminated to the G-10, so there is no weight savings. It also delaminates easily.
Hope this helps,

AKTI# A000150
NC Custom Knifemakers Guild member
NC Knife Knuts member
Sadly, my present budget is sufficient for only the Vaquero Grande and the Sifu. And although I love both of them, they do have their inadequacies

OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: My experience with these knives has been limited to my particular knives only. This posting does not pretend to present an opinion representative of all the other knives of these models.

I have found that thumb opening the VG is pretty much a fruitless effort and have limited myself to inertial openings. The blade has developed about a 1/32" vertical play which is plenty of rattle room.

I bought the Sifu out of sheer hope that the lock strength would allow the knife to be used for back cutting. I had one of those stupid moments and rather than taping the blade like I had intended, I took a very light back cut swing at my cutting dummy and now have a new scar just below the middle knuckle of my index finger.

I taped the blade and tried several more times and you couldn't stop it from folding. I contacted Mr. Taylor explained the situation, and sent him the knife. He and Mr. Brothers took it apart, checked it out and said everything was up to specs. They performed the spine whack test and said it worked fine.

I got the knife back, taped the blade, and it took several light back cuts without folding. Later on in practice, it began folding again. I took it to class and all of us took turns tapping the back of the point against our bare hands and watching the blade fold. It sat in the drawer for a few weeks and when I pulled it out and began tapping the point against my hand, it held.

I guess the lesson is that no matter how strong the lock may be, the spine whack test is not the same as back cutting. And at least in my Sifu, it can't be used for back cutting.

My large CRKT Krawford Casper folder with the intervening secondary lock engaged works fine for back cutting.

All you need is love... a sharp blade and a full clip
You can buy the TOPS Magnum for $199.00 directly from TOPS. The only additional cost will be shipping (which is only a few bucks). Check out their web site at:


However, if you want to order, call them. Do not place the order via their site. Mike and Helene don't seem to answer their email etc. on a regular basis. However they are great people, so call them.
Where is the Cold Steel Vaquero Grande? I like mine, impractical but great for self defence and cutting in the garden.


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I don't know first hand about this one but if it is anything like the Model 4 I just got, and I am sure it is, then it will be a mega mega folder. It is a camp folder by Kit Carson with a 5 inch blade. Titanium frame and grooved carbon fiber handles along with a clip round it out. You can see a picture of it on Les Robertson's site. This looks like a winner to me!

Even though it is only a mere 4 inchs the Model 4 I picked up has a mega sized blade and could be considered if the limit was dropped to 4.0".

Art Sigmon
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Php. 4:13

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword"
Heb. 4:12
I don't know first hand about this one but if it is anything like the Model 4 I just got, and I am sure it is, then it will be a mega mega folder. It is a camp folder by Kit Carson with a 5 inch blade. Titanium frame and grooved carbon fiber handles along with a clip round it out. You can see a picture of it on Les Robertson's site. This looks like a winner to me!

Even though it is only a mere 4 inchs the Model 4 I picked up has a mega sized blade and could be considered if the limit was dropped to 4.0".

Art Sigmon
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Php. 4:13

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword"
Heb. 4:12
Once again, the depth of my insanity for big knives shows itself in this topic. I have the Carson BAK(big a**ed knife's) big brother. It is a one-of two Carson that is nameless with a 5.5" blade. The liners are thicker than most blade thicknesses.It is everything you would expect of a Carson in terms of toughness. I would expect the BAK to be no less tough.One nice feature it incorporates is that the thumbstuds provide the stops in the open position.This is seen on the Elishewitz Diablo and a few other knives as well. This makes so much sense for a solid lock-up, I wish more makers would utilize it.
BTW, We are in daily prayer for your family and for a positive resolution to the position you are in


AKTI# A000150
NC Custom Knifemakers Guild member
NC Knife Knuts member
I am a very lucky man! I have a great family, even if my wife doesn't understand knives, I have a son who has his best friend alive, and I have prayers going up by the hour! What more could a person really want. I thank you and all those who have thought of us over the past couple of weeks! Hopefully Will and James will come down to Charlotte in March to enjoy the BBQ at Bubba's, I know I will!

On to knives! I like a big folder also. I have already emailed Les to put me one of the BAK's on his list. Don't know what time we are talking about, but it doesn't matter as MADD MAXX should be coming in in the next couple of weeks! From your observations on this one I can't wait to get it in my hands! Of course the Carson model 4 that arrived today needs to spend some time there first. The model 4 has a fighter style blade that is awesome looking and huge to boot. Hope to bring it down in March.

Again, thanks for everything!

Art Sigmon
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
Php. 4:13

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword"
Heb. 4:12