what's THE fixed blade?

The Magician

Jan 19, 2000
It seeems that there are certain favorites around these forums. For example if you mention you are looking for a folder, no matter what criteria you state, I can assure you that the Microtech LCC, Spyderco native, and probably one of the CRK&T bunch will appear in the replies. Mention sharpeners and it is the Spyderco 204 sharpmaker. So I was just wondering, is there a fixed blade that you think is a favorite here? One that everyone seems to agree on? (okay, not everyone. But most?)


[This message has been edited by bteel (edited 12-31-2000).]



While a lot of people look down on Cold Steel knives, I've noticed that there are also a lot that favour the Trailmaster knife they put out, I have one and won't give it up, very tough knife. Mine is in the Carbon V material.


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Anytime one asks the questions, "what's THE bestest fixed blade or what's THE bestest folder out there" ~ plan on getting an extremely wide range of wishes, wants, desires and needs!

Here are mine......

<font size="4" color="#FF0000">Brend Model 2</font>

<font size="4" color="#FF0000">Broadwell fighter</font>

<font size="4" color="#FF0000">Siska Recurve</font>

<font size="4" color="#FF0000">SR Johnson fighter</font>

<font size="4" color="#FF0000">Ricardo Velarde fighter</font>

<font size="4" color="#FF0000">Mad Dog ATAK 2, Mini Shrike and Voodoo Child</font>

"Livin' Life - Full Throttle"
"Happiness is a belt-fed weapon & a Walter Brend Model 2!"
Puma Couger
D2 Ka Bar
M2 Nimravious
VG 10 Moran Featherweight


"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto
Keep in mind I am not asking about your favorite, but more like the most reccomended on the forums.
Near perfect for me would be a Loveless style dropped point hunter, with stag scales (what a surprise huh?)

Now I have a GenO Denning Model #6, and it's a great knife. I would like to add a Velarde, or S. Johnson or an Edmund Davidson or any of the hundreds of makers who make this style knife. I would also say a real Loveless, but I feel that this is a train that has left the station as far as me actually owning one.

I recently had my first custom folder made by Art Washburn, and the handle was designed to imitate the handle on a Loveless hunter.

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I think either the Trail Master or Recon Scout by Cold Steel take top, overall honors for what is out there now. Busse makes a tougher fixed blade but some of the design features (choil, handle shape) make it more special purpose than the CS.

I have a thing against choils in general in the event the knife must be used point on. If the knive is to be used mostly as a chopper, I think one is better served by a custom ax properly forged and differentially tempered.

Anyway, except for Busse, nobody makes a tougher blade than the Trail Master nor a knife with its general flexibility. I know the Trail Master is not "custom enough" for many folks here. But it remains one of the sharpest, toughest bowies anyone has ever heard of, and will stand up there with the best of the $800 custom knives. For pure edge ability, only Busse's INFI steel is better.


Trail Master is my first choice for a do-it-all knife.

For folders, I'm very partial to the Benchmade Axis. I don't know that it's the best thing out there but the lock is really neat.
I have a nice Fixed Knife by a guy named R.E. Barber. I really like the good smooth lines.

Also anything by Jimmy Lile.


There are many fixed blades out there. Gigone named very good one's... I would like to add the Randall knives to his list.

The combat companionis a very nice knife, and for a little larger blade they have the Model 14-7. This is an excellent knife! Of course they have the survival Model 18 sawback. I almost forgot the Chris Reeves MOUNTAINEER I & II.

Well, that was my two cents.

Good luck, and a Happy New Year

BC... For those who fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know... Semper Fi
I think that it might just be the Cold Steel Trail Master Bowie, although the Cold Steel Recon Scout is a knife that is really hard to beat in its' price-range, and is one of MY all-time favorites in my collection.

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663
Brian; you expect a consensus on THIS forum? BWAAAHAAAHAAA!! Not very freaking likely.

Here, let me give you the benefit of the experience of having been on this forum since it began, and having been on KFC before that...

There are basically two kinds of posters here: Those that have Mad Dog knives, and those that wish they did. Mad Dogs RULE; the others DROOL!!

Here is a nice collection of blades:

<A HREF="http://]http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=306668&a=2279505&p=36701624&Sequence=0&res=high" TARGET=_blank>

From top to bottom, the ATAK2 (Advanced Tactical Assault Knife with serrations), the pygmy ATAK2, the Lab Rat, the Voodoo Child, and the Mini Shrike.

<A HREF="http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=306668&a=2279505&p=36701420&Sequence=0&res=high" TARGET=_blank>

From the top, the Shrike, the Mini Shrike, the Voodoo Child, and the Wild Thing.

All blades made of Starrett 01 steel, hard chromed, composite handles, single edged blades are differentially heat treated.


[This message has been edited by Walt Welch (edited 12-31-2000).]
It seems that the name Fallkniven comes up a LOT when people recommend fixed blades.

I like all of the Marble's old or new, but I have to say that I really like the new ones with the 52100 steel!

I just got a new Spyderco Moran that's now swapping places with my Marble's Woodcraft as a daily carry until I get a new sheath made for the Woodcraft. Love that TekLok and upside down carry!!


Each person's work is always a portrait of himself.

---- Samuel Butler.

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Not necessarily MY favorites..., but for what you often see mentioned as "fixed blades" in this forum are:

Fallkniven A1 and F1
Busse BM and SH
Spyderco Moran
Cold Steel SRK (?) and Master Hunter (and, to some extent, the Trail Master)
Maybe the Camillus Marine Fighting knife

Historically the carbon steel knives from
Cold Steel have been the most mentioned/
recommended IMHO. Quite possibly the best
bang for the buck out there to this day.

Fallkniven series are catching up quickly.


It is usually a Cold Steel, Falkniven, or the BM Nimravus. Those are my observations anyway


Louis Buccellato
Knives, Weapons and equipment. Best prices anywhere.

"only the paranoid will survive"