What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?

Today im going simple yet affective
Thank you most kindly, Jack!!! :)

Your metal Monday "What-A-Knife" always makes me smile; a wonderful pairing to start the week! 😁 :cool: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Thank you JJ, me too! :D :) :thumbsup:
Starting out this week with a metal Monday Sheffield slicer from Jack Black Jack Black and a Lambsfoot. :)
A great Sheffield start to the week my friend :) :thumbsup:
A fun pairing fine Sir !!! Thanks Jack
:cool: :thumbsup::)
Thanks a lot Gev :) :thumbsup:

Lyle is such a great guy, really love his SFO's. Thanks again! @wlfryjr

I hope Lyle is keeping well, it's been a while since I last noticed him around here, but I don't get a chance to read all the threads anymore :thumbsup:

Having a Double Lambsfoot Day! ;) :thumbsup:

Britain leads the way (again).

Canadian can do attitude,American industrial might, none of is a match for Yorkshire no nonsense thinking.😁

After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, Canadian scientists found
traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that
their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago.
Not to be outdone by their neighbours, in the weeks that followed, an American Archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story was published in the New York Times: "American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their Ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the Canadians".
One week later, the British authorities reported the following:
"After digging as deep as 30 feet in North Yorkshire, Jack Arkwright, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing at all.
Jack has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Britain had already gone wireless."
Just makes you bloody proud to be British, don't it!

I'm not pregnant BUT I have had Sardine and PB sandwiches in the past - long ago. Also, PB and Banana; PB and Pickle Relish; and of course PB and Jelly/Jam.
#1 is toasted bread, thick layers of Smucker’s natural chunky peanut butter with thick salted slices of fresh tomato.
#2 is same except with dill pickles.

For the 80th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day I will carry one of my WW-II Navy-Coast Guard jackknives, this Imperial. In sacred memory to all those that lost their lives on that fateful day. OH
Good idea.
18D3FB3E-910D-42D6-9CE7-EA25FE4173A5.jpeg8F0734C8-B947-4251-8634-7AE19AA76E0D.jpegIt’s going on 40 years ago that I got the old USN Cattaraugus Quartermaster’s knife at a garage sale in Missouri. For close to 30 years, it was a toolbox knife, always in the back of my car/truck, inside in a sheath made of cardboard cereal box and duct tape to keep it sharp. Finally got around to restoring it a few years ago. Carefully removed the grinder marks (I’ll never understand how running a grinder all up and down the sides of a blade is supposed to make it sharp), cleaned the leather handle and oiled it, and oiled it...
Tightened the loose pommel, and gave it a non authentic, but secure leather sheath, and today, as Bruce Old Hunter Old Hunter suggested, I’m using it in remembrance.
Have a great day, folks!
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Happy weekend to everyone. It is cold here, minus 10 centigrade and light snow cover and sun is low on the horizon, so not like in this picture. I really should take same winter and knives - pictures to display. As I sit in the office, this is all I need, but winter knives are in my opinion a category of it's own. Larger than this to be able to handle them with gloves. Fixed blades are good and if carrying a folder ease of opening is important, the blade must have enough surface to grip. A easy opening notch helps.
These friction folders are actually nice winter knives, easy to open and close even with gloved hands.

#1 is toasted bread, thick layers of Smucker’s natural chunky peanut butter with thick salted slices of fresh tomato.
#2 is same except with dill pickles.
And I thought my wife putting PB on her BLT was weird, but then again I used to eat Ketchup and Mayonnaise sandwiches when I was in college, but that was because I couldn’t afford anything else! 🤣

Happy Tuesday Everybody
My trapper will have to wait until I get home from work.
Riding with my Usual Lamb today is the White Owl... Lamb for hard work and Owl for admiring...
I left one of my mini trappers at home in favor of my Owl also. 😊AEE25EBA-279A-425E-B2BB-D25CAAC2D322.jpeg