What's happening in the David Mary Custom shop?

10 years ago I would have said something sarcastic about -23c not being that cold but the older I get the less fun it is. The funnest time I had in the cold was changing an alternator. The thermometer I had maxed (minned?) out at -55f. But the camp radio said it was -113 (-80.5c) with the wind-chill. It was unpleasant.... For anyone that's curious you can Google "Milne point Alaska" a fun fact they built 3 of those process plants with the camp attached. It's the only one that hasn't left a giant hole in the earth.
That cleaver also looks awesome. Very slicey for a cleaver. I like it

8670, so it's very tough, which calls for thin geometry. It's going to come with a warning not to operate under the influence of alcohol, drugs, fatigue or anger. It would be pretty easy to lose a finger - or hand - with this one.
10 years ago I would have said something sarcastic about -23c not being that cold but the older I get the less fun it is. The funnest time I had in the cold was changing an alternator. The thermometer I had maxed (minned?) out at -55f. But the camp radio said it was -113 (-80.5c) with the wind-chill. It was unpleasant.... For anyone that's curious you can Google "Milne point Alaska" a fun fact they built 3 of those process plants with the camp attached. It's the only one that hasn't left a giant hole in the earth.
you should stroll on over to one of the HAARP facilities and turn up the heat for us.
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Most of white's pieces have not moved, except for the queen, and the sacrified pawn, knight, and bishop. So perhaps the knife is not in the position but in the path the white pieces took....


Hmmm this seems kind of obscure as well....
Until the ulu suggestion, I was going to say maybe the knife is in the squares that were "cut out" by white:
