It should be pointed out that Ernie's knives are not the only ones that garner long waits and higher secondary market pricing.
I never said there was anything wrong with making a profit or trading up. I completely understand, and have been a willing participant, in the "Supply and Demand" system.
But again, it amazes me the number of posting about people getting on Ernie's wait list with the intent of sell it for two to three times it's retail.
I try to be objective, but it's hard to respect this . . . practice.
I've listened to people bad mouth the "cost" of Emerson customs, <u>while</u> their selling CQC6s for $1300+.
I've listened to people poor mouthing Ernie, saying he's charging the $1300+ for knives that should be going for $500+. Ernie doesn't set secondary market pricing, buyers and sellers do.
I wish everyone that wanted a knife could get one at a good price and reasonable wait. I just have a hard time condoning someone <u>only</u> interested in turning a profit.
I've noticed that even when one of the usual suspects who really love their Emerson's sells one, they gat the same price as those just in it for cash, so what's the difference?
Your right, it does happen. Emerson collectors do buy, sell and trade customs. But few, if any, of the collectors turn a profit (believe it . . or not).
I can tell you from personal experience that most of these knives go for very close to what the collector has into them. Collectors are bound by the same rules and costs as people getting their first custom on the secondary market. We have to buy from profiteers too.
I think you'd be hard pressed to find a "Usual Suspect" and collector that didn't take it in the shorts to get a piece to fill in their collection. I have one piece that I'll never get out of it what I have into it, but I wanted it.
One thing you don't see is the moving of customs behind the scenes. Many of us are in contact off the forums and have traded, bought and sold amongst ourselves.
For the record, my six isn't for sale right now (nor are any of my customs, Emerson or otherwise). Probably won't be (pending me finding "that special piece" that I can't live without). But if it did grow legs, I'm into it right and a deal could probably be had by the right collector. I appreciate the offer though.