What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?

Came accross this one while looking for something else, had to get it out for a while.


Bear MGC Damascus blade and spring, the rest I did custom, copper and giraffe bone.
Grab a bowl of snacks, put your feet up, and enjoy it for a while. Doctor's orders. ;)
I followed your orders, Doc. :thumbsup::thumbsup::) Ate a bunch of "touch of lime" tortilla chips dipped in roasted red pepper hummus, drank a snowdrift vanilla porter, and watched the first half. I usually root for the NFC team, but after rooting against Brady so many times, I had to go for KC. Brady got me again! :eek::mad:

They did it, Super Bowl Champs! Must have been the knives I’ve been posting!;) These two, one last time, and my Bucs hat, pretty cold for around here, nothing compared to what some of you are enduring!
View attachment 1505762
Congrats! :thumbsup::):thumbsup:

Thanks and your Valley Jack is awesome !
Thanks, Steve. :)

Carrying the gumfuddy variation of the Imperial EO WW-II Navy Knife today. The handles have shrunk away from the bolsters over the years, but seem to have stabilized over the last decade. OH
Pair of classics, Bruce! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks for the compliment! As to your question about the position of the sheepsfoot - I assume it’s just to keep the nick on the sheepsfoot far enough above the pen that you can reach it easily, but it does seem a little more than necessary on this one. It sort of resembles a submarine doing an emergency surface, doesn’t it?

Your submarine analogy and photo cracked me up! :D:thumbsup::thumbsup:

It frustrates me that my hands don't cooperate in the cold, especially since I enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities. Mittens help, but then I can't do anything that needs dexterity (firing a gun, baiting a hook, pressing a shutter button, etc). I used to operate a forklift in a lumber yard and I had a few pairs of gloves. I'd wear one pair, sit on another, and leave the other near the exhaust of the forklift. I'd rotate them around when my hands got too cold. Every once in a while I'd go inside and run some warm water over my hands. Not fun.

I doubt it's ebony. It's a Chinese made knife that I got in a set with a small single blade. The only info I could find about the handle is that its "woodgrain". I bought it to see how I liked the canoe pattern (I do).
Thanks for the additional info. :)

Another superb selection, Gary.;):thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thanks, José. :)

LOL! :D Thanks Gary, much as I love Lucy too, I am glad I got the 'Prototype' back out of the box :) That's a smashing trio you're showing there :) :thumbsup:
Thanks, Jack. :)

That's a good looking Case Congress, Gary. :thumbsup:

The Scrade 897 UH is a knife that could be "only one" if I had to do it. I know that because it was for 20 years. :D

My muskrat is chestnut bone; I think of it as a knife with a spare blade rather than redundant.:D

That's a goodl looking Case Peanut, Gary. :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the relevant comments, Dean. :)
I think those chestnut Sway Back Jacks are such amazing knives! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:

Your daughter has great taste! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:
Thanks, I agree; she has come up with several nice knives for me. :)

Thank you, Gary. I agree about the blade combo. I prefer multi-bladed knives, and carrying this little Esquire takes up the slack when combined with a single blader. ;)
Wise strategy! :cool::cool::thumbsup:

Hope you Superbowlers enjoyed the game, and that everyone had a great weekend :thumbsup: Starting my week off with a Bagpipe Ebony Lambsfoot SFO, and a Metal Monday Vic Bantam :thumbsup:
Superb black/silver pairing, Jack, and I like the smooth/checkered contrast, too! :thumbsup::cool::cool: I've never seen a Bantam in person.


W. Saynor LTD Sheffield
That's a sublime example, Gev!! :cool::thumbsup::cool:

5K Qs 5K Qs - guessing 1960’s on your Camillus TL27 - slanted letters & long underline, and looks like smooth Delrin in the handle.
5K Qs 5K Qs , and Bruce, I’ll trust Bruce on the tang stamp details. Without a TL-29 stamp in the scales, or a 27 stamp on the blade, the only way I can tell the civi from the GI is the GIs have thicker blades.
I do know that when they first switched over to plastic from cocobolo, they stuck with the forward placement of the shackle. All the way back was how they made them until the end, making that the last/newest version. Also, if you’ll look at the back, the earlier ones were finished. Later, final ones were not- the back was not ground and polished level after assembly.
I was watching an old Chuck Norris movie from ‘83, so of course I knew who would win.
Chuck Norris always wins.
Thanks for the opinions on the age of my Camillus, Bruce and Jeff.:):thumbsup::thumbsup:
Yeah, Chuck doesn't end up anywhere but on top, does he? :D;)

Notable pair!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

Appealing Alox! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

View attachment 1505925 I’m the same A.F.
I don’t get too dirty anymore, a car (mechanical) guy since I was, oh I don’t know... born.
I can’t be with either, so most urban days I wear these
Very classy! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:

Going easy on the pockets with this old pair from Robeson. :)
Toting these two Cases today. :)
You're gonna win a LOT of hands with those 2 pairs, JJ! :cool::cool::thumbsup:

Thank you, Gary. I know you're a fan of canoe knives and I like 'em too. :thumbsup: Hope you're not knee deep in snow as we are here.:)
Not knee deep, but we had 13+ inches last Thursday evening through Monday morning. Still 2 feet behind the average snowfall for this time of year though. Last Saturday, I was planning 3 one-hour sessions to clear the driveway, and then the neighbor behind us asked if I wanted to try his snowblower. Cleared most of the driveway in under 10 minutes!

Thank you so much, GT! I never thought of the rustication on my pipes as jigging - 'tis an excellent way of looking at it. Jigged Briar has a nice ring to it.
Going the other way, "rusticated bone" sounds quite impressive! :cool::rolleyes::thumbsup:

It is hard to beat an all-steel Lamb and Barlow combo.

Couple of classy Charlie classics, Dylan! :thumbsup::cool::cool:

My Random Tuesday knife turned out to be a Carl Kammerling Electrician's Knife, so I thought I'd pair it with some Rosewood :) :thumbsup:


Good wood, Jack, especially the rosewood HHB! :cool::thumbsup::cool:

Thank you my friend :)

I am carrying my little Otter "goat" knife again today :)

Really like the looks of those Otter Hippeknieps, especially that interesting "pivot rivet"! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

- GT
Got my new Viper with me today. The 47 has immediately become one of my favorite GEC patterns.

Very nice! I have had the same reaction. I wanted to try one, then ended up with three varieties, and I can’t bring myself to part with any now. My ironwood has been in my pocket since I got it, and for some reason I have really bonded with it. Did not really expect to like it nearly this much.
I usually root for the NFC team, but after rooting against Brady so many times, I had to go for KC. Brady got me again! :eek::mad:

Congrats! :thumbsup::):thumbsup:
- GT
Thanks! I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that it was weird rooting for Brady at first after rooting against him for 20 years, sports can be weird!:D
Vampires like human blood and delicious looking pastries... who knew. ;):D

And Henderson's Relish! :D ;) :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot, Jack!!!

Your two bare heads are certainly a couple beauties; the wood grain on your lamb is outstanding, great photo!:D:cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Toting these two today. :)

Many thanks JJ, those two pair well, and it's nice to see that BSA Scout again :) :thumbsup:

Candied strawberries

Ooo! Nice pic :) :thumbsup:

Celebrating the start of Chinese New Year today with my kids. We are a blended fam for the past five years and have enjoyed adding this tradition for our Chinese kiddos. Lots of candy and crafts. Lanterns later on tonight. The bright red Case trapper fits right in with all of the celebratory red today.

Have a great time Jon, love that pic! :D :thumbsup:

This Lamb has been silent enough lately!!:p
:DView attachment 1508360

And yet it screams quality! :D :) :thumbsup:

Superb black/silver pairing, Jack, and I like the smooth/checkered contrast, too! :thumbsup::cool::cool: I've never seen a Bantam in person.


Good wood, Jack, especially the rosewood HHB! :cool::thumbsup::cool:

Thanks for the kind words my friend, the Bantam was a gift from former member @scruffuk, who lives near me :) Makes for a very slim package :thumbsup:

Have a great weekend everyone :thumbsup:
