What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?

I don't know to tell the truth, Gary. One day on my walk, I gathered leaves from all the trees that caught my eye and brought them home. It was a magical day when all the leaves were changing color :) I often gather things, I guess it is the Bower genes in me :rolleyes:
Those look to be oak leaves of some sort, sorry to interject. What region of the country are you in Gevonovich Gevonovich ? Might help narrow it down, but they look like they belong to a burr oak
Congrats on the GEC mini trapper, Jeff! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup: (I think btb01 btb01 Barrett told me once how that pattern differs from a mini trapper, and although his explanation made sense, I've apparently forgotten it. So I'll revert to calling it GEC's version of a mini trapper. :rolleyes:)

I vaguely remember that, GT. I don’t remember exactly what I said :D, but I think I posted these photos with it.



They are similar. The handle on the Farm Boy is straighter and fuller, and I much prefer its taller/fuller clip point blade. The Farm Boy also has the spey in front of the clip, while the Case Mini Trapper is the other way around.
Those look to be oak leaves of some sort, sorry to interject. What region of the country are you in Gevonovich Gevonovich ? Might help narrow it down, but they look like they belong to a burr oak
Texas and this park has many varieties of trees. Not all native to the area. That said, I did a search and think it is a:

Quercus muehlenbergii, the chinkapin or chinquapin oak, is a deciduous species of tree in the white oak group (Quercus sect. Quercus). The species was often called Quercus acuminata in older literature. Quercus muehlenbergii (often misspelled as muhlenbergii) is native to eastern and central North America.

Texas and this park has many varieties of trees. Not all native to the area. That said, I did a search and think it is a:

Quercus muehlenbergii, the chinkapin or chinquapin oak, is a deciduous species of tree in the white oak group (Quercus sect. Quercus). The species was often called Quercus acuminata in older literature. Quercus muehlenbergii (often misspelled as muhlenbergii) is native to eastern and central North America.

Very good, I'm glad I was almost there, the chinkapin oak isn't one I usually think of, but I did have the group pegged. As my old field natural history professor used to say, red oak leaves are pointed like the red man's arrow, white oak are(in the voice of Elmer fudd) wounded wike the white man's buwwet...
Beautiful day and got some nice shop time in, my wife is expecting our third child in April so trying to get various various projects knocked off my list before then.

62 stag courthouse Whittler was a good companion today for a power steering conversion on my old F100.

Here’s to your back healing quickly, Dennis. Cool looking Imperial EO. Nice Case, too.
Thank you so kindly, Harvey!
Albert Oates, Sheffield Lamb Foot.
View attachment 1293877
Such an awsome stunner for sure!:):thumbsup:
Hope you're recovered soon Dennis :thumbsup:

You got it! :D :thumbsup:
Thank you very much, Jack! Just finished a jumbo chicken sandwich, but nothing on the order of your mate's was!
Time for the healing suds!:cool:
Hope everyone is having a great weekend :) :thumbsup:


Fantastic pairing! Love the deep red on your TC!:thumbsup:
Nice Navy jack!
Thank you very much, Jeff!
View attachment 1293958Camco scout and Puma small trapper, both in buffalo horn.
Great pairing!:thumbsup:
Gratuitous shot of the Carhartt:

Jack, I was struck, like you, by the look of the horn on my little Joker; the colors remind me of those on the horns of many of our dairy cattle when I was a lad. What a pair for you, Jack: stag HHB and What-a-Knife!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:;) One more look at the Joker horn, but pile side:

Vince and José, thanks for your diplomacy in simply complimenting the entire quartet!
Some more beauties, GT! Great looking horn:thumbsup:
Chilling with the lambsfoot myself today...
Your Rosie looks like a good partner to chill with on a Sunday, Anthony!:thumbsup:
Good Morning Everybody
What a way to start the day, John!! Love your WCLF!
Bit of this thrown in ;) :D :thumbsup:

You look as if you've got it down pretty good, Jack!:thumbsup:
Sunday morning, brewing the coffee for Mrs. CC and I :)

Nice, Mike!:cool::thumbsup:

My darling super dooper wife and sons got me this for our anniversary, been smiling all day!