Whatever happened to The Edge Company?

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Feb 24, 2003
they had the greatest catalogue i've ever seen! i lost track of them after i had moved several times and no longer received the catalogue. a search of the internet, and 555-1212 calls couldnt locate them in either VT or NH.

anyone know if they're still around?
They really went down hill, not sure if they're still around or not. I know they started dealing in a lot of talking fish, scooters and other crap like that. The last catalog I got from them had maybe two pages of knives, and they were junk at that. Too bad though, they once were a decent company. -- Charles
they *were* a great catalogue! lots of nifty stuff that i couldnt find anywhere else.

i got my wife an umbrella with a 'ice-pick' built into the handle. really sweet .. at the touch of a button the pick would slide out, ready for action, if needed.

does anyone know of another comparable catalogue?
I dont know the "Edge" company.

Was it/is it that same as "Edgeco"?

If so, they are now Bear/MGC.
They were originally out of Brattleboro, VT when Rick Hamilton
owned it. He then went into some
kind of joint venture in New Hampshire, which failed. The "new"
Edge Company is going to be operating out of ( of ALL PLACES!)
California! Meebee they can start
selling "California legal" ( under 2":() switchblades(?)

It just wasn't the SAME after Rick
Hamilton stopped sellin' those "quasi legal" switchblade kits :(

upnylou, welcome to the forums!

I don't know what other stuff you might be interested in, but Atlanta Cutlery has an umbrella like the one you described. You could check out their website.
Anybody know where I can buy an Edge Company one-handed knife?
I last saw one several years ago in their catalog.


shendog, welcome to Bladeforums.

This thread's been dead for 6 years and the company's dead longer. You might need to give us a better idea of what you're looking for. Someone else may sell it now.
Funny, I was looking for an Edgeco TOH when I came across this thread. I've got one in plain stainless, one in black anodized, and one with a wood handle. I love the wood handle one and was hoping I could find another one somewhere. Maybe I'll post a pic tomorrow...
I came across this thread looking to see if Edge Co was still around. I used to love looking through their catalogs, their stuff was always kinda pricey, but good quality.

I buy knives from knifecenter.com.... I know this is my first post here, but this is not spam and I'm not affiliated with them at all.... but they have a nice selection of auto knives.

I just bought this Schrade out the front assisted auto for $35 and it's great.


The Edge co one hander was a knock off of the A.G. Russell and Pat Crawford top locking one handers. Either of of those gents should be able to help you out.
They are the ones sold those "kits" back in the 1980's for cheap auto knives and you had to put the blade in when you received it. My Dad had a couple of those.
Back then Autos were hard to buy and the Edge Co. was the first to sell those kits to the public, in outdoor type magazines. The price was steep for what you got.
I don't know that I've ever seen a double zombie thread. Impressive.
And spam at that!
As I recall the Edge company, they were completely oblivious to any state or national laws. You could be an eight-year-old, in an institution for the criminally insane located in Great Britain and if you had a valid credit card number for $25 they would sell you a switchblade. I understand that this is probably not the correct way of operating, but on some level I just really find it cool.

Then again, I wouldn't be the one facing the consequences.
Are you talking about Edge Design Inc., called EDI?
I have this EDI that I bought years ago for EDC. I like its design and physical attributes (except for the bead blasted blade finish) and it seems to work well. I have read that they had quality control problems though.

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